
一早被朋友圈“国际不打小孩日”刷屏。真的有这么个日子吗?起源?意义何在?下面一一介绍。Today is International SpankOut Day. Is it true? What is the origin and significance of it?


April 30 is “International SpankOut Day”

首先,这个日子是真的。注意常用英文名叫“International SpankOut Day”,而不是“International no hit Day”。“Spank”有打屁股、打人的意思。

First of all, this day is true. Note that the common English name is "International SpankOut Day", not "International no hit Day". "Spank" means spanking and beating people.


1998年,美国的一个民间组织---- 有效管教中心(CED,Center For Effective Discipline),有感于体罚加诸儿童的伤害,选定4月30日为“不打小孩日”。原本只在美国境内推动的“不打小孩日”,渐渐传到在世界各国。在中国香港也称之为“无巴掌日”。全世界已有上百个国家其民间组织参与。

In 1998, a non-governmental organization in the United States-the Center for Effective Discipline (CED), was inspired by the hurt of corporal punishment of children, it selected April 30 as "International SpankOut Day". It was originally promoted only within the United States, and gradually spread to many other countries in the world. It is also called "Wu ba zhang ri" in Hong Kong, China. There are hundreds of countries and society organizations in the world with the participate in the event now.


The countries that prohibit corporal punishment in schools are: Argentina, China, Japan, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Turkey……

禁止一切体罚(校内体罚 家庭体罚)的国家:奥地利、保加利亚、克罗地亚、哥斯达黎加、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、德国、希腊、匈牙利、美国、冰岛、以色列、澳大利亚、肯尼亚、拉脱维亚、卢森堡、摩尔多瓦、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、瑞典、西班牙、突尼斯、乌克兰、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉、法国……

Countries that prohibit all corporal punishment (corporal punishment on campus family corporal punishment): Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, United States, Iceland, Israel, Australia, Kenya, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands , New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, France ...





Advocate to stop the use of violent corporal punishment on children, and to promote the concept of anti-corporal punishment of children's human rights. All parents, guardians and carers are encouraged not to spank their children on this day and to seek other disciplinary methods through programs offered by community agencies, churches and schools.



"Come and try not to spank a child today at least, or you'll find that you don't need to spank a child every day after today."


在这个节日设定之前,其实已经有许多国家立法禁止对孩子的体罚。早在1979年,瑞典就对此立法。它的“好邻居"芬兰和挪威紧随其后,分别于1983和1987年立法。2019年7月2日法国也通过反日常教育暴力法案,将"禁打屁股法"(Loi Anti-Fessée)纳入民法,成为世界上第56个立法禁止体罚儿童的国家。其中法国的这个法案规定,不仅不能打孩子屁股,夫妻结婚时还要宣誓不对孩子进行身体和语言暴力。

Before this setting of “International SpankOut Day”, in fact, many countries already had legislation to prohibit corporal punishment of children. As early as 1979, Sweden made this legislation. Finland and Norway followed, enacting legislation in 1983 and 1987, respectively. On July 2, 2019, France also passed the Anti-Daily Educational Violence Act, which incorporated the "Loi Anti-Fessée" into the Civil Code, making it the 56th country in the world to prohibit corporal punishment of children. Among them, this French law stipulates that not only can children not be spanked, but when they get married, they must swear not to use physical and verbal violence against their children.


The chart below shows the growing trend of countries where legislation to prohibits corporal punishment of children.



社会评价/social evaluations:


“Smacking or spanking, the beating of children, is a dangerous lesson in bad behavior. Children, like the rest of us, have a right not to be hit or humiliated. Most parents who hit their children deeply regret it. Smacking hurts children - and not just physically. The aim of a no-hitting day is to get parents to stop and to think about it; to recognize that there are many positive and non-violent ways to encourage the behavior they want from their children; and to realize they never need to hit a child again.” ——Peter Newell, Joint Coordinator of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, London, England

“我们需要支持“美国SpankOut日”活动,因为每个人,尤其是每个孩子,都拥有绝对的人身完整权,这是早就应成为法律的权利”。——马里兰州巴尔的摩市的Victoria S.

“We need to support SpankOut Day USA because every human being, above all every child, has the absolute right to bodily integrity, a right which is long overdue to become law”. ——Victoria S., Baltimore, MD

“我们需要支持美国SpankOut Day,因为在文明社会中打屁股是一种不合适的教育方法。恐吓和恐惧不是有效的方式;知识和爱才是”。 ——Sherri D.,密苏里州希尔斯伯勒

“We need to support SpankOut Day USA because spanking is an inappropriate method of discipline in a civilized society. Intimidation and fear are not effective teachers; knowledge and love are”. ——Sherri D., Hillsboro, MO

“在1979年,瑞典成为第一个结束对儿童的一切体罚的国家。 最初,瑞典政府决定告知公众对孩子进行体罚的不良影响,并帮助父母和监护人了解有效的替代方法。 对于尚未结束对儿童的一切体罚的国家来说,无休假日为有关组织和个人提供了机会,以促进对儿童的积极管教并呼吁结束体罚。” ——马里·尼尔森(Mali Nilsson)体罚方案官员拯救儿童瑞典

“In l979, Sweden became the first country to end all corporal punishment of children. In the beginning, the Swedish government decided it was important to educate the public about the bad effects of corporal punishment and to help parents and child minders learn about effective alternatives. For countries that have not ended all corporal punishment of children, a no-hitting day is an opportunity for concerned organizations and individuals to promote positive discipline of children and to call for an end to corporal punishment.” ——Mali Nilsson Programme Officer on Corporal Punishment Save the Children Sweden


"International SpankOut Day" is actually advocating a scientific concept of educating children. But it is not always good to educate children in a gentle way. Frustration education is also necessary. Proper corporal punishment is a kind of frustration education. ——Sun Ping, a psychologist in Shangqiu City


1. http://angelownspace.blogspot.com/2007/04/international-spankout-day.html

2. https://www.facebook.com/D100HK.M/photos/a.287105994734995/535097443269181/?type=1&theater

3. http://www.neverhitachild.org/Arkansas/spankout.html

4. 百度百科https://baike.baidu.com/item/国际不打小孩日

5. 欧时代资讯http://www.oushidai.com/home/m/www.baidu.com#!/news/6815





Step back for one minute and look at the big picture.



