

常用英语词组和句子 Useful Expressions and Sentences 6

1. account for 作某事物的解释; 解释某事物的原因

2. anything but 一点也不、决不

3. take over 接管

4. Word came that Hussein had been captured。 侯赛因已被捕的消息传来。

5. I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在)去。

6. She had no objection to taking the airplane ticket which would send her to Geneva. 她不反对接受这张飞往日内瓦的机票。

7. raise / lodge / voice an objection 提出异议

8. I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow. 我以为你明天才来呢。

9. 电器 electrical appliance

10. If it were not for his presence, I would punish you. 要不是他在场,我会处罚你的。

11. a man of profound learning 博学的人

12. a potential source of conflict 可能引起冲突的根源

13. 小学 primary school

14. Weather permitting (= If weather permits), they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。

15. cut into our profit 减少我们的利润

16. 班上最勤奋的学生 the most industrious pupil in the class

17. 只有以这种方式我们才能学好英语。 Only in this way can we learn English well.

18. neglect one's duty 玩忽职守

19. There is no denying the fact that..., 无可否认....

20. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam. 根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试。

21. These objectives are certainly attainable. 这些目标一定可以达到。

22. wander through the countryside 在野外闲逛

23. lose one's temper 发脾气

24. What if the rumor is true? 万一谣传真有其事呢?

25. 大体上;原则上 in principle



