关于家庭和婚姻关系的英文作文 原版英语英译英高级阅读

原版英语英译英高级阅读(婚姻):Are you a henpecked husband?


Top 10 sure signs showing you are a henpecked husband – Voiceless and overlooked

As a henpecked husband you are in total awe of your dominating wife, aren’t you?

关于家庭和婚姻关系的英文作文 原版英语英译英高级阅读(1)


Your wife literally rules over you that you feel overawed by her very presence.

How exactly are you dominated by your wife?

Your wife decides what you should do.

1. She is the only authority of the family.

2. She commands you.

3. She has a biting tongue.

4. She treats you like a non-entity.

You are so cowed down by your wife that you become a henpecked husband – voiceless and overlooked.

When your wife totally dominates you, financially and psychologically, you dare not raise your voice against her.

Here are the ways you show yourself as a henpecked husband

1. You always nod your head in a meek yes

You have no right to voice your opinion.

You have to say yes to whatever your wife says even when your heart says no. You know you would get a tongue lashing from her if you disagree.

So, you meekly agree to all her views. You feel it is better to keep nodding your head in affirmative than be a victim to her abusive words.

Topmost quality of a henpecked husband.

2. You never want to return home from work

You do not want to go home after your work hours.

Your mind enacts the dreadful scenario in your home – your wife playing the master and you being her slave.

You literally cringe inside in frustrated anger.

You delay and dither on the way instead of raring to go home.

You are alarmed about her terrifying mood swings.

3. Your wife is the decision maker

Your wife is the master of the family.

She makes decisions and you just say yes.

She talks and you listen.

She commands and you obey.

She dictates and you are cowed into meek submission.

You have absolutely no say in family matters.

4. You are abused time and again

Your wife abuses you verbally and physically.

She says you are no good.

She insults you by comparing you in degrading manner with her friends\relatives\colleagues.

She insults you before your relatives\friends.

You dare not contradict her as you are terrified of her dominating nature.

5. You have to censor your words

You have to think twice before you say anything to your wife.

You feel stifled and jailed, don’t you?

As a henpecked husband you act normal even when you are seething with anger at her domination.

Your voice is never heard in the house.

It is the voice of your wife that booms all around your home.

6. Your hard-earned money is not yours

As soon as you receive your salary you have to hand it over to your wife.

It is she who decides what should be done with it.

You cannot fulfill any of your personal wishes.

You have to make do with an old mobile as your wife will not give you money to buy a latest one.

You do not have trendy dresses. Your wife says it is a waste of money.

You curb all your wishes as you dare not ask her money for it. You know you will have a harsh backlash of bitter words from her.

7. You lie your head off

You never speak truth with your wife.

You tell a lot of lies.

You cite your work as a reason to come home late and spend comforting time with your friends.

You feel it is better to lie than tell the truth and become a victim to your wife’s violent anger.

8. You feel very unhappy

You are never happy at home as you feel oppressed by the dictating behavior of your wife.

You rarely smile.

You rarely talk.

You rarely have fun.

9. You let go yourself when your wife is not there

Your time outside your home is your fun time.

You show your humor only when you are with your friends.

When it is time for you to return home you feel like a prisoner going to jail after a parole.

10. You want to see the back of your wife

You adore it when your wife is away from home.

You feel the whiff of freedom only when she goes shopping\meeting friends.

Her days away to her mother’s place is your vacation.


Who says only a man dominates his wife?

Wife can also do the same. In a much abusive way. She transforms you into a slavish henpecked husband. Ridiculed by others!

#英语# #英语思维#


