

Giant Panda's Sudden Death Sparks Investigation旅泰大熊猫“创创”死亡 原因有待调查


A giant panda from China on loan to Thailand has died suddenly in a northern Thai zoo. Chinese experts are looking into the reason for its death.

  • 英语原文

Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand said that Chuang Chuang was eating bamboo before he died.

Chuang Chuang was a 19-year-old male giant panda.

He was given to the Southeast Asian country in 2003 along with a female panda, Lin Hui.

Xinhua news agency said the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda has sent experts to Thailand to work with the Thai zoo to spot the cause of the panda's death.

According to the World Wildlife Foundation, a panda's average life span is 14 to 20 years in the wild.

But the animals can live as long as 30 years in captivity.

Giant pandas were once regarded as endangered, but were re-classified as a vulnerable species in 2016.

  • 汉语对照

泰国清迈动物园表示创创去世之前正在吃竹子。创创是个十九岁的公熊猫,2003年从中国送去泰国,同行的还有伙伴母熊猫林惠。新华社报道中国大熊猫保护和研究中心的专家前往泰国和当地的专家一起调查创创的死因。世界野生动物基金会介绍说,野生熊猫的平均寿命为14到20岁,但圈养熊猫的寿命可以达到30岁。大熊猫一度被列为“濒危”物种,但在2016年被重新划分 列为“脆弱”物种。



