
文 | 季益广



1. We ___ out while Jessie’s mom wasn’t looking.我们杰西的妈妈没有看到,偷偷地溜了出来。

2. If you look carefully you can see that the painting represents a human ___.如果仔细看,就会看出画上是一个人形。

3. Gina ___ her eyes, afraid to look.吉娜捂住眼睛,不敢看。

4. ‘It’s time we ___.’ Ian said, looking at his watch.“我们该走了。”伊恩看了看表说。

5. The men all turned to look at her as she ___ the room.她走进房间的时候,所有男人都转过来看她。

6. Dad ___ up from his paper and smiled.在看报纸时,爸爸抬起头,然后笑了笑。

7. ‘We can’t go out ___ this weather.’ Said Bob, looking out of the window.“这样的天气我们不能出去。”鲍勃看了看窗外说道。

8. I looked everywhere but Jimmy was ___ to be found.我到处都找遍了,可吉米还是不见踪影。

9. Could you help me look for my ___ lens?你帮我找一下隐形眼镜好吗?

10. If you’re looking for a ___, try the local market.如果你想找便宜货,到当地的市场去看看吧。

11. Try ___ under the bed.在床底下找找看。

12. From the way things look at the moment, the Republican are ___ to win this election.照目前的形势来看,本届大选共和党获胜无望。

13. The future’s looking ___.前途看似一片光明。

14. It looks as if it ___ rain later.看来一会儿可能会下雨。

15. It looks like they won’t be ___ us any more.看来他们不再需要我们了。

16. You made me look really ___ in front of all my friends!你让我在所有朋友面前出了洋相。

17. How do I ___?我看上去怎么样?

18. He looked as if he ___ washed for a week.他看上去好像一个星期没有洗澡了。

19. What did the man look ___?那人长相如何?

20. My sister doesn’t look ___ like me.我妹妹长得一点也不像我。

21. He looked at me ___ and down.他上下打量着我。

22. Owen didn’t dare look his father ___ the eye.欧文不敢正眼看父亲。

23. He looks down his ___ at anyone foreign.他看不起外国人。

24. Prison guards looked the other ___ as the man was attacked by fellow prisoners.那人遭其狱友殴打时,狱警掉过头去装着没看见。

25. Want a quiet country ___ for your weekend break? Then look no further!周末想在乡村找一个安静的去处吗?那就不用到别处找了。

26. The cabin looks east, so we get the ___ sun.小屋朝东,所以我们早上晒得到太阳。

27. Look before you ___.三思而后行。

28. We’re ___ to buy a new car early next year.我们打算明年初买一辆新车。

29. ___! There’s a fox.瞧!有一只狐狸。

30. Look. Why ___ you think about it and give me your answer tomorrow?这样吧,这事你考虑一下,明天给我答复好吗?


31. Look, I’ve had ___ of this. I’m going home.听着,我已经受够了,我要回家。

32. Look ___! There’s car coming.当心!有车来了。

33. Look at that! What a terrible ___!看看那个!简直是一团糟!

34. Well, look who’s ___! It’s Jill and Paul!哎,看谁来了!是吉尔和保罗!

35. Oh no! Don’t look now but here ___ Tony.哦,不好!现在别看,托尼来了。

36. Look where you’re ___ your feet! There’s mud all over the carpet!你落脚要小心!地毯上到处都是泥巴。

37. Look what you’ve done – my jacket’s ___!你干了什么呀 – 我的夹克完蛋了。

38. Look here, you can’t say ___ like that to me!听着,你不可以跟我那样说话!

39. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘No, thanks, I’m just ___.’“你要买什么吗?”“不,谢谢,我只是看看。”

40. You should never look ___ at the sun.决不可以直视太阳。

41. After a while, he ___ and looked at me.过了一会儿,他转过身来看着我。

42. I’ll have a look ___ my desk.我会在书桌里找一找。

43. ___ a look at this!看看这个!

