




July 7 on the lunar calendar is the Chinese Qixi Festival, or the Double Seventh Festival. The Qixi Festival originated from the legendary story of Niu Lang, a cowherd, and Zhi Nv, a weaving maid. Legend has it that Niu Lang and Zhi Nv fell in love and got married, only to be separated by the Goddess of Heaven. However, she was so touched by their love for each other that she allowed them to meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year.

cowherd n.a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback牧牛者

maid noun (old use)· a young woman who is not married· 少女;年轻姑娘;未婚年轻女子

“农历七月初七”此处译为了July 7 on the lunar calendar ,对比前一篇《端午节》,农历七月初七→七月初七就是第七个月的第七天,还可译为the seventh day of the seventh month on the lunar calendar,或者是the seventh day of the seventh lunar month,下文中也有出现。

“七夕节”的译文提供了两种译法,一个是音译Qixi Festival,另一个是意译Double Seventh Festival,便于西方读者理解。

“牛郎”、“织女”的处理方式在汉译英中很常见,先用音译Niu Lang和Zhi Nv,后给出 a cowherd和 a weaving maid,便于西方读者理解。

“相传”译为惯用表达Legend has it that..., “后来被王母娘娘拆散”译为only to be separated by the Goddess of Heaven.语气恰到好处,only to do sth往往表示产生意外或令人不快的结果。

“但是,王母娘娘被牛郎织女的爱情感动,因此允许他们在每年的农历七月初七相会。”→本句没有拘泥于原文字面的因果关系,灵活选用了英语中常用了so ...that...句型,很好地传达了原意。


It is said that on the night of Qixi, people can see Niu Lang and Zhi Nv meeting in the Milky Way. On this night, girls would pray to Zhi Nv for wisdom, good sewing skills, and a happy marriage. However, with the change of times, some customs have been changed or lost.

“姑娘们会在这天晚上”中的“会”表示过去习惯的动作,译文用would。“乞求”实际指祈祷,不宜用beg 等词,所以译文采用了pray to sb for sth这一结构。


Today, some traditional customs of Qixi are still observed in rural areas of China, while in urban areas people send flowers or gifts to their beloved on this romantic festival.

本句讲的是城乡对比,所以译文用了while 一词来体现这种对比意味。


The Qixi festival is the most romantic of all the traditional Chinese festivals and is considered to be Chinese Valentine’s Day. Every year, some big businesses will organize various activities on this day. Many a young person chooses to marry on this day, hoping for a happy marriage and lifelong devoted love.

Many a +单数可数名词,表示复数概念,但要格外注意谓语动词用单数。


农历七月初七July 7 on the lunar calendar /the seventh day of the seventh month on the lunar calendar/the seventh day of the seventh the lunar month

七夕节Qixi Festival/Double Seventh Festival

相传Legend has it that...

only to do sth(往往表示产生意外或令人不快的结果)

银河Milky Way

pray to sb for sth向某人乞求某事

心灵手巧wisdom and good sewing skills

随着时代的变迁with the change of times

婚姻幸福a happy marriage

白头偕老 lifelong devoted love


春节 Spring Festival

元宵节 Lantern Festival

清明节 Tomb sweeping Festival

七夕节 Double Seventh Festival

国庆节 National Day

重阳节 Double Ninth Festival

中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival

植树节 Arbor Day

妇女节 International Women’s Day

元旦 New Year’s Day

除夕 New Year’s Eve

泼水节 Water-sprinkling Festival

五四青年节 Youth Day

五一劳动节 May Day

情人节Valentine’s Day


