




var PMSLibs = confirm("此脚本会将路径直角调整为圆角\n--只会调整直角,路径不受任何影响(非软件自带效果可比)"); var ver10 = (version.indexOf('10') == 0); roundAnyCorner(); function roundAnyCorner() { // setting ---------------------------------------------- // -- rr : rounding radius ( unit : point ) // ## on IllustratorCS, this value is for default value in prompt window. var rr = 10; // -- use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius // set this "true" to use half width of foreground path as rounding radius // instead of set the radius with prompt window. // ## on Illustrator10, this value is always true. var use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius = false; // set true or false // -- check_circle // when use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius = true, // setting this "true", the script asks you to continue if there's a difference // greater than 1 pt between width and height of foreground path. // it only checks difference between width and height. var check_circle = true; // ------------------------------------------------------ if (ver10) use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius = true; var s = []; getPathItemsInSelection(1, s); // extract pathItems which pathpoints length is greater than 1 if (s.length < 1) return; // When use half width of foreground path as rounding radius if (use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius) { if (s.length < 2) { // case : the number of selected path is 1 // ver10 -- round by predefined value // CS -- ask radius by prompt window if (!ver10) use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius = false; } else { // case : the number of selected path > 1 var pi = s.shift(); // remove foreground path from list of selection var rr2 = getRadius(pi, check_circle); // get half width of it if (rr2 < 0) return; if (rr2 > 0) { rr = rr2; pi.remove(); // remove the path } else { // case : the width of foreground path is 0 // ver10 -- round by predefined value. the foreground path remains. // CS -- ask radius by prompt window the foreground path remains. if (!ver10) use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius = false; } } } if (!use_foreground_shape_to_set_radius) { rr = prompt("输入圆角半径\r-- 可以使用的单位有pt(默认)、mm、in\r-- 也可以进行四则运算( - * /)", rr); // input the radius; if (!rr) return; rr = rr.replace(/mm/ig, "*2.83464567"); rr = rr.replace(/pt/ig, ""); rr = rr.replace(/in/ig, "*72"); rr = rr.replace(/\s /g, ""); try { var eval_rr = eval(rr); } catch (e) { alert("ERROR:\n" e.description); return; } if (isNaN(eval_rr) || eval_rr <= 0) { alert("\n警告:错误的四则计算公式!计算结果必须为正值。"); return; } rr = eval_rr; } //var tim = new Date(); var p, op, pnts; var skipList, adjRdirAtEnd, redrawFlg; var i, nxi, pvi, q, d, ds, r, g, t, qb; var anc1, ldir1, rdir1, anc2, ldir2, rdir2; var hanLen = 4 * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3; var ptyp = PointType.SMOOTH; for (var j = 0; j < s.length; j ) { p = s[j].pathPoints; if (readjustAnchors(p) < 2) continue; // reduce anchors op = !s[j].closed; pnts = op ? [getDat(p[0])] : []; redrawFlg = false; adjRdirAtEnd = 0; skipList = [(op || !isSelected(p[0]) || !isCorner(p, 0))]; for (i = 1; i < p.length; i ) { skipList.push((!isSelected(p[i]) || !isCorner(p, i) || (op && i == p.length - 1))); } for (i = 0; i < p.length; i ) { nxi = parseIdx(p, i 1); if (nxi < 0) break; pvi = parseIdx(p, i - 1); q = [p[i].anchor, p[i].rightDirection, p[nxi].leftDirection, p[nxi].anchor]; ds = dist(q[0], q[3]) / 2; if (arrEq(q[0], q[1]) && arrEq(q[2], q[3])) { // straight side r = Math.min(ds, rr); g = getRad(q[0], q[3]); anc1 = getPnt(q[0], g, r); ldir1 = getPnt(anc1, g Math.PI, r * hanLen); if (skipList[nxi]) { if (!skipList[i]) { pnts.push([anc1, anc1, ldir1, ptyp]); redrawFlg = true; } pnts.push(getDat(p[nxi])); } else { if (r < rr) { // when the length of the side is less than rr * 2 pnts.push([anc1, getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen), ldir1, ptyp]); } else { if (!skipList[i]) pnts.push([anc1, anc1, ldir1, ptyp]); anc2 = getPnt(q[3], g Math.PI, r); pnts.push([anc2, getPnt(anc2, g, r * hanLen), anc2, ptyp]); } redrawFlg = true; } } else { // not straight side d = getT4Len(q, 0) / 2; r = Math.min(d, rr); t = getT4Len(q, r); anc1 = bezier(q, t); rdir1 = defHan(t, q, 1); ldir1 = getPnt(anc1, getrad(rdir1, anc1), r * hanLen); if (skipList[nxi]) { if (skipList[i]) { pnts.push(getDat(p[nxi])); } else { pnts.push([anc1, rdir1, ldir1, ptyp]); with (p[nxi]) pnts.push([anchor, rightDirection, adjHan(anchor, leftDirection, 1 - t), ptyp]); redrawFlg = true; } } else { // skipList[nxi] = false if (r < rr) { // the length of the side is less than rr * 2 if (skipList[i]) { if (!op && i == 0) { adjRdirAtEnd = t; } else { pnts[pnts.length - 1][1] = adjHan(q[0], q[1], t); } pnts.push([anc1, getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen), defHan(t, q, 0), ptyp]); } else { pnts.push([anc1, getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen), ldir1, ptyp]); } } else { // round the corner with the radius rr if (skipList[i]) { t = getT4Len(q, -r); anc2 = bezier(q, t); if (!op && i == 0) { adjRdirAtEnd = t; } else { pnts[pnts.length - 1][1] = adjHan(q[0], q[1], t); } ldir2 = defHan(t, q, 0); rdir2 = getPnt(anc2, getRad(ldir2, anc2), r * hanLen); pnts.push([anc2, rdir2, ldir2, ptyp]); } else { qb = [anc1, rdir1, adjHan(q[3], q[2], 1 - t), q[3]]; t = getT4Len(qb, -r); anc2 = bezier(qb, t); ldir2 = defHan(t, qb, 0); rdir2 = getPnt(anc2, getRad(ldir2, anc2), r * hanLen); rdir1 = adjHan(anc1, rdir1, t); pnts.push([anc1, rdir1, ldir1, ptyp], [anc2, rdir2, ldir2, ptyp]); } } redrawFlg = true; } } } if (adjRdirAtEnd > 0) { pnts[pnts.length - 1][1] = adjHan(p[0].anchor, p[0].rightDirection, adjRdirAtEnd); } if (redrawFlg) { // redraw for (i = p.length - 1; i > 0; i--) p[i].remove(); for (i = 0; i < pnts.length; i ) { pt = i > 0 ? p.add() : p[0]; with (pt) { anchor = pnts[i][0]; rightDirection = pnts[i][1]; leftDirection = pnts[i][2]; pointType = pnts[i][3]; } } } } activeDocument.selection = s; // alert(new Date() - tim); } // ------------------------------------------------ function getRadius(pi, check_circle) { with (pi) { var gb = geometricBounds; var w = (gb[2] - gb[0]); var h = (gb[1] - gb[3]); if (check_circle && Math.abs(w - h) > 1 && !confirm("There's a difference between width and\n" "height of foreground path. Continue?")) { return -1; } return w / 2; } } // ------------------------------------------------ // return [x,y] of the distance "len" and the angle "rad"(in radian) // from "pt"=[x,y] function getPnt(pt, rad, len) { return [pt[0] Math.cos(rad) * len, pt[1] Math.sin(rad) * len]; } // ------------------------------------------------ // return the [x, y] coordinate of the handle of the point on the bezier curve // that corresponds to the parameter "t" // n=0:leftDir, n=1:rightDir function defHan(t, q, n) { return [t * (t * (q[n][0] - 2 * q[n 1][0] q[n 2][0]) 2 * (q[n 1][0] - q[n][0])) q[n][0], t * (t * (q[n][1] - 2 * q[n 1][1] q[n 2][1]) 2 * (q[n 1][1] - q[n][1])) q[n][1]]; } // ----------------------------------------------- // return the [x, y] coordinate on the bezier curve // that corresponds to the paramter "t" function bezier(q, t) { var u = 1 - t; return [u * u * u * q[0][0] 3 * u * t * (u * q[1][0] t * q[2][0]) t * t * t * q[3][0], u * u * u * q[0][1] 3 * u * t * (u * q[1][1] t * q[2][1]) t * t * t * q[3][1]]; } // ------------------------------------------------ // adjust the length of the handle "dir" // by the magnification ratio "m", // returns the modified [x, y] coordinate of the handle // "anc" is the anchor [x, y] function adjHan(anc, dir, m) { return [anc[0] (dir[0] - anc[0]) * m, anc[1] (dir[1] - anc[1]) * m]; } // ------------------------------------------------ // return true if the pathPoints "p[idx]" is a corner function isCorner(p, idx) { var pnt0 = getAnglePnt(p, idx, -1); var pnt1 = getAnglePnt(p, idx, 1); if (!pnt0 || !pnt1) return false; // at the end of a open-path if (pnt0.length < 1 || pnt1.length < 1) return false; // anchor is overlapping, so cannot determine the angle var rad = getRad2(pnt0, p[idx].anchor, pnt1, true); if (rad > Math.PI - 0.1) return false; // set the angle tolerance here return true; } // ------------------------------------------------ // "p"=pathPoints, "idx1"=index of pathpoint // "dir" = -1, returns previous point [x,y] to get the angle of tangent at pathpoints[idx1] // "dir" = 1, returns next ... function getAnglePnt(p, idx1, dir) { if (!dir) dir = -1; var idx2 = parseIdx(p, idx1 dir); if (idx2 < 0) return null; // at the end of a open-path var p2 = p[idx2]; with (p[idx1]) { if (dir < 0) { if (arrEq(leftDirection, anchor)) { if (arrEq(p2.anchor, anchor)) return []; if (arrEq(p2.anchor, p2.rightDirection) || arrEq(p2.rightDirection, anchor)) return p2.anchor; else return p2.rightDirection; } else { return leftDirection; } } else { if (arrEq(anchor, rightDirection)) { if (arrEq(anchor, p2.anchor)) return []; if (arrEq(p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection) || arrEq(anchor, p2.leftDirection)) return p2.anchor; else return p2.leftDirection; } else { return rightDirection; } } } } // -------------------------------------- // if the contents of both arrays are equal, return true (lengthes must be same) function arrEq(arr1, arr2) { for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i ) { if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------ // return the distance between p1=[x,y] and p2=[x,y] function dist(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2)); } // ------------------------------------------------ // return the squared distance between p1=[x,y] and p2=[x,y] function dist2(p1, p2) { return Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2); } // -------------------------------------- // return the angle in radian // of the line drawn from p1=[x,y] from p2 function getRad(p1, p2) { return Math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]); } // -------------------------------------- // return the angle between two line segments // o-p1 and o-p2 ( 0 - Math.PI) function getRad2(p1, o, p2) { var v1 = normalize(p1, o); var v2 = normalize(p2, o); return Math.acos(v1[0] * v2[0] v1[1] * v2[1]); } // ------------------------------------------------ function normalize(p, o) { var d = dist(p, o); return d == 0 ? [0, 0] : [(p[0] - o[0]) / d, (p[1] - o[1]) / d]; } // ------------------------------------------------ // return the bezier curve parameter "t" // at the point which the length of the bezier curve segment // (from the point start drawing) is "len" // when "len" is 0, return the length of whole this segment. function getT4Len(q, len) { var m = [q[3][0] - q[0][0] 3 * (q[1][0] - q[2][0]), q[0][0] - 2 * q[1][0] q[2][0], q[1][0] - q[0][0]]; var n = [q[3][1] - q[0][1] 3 * (q[1][1] - q[2][1]), q[0][1] - 2 * q[1][1] q[2][1], q[1][1] - q[0][1]]; var k = [m[0] * m[0] n[0] * n[0], 4 * (m[0] * m[1] n[0] * n[1]), 2 * ((m[0] * m[2] n[0] * n[2]) 2 * (m[1] * m[1] n[1] * n[1])), 4 * (m[1] * m[2] n[1] * n[2]), m[2] * m[2] n[2] * n[2]]; var fullLen = getLength(k, 1); if (len == 0) { return fullLen; } else if (len < 0) { len = fullLen; if (len < 0) return 0; } else if (len > fullLen) { return 1; } var t, d; var t0 = 0; var t1 = 1; var torelance = 0.001; for (var h = 1; h < 30; h ) { t = t0 (t1 - t0) / 2; d = len - getLength(k, t); if (Math.abs(d) < torelance) break; else if (d < 0) t1 = t; else t0 = t; } return t; } // ------------------------------------------------ // return the length of bezier curve segment // in range of parameter from 0 to "t" function getLength(k, t) { var h = t / 128; var hh = h * 2; var fc = function (t, k) { return Math.sqrt(t * (t * (t * (t * k[0] k[1]) k[2]) k[3]) k[4]) || 0 }; var total = (fc(0, k) - fc(t, k)) / 2; for (var i = h; i < t; i = hh) total = 2 * fc(i, k) fc(i h, k); return total * hh; } // ------------------------------------------------ // extract PathItems from the selection which length of PathPoints // is greater than "n" function getPathItemsInSelection(n, pathes) { if (documents.length < 1) return; var s = activeDocument.selection; if (!(s instanceof Array) || s.length < 1) return; extractPathes(s, n, pathes); } // -------------------------------------- // extract PathItems from "s" (Array of PageItems -- ex. selection), // and put them into an Array "pathes". If "pp_length_limit" is specified, // this function extracts PathItems which PathPoints length is greater // than this number. function extractPathes(s, pp_length_limit, pathes) { for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i ) { if (s[i].typename == "PathItem") { if (pp_length_limit && s[i].pathPoints.length <= pp_length_limit) { continue; } pathes.push(s[i]); } else if (s[i].typename == "GroupItem") { // search for PathItems in GroupItem, recursively extractPathes(s[i].pageItems, pp_length_limit, pathes); } else if (s[i].typename == "CompoundPathItem") { // searches for pathitems in CompoundPathItem, recursively // ( ### Grouped PathItems in CompoundPathItem are ignored ### ) extractPathes(s[i].pathItems, pp_length_limit, pathes); } } } // -------------------------------------- // merge nearly overlapped anchor points // return the length of pathpoints after merging function readjustAnchors(p) { // Settings ========================== // merge the anchor points when the distance between // 2 points is within ### square root ### of this value (in point) var minDist = 0.0025; // =================================== if (p.length < 2) return 1; var i; if (p.parent.closed) { for (i = p.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if (dist2(p[0].anchor, p[i].anchor) < minDist) { p[0].leftDirection = p[i].leftDirection; p[i].remove(); } else { break; } } } for (i = p.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if (dist2(p[i].anchor, p[i - 1].anchor) < minDist) { p[i - 1].rightDirection = p[i].rightDirection; p[i].remove(); } } return p.length; } // ----------------------------------------------- // return pathpoint's index. when the argument is out of bounds, // fixes it if the path is closed (ex. next of last index is 0), // or return -1 if the path is not closed. function parseIdx(p, n) { // PathPoints, number for index var len = p.length; if (p.parent.closed) { return n >= 0 ? n % len : len - Math.abs(n % len); } else { return (n < 0 || n > len - 1) ? -1 : n; } } // ----------------------------------------------- function getDat(p) { // pathPoint with (p) return [anchor, rightDirection, leftDirection, pointType]; } // ----------------------------------------------- function isSelected(p) { // PathPoint return p.selected == PathPointSelection.ANCHORPOINT; }