44. Don’t worry, I’ll look ___ the kids tomorrow.不用担心,明天我来照看孩子。

45. Susan looked after us very well. She’s an excellent ___.苏珊把我们照顾得很好,她是个很出色的厨师。

46. You could tell that the horse had been ___ looked after.看得出这匹马被照料得很好。

47. I’m ___ you here to look after the business until I get back.在我回来之前,我让你来料理生意。

48. Look after ___.保重。

49. Don’t worry about Maisie – she can look after ___.不用担心梅茜 – 她能照顾好自己。

50. Looking ___, we must expect radical changes to be made in our system of government.展望未来,我们的政治体制必须要有根本性的变革。

51. Jason’s going to start looking ___ for a new job.贾森正打算开始找新工作。

52. Do we have to pay to look around the ___?我们参观城堡要付费吗?

53. Let’s look ___ the shops.我们去逛逛商场吧。

54. The ___ looked at each other and smiled.这对双胞胎相视而笑。

55. I really can’t ___ on the report – I haven’t had time to look at it yet.我没法评论这份报告 – 我还没有时间看一下呢。

56. You should get the doctor to look at that ___.你应该找医生检查一下那处伤口。

57. Can you look at my car? There’s a strange noise ___ from the front wheel.你能检查一下我的汽车吗?前轮会发出奇怪的声音。

58. We need to look very carefully at ways of improving our ___.我们需要仔细研究提高效率的方法。

59. You don’t have to be ___ to be good at music – look at Gary.学好音乐并一定要聪明 – 你看看加里就是了。

60. I’d like to be ___ again, but Richard doesn’t look at it that way.我愿意重归于好,可是理查德不这么想。


61. When I look back on those days I realize I was ___ unhappy.当我回想起那些日子,我明白自己当时痛苦极了。

62. Looking back on it, I still can’t ___ out what went wrong.我现在回想起来还是不明白什么地方出了问题。

63. After winning the scholarship he never looked ___.他获得奖学金以后便一帆风顺。

64. Mr. Garcia looks ___ anyone who hasn’t had a college education.加西亚先生看不起没有受过大学教育的人。

65. I’m looking for Steve – ___ you seen him?我在找史蒂夫 – 你见过他吗?

66. Detectives are still looking for the ___ prisoners.警探仍在寻找越狱犯。

67. I’m sorry, we’re really looking for someone with no family ___.对不起我们其实在寻找没有家庭负担的人。

68. ‘Salubrious’! That’s the ___ I was looking for.“salubrious”(环境宜人的)!那正是我要找的字眼。

69. They walked into a bar looking for ___.他们走进酒吧来找碴儿。

70. I’m really looking forward to our ___.我热切期待着我们的假期。

71. My mother says she’s looking forward to ___ you.我母亲说她盼望着与你见面。

72. I promised to look ___ on Dad and see if he’s feeling any better.我答应去探望爸爸,看看他是否好一点了。

73. Police are looking ___ the disappearance of two children.警察正在调查两个孩子失踪的事。

74. Only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked ___ in silence.只有一个人尽力帮助我们,其余的人都是一声不吭地袖手旁观。

75. I look on him ___ a good friend.我把他当成好朋友。

76. Strangers to the village are looked upon with a ___ of fear and suspicion.人们对到村里来得陌生人既害怕有怀疑。

77. I’ll look ___ some of my old books for you.我来从我的旧书中找几本给你。

78. Look out ___ your Aunt while you’re at the station.到了车站要留神找你姨妈。

79. He’s looking for a nice apartment ___.他在留意寻找一套位于市中心的舒适公寓。

80. My older brother always looked ___ for me when we were kids.小时候我哥哥一直照顾我。

81. Do you have a few minutes to look these samples ___?你能抽几分钟时间看一下这些样品吗?

82. I’ve looked ___ all my papers but I still can’t find the contract.我翻阅了所有文件,但依然找不到那份合同。

83. I saw Fiona in the street yesterday and she looked ___ through me.昨天我在街上看到菲奥娜,而她假装没看到我。

84. We look ___ you for support.我们指望得到你的支持。

85. They’re looking to the new manager to make the company ___.他们指望新经理能让公司赢利。

86. We must look to our ___.我们必须注意防守。

87. Now the summer’s here, things are looking ___!夏天到了,情况好起来了。

88. Look the word ___ in the dictionary.翻翻词典查一下这个词。

89. I’ll just look up the train ___.我来查一下火车时刻表。

90. Don’t forget to ___ me up when you come to Atlanta.你来亚特兰大时,别忘了来看看我。

91. I’ve always looked up to Bill ___ his courage and determination.我一向佩服比尔的勇气和决心。

92. Let me ___ a look at that – I think it’s mine.让我看一下那个东西 – 我想它是我的。

93. Take a good look at the photo and see if you ___ anyone in it.好好看看这张照片,看你能不能认出来里面的哪个人。

94. I took one look at the coat and decided it wasn’t ___ $50.我看了那件外套一眼,觉得不值得50美元。

95. I have a ___ interest in old houses. Do you mind if I take a look around?我对老房子特别感兴趣,我四处看看行吗?

96. Mike gave him such a ___ look he didn’t dare argue.迈克严厉地看了他一眼,他就不敢在争论了。

97. Why has Jack been giving me ___ looks all morning?为什么杰克整个上午都不给我好脸色看?

98. Have you had a chance to take a look at my ___ yet?你考虑过我的提议了吗

99. I asked the vet to have a ___ look at the puppies as well.我叫兽医也顺便看一下这些小狗。

100. It’s time to take a ___ look at the old problem of low pay.是时候该重新考虑一下低薪这个老问题了。

101. This month, take a long hard look at where your money is ___.这个月,好好想一下你钱怎么用。

102. I can’t find them anywhere. Have a look ___.我哪里也找不着他们,你自己去找吧。

103. She had a good look ___ the files.她在文件中仔细地找过了。

104. The area has a very ___ look to it.这个地区看上去乌烟瘴气。

105. Mr. Flynn had a tired, ___ look in his eyes.菲林先生的眼中显出倦意和病容。

106. We should turn back now. It’s getting dark and I don’t like the look of those ___ clouds.我们现在应该回去了。天越来越黑,这乌云密布的样子有些不妙。

107. The neighbors are back from holiday by the ___ of it.看样子邻居已经度假回来了。

108. Fiona’s got ___ – looks, money and youth.菲奥娜什么都有 – 美貌,财富和青春。

109. You ___ your good looks from your mother.你继承了你母亲的美貌。

110. When she ___ her looks, she found it difficult to get work.没有了当年的美貌,她觉得找工作难了。

111. The hippy look is ___ again.嬉皮士风格又再度流行了。

112. Arsenal barely got a look-___ during the second half of the match.下半场中阿森纳队几乎没有机会。

113. We’re always on the ___ for new business opportunities.我们一直在留意,等待新的商机。

114. Police were on the lookout for anyone ___ suspiciously.警察在留意形迹可疑的人。

115. We were ___ to keep a lookout for enemy aircraft.我们接到命令要密切注意敌机。

116. When you’re driving, keep a sharp lookout for ___.开车时要特别注意骑自行车的人。

117. If he wants to keep ___ her, that’s his lookout.要是他想继续跟她在一起,那是他自己的事。

118. Damien ___ nervously at his watch.达米安紧张地瞥了一眼手表。

119. The door was open so he ___ inside.门开着,他偷偷朝里面看。

120. Katy ___ at her birthday present on the table.凯蒂悄悄地看桌上的生日礼物。

121. Kenji was peering ___ the screen.建治仔细看着屏幕。

122. She ___ at me as I got up to leave.我起身要走时她愤怒地瞪着我。

123. It’s rude to ___.盯着别人看很不礼貌。

124. She stared straight ___ the camera.他直视相机镜头。

125. She ___ out of the window.他呆呆地望着窗外。

126. He ___ on his bed gazing at the ceiling.他躺在床上凝视着天花板。

127. People ___ at him with wide-open mouths.人们张大嘴巴,目不转睛地看着他。

128. He regarded her ___.他定定地看着她。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 sneaked 2 figure 3 covered 4 left 5 entered 6 looked 7 in 8 nowhere 9 contact 10 bargain 11 looking 12 unlikely 13 good 14 might 15 needing 16 stupid 17 look 18 hadn’t 19 like 20 anything 21 up 22 in 23 nose 24 way 25 retreat 26 morning 27 leap 28 looking 29 Look 30 don’t 31 enough 32 out 33 mess 34 here 35 comes 36 putting 37 ruined 38 things 39 looking 40 directly 41 turned 42 in 43 Take 44 after 45 cook 46 well 47 leaving 48 yourself 49 herself 50 ahead 51 around 52 castle 53 round 54 twins 55 comment 56 cut 57coming 58 efficiency 59 smart 60 friends 61 desperately 62 figure 63 back 64 down 65 have 66 escaped 67 commitments 68 word 69 trouble 70 vacation 71meeting 72 in 73 straight 74 on 75 as 76 mixture 77 out 78 for 79 down 80 out 81 over 82 through 83 straight 84 to 85 profitable 86 defenses 87 up 88 up 89 times 90 look 91 for 92 have 93 recognize 94 worth 95 special 96 severe 97 dirty 98 proposal 99 quick 100 fresh 101 going 102 yourself 103 through 104 seedy 105 ill 106 rain 107 looks 108 everything 109 get 110 lost 111 back 112 in 113 lookout 114 behaving 115 instructed 116 cyclists 117 seeing 118 glanced 119 peeked 120 peeped 121 at 122 glared 123 stare 124 into 125 gazed 126 lay 127 gaped 128 steadily


