
Introduction 概述Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language and lingua franca of Indonesia, in addition to East Timor and places with a significant Indonesian diaspora such as Australia and the Netherlands. With over 230 million speakers, there are a lot of people to talk to in Indonesian. Many universities in Australia and Europe offer Indonesian language courses.,我来为大家科普一下关于印度尼西亚语语法研究?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Introduction 概述

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language and lingua franca of Indonesia, in addition to East Timor and places with a significant Indonesian diaspora such as Australia and the Netherlands. With over 230 million speakers, there are a lot of people to talk to in Indonesian. Many universities in Australia and Europe offer Indonesian language courses.

印度尼西亚语(简称印尼语;印尼语:Bahasa Indonesia)是印度尼西亚的官方语言和通用语,也是东帝汶和印度尼西亚侨民聚居地的通用语。印尼语使用者众,超过2.3亿人。澳洲和欧洲的许多大学提供印尼语课程。

Indonesian is closely related to Malay, and speakers of either language can generally understand the other to a large degree. The main differences are in dialect, pronunciation and loan words: Indonesian has been mainly influenced by Dutch and regional languages like Javanese, Sundanese, etc., while Malay has been mainly influenced by English. Both languages have lots of loan words from Sanskrit, Portuguese/Spanish (historically), Chinese (culinary, daily items), Arabic (especially for religious concepts and vocabularies, Islam and Christian), and English (technology, popular culture, etc.).


Indonesian is a relatively young language, generally said to have been born during the Youth Congress on 28 October 1928, but as the only official language in Indonesia since its independence in 1945, for more than 75 years it has produced numerous literature and formed its own character. Every Indonesian student must learn how to write and speak Indonesian, many as their second language. Indonesian society is highly diglossic (bilingual or trilingual), and many people freely switch back and forth from their mother tongue to Indonesian, and sometimes colloquial Jakartan dialects.



Indonesian uses the Latin alphabet system (26 basic letters and nothing else) and Arabic numerals (0-9). Indonesian people are used to typing with the QWERTY keyboard.


Understand 理解

With over 230 million inhabitants dispersed in their local communities, the Indonesian language generally does not serve as a mother tongue, as most of its speakers' first languages are local to their region, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Maduerese, Minang, Acehnese, Balinese, Betawi, Palembang and other large ethnic groups on the west of Indonesia, to the many small ethnic groups of Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua on the east of Indonesia. Its purpose is to be a language of unification between all the peoples of Indonesia, declared so since the Youth Congress on October 28, 1928.


Indonesian originates from the Malay language usually spoken in central-northeastern Sumatra, which was made famous by the Srivijaya Empire (7th-14th centuries), and then as a working language for trading ("pasar Malay", used in markets alongside the ports). Due to its Malay origin, Indonesian shares a majority of its vocabulary with Malay, but when present-day Malaysia and Indonesia were colonized by different European powers, the trajectories of the two languages started to diverge. After Indonesian, Malaysian and Bruneian independence, the Language Councils of the three countries (Majlis Bahasa Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia or MABBIM) tried to standardized their languages, resulting in several changes in the spelling of Dutch-influenced Indonesian to match the English-influenced Standard Malay, called Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (Perfected Spelling) of 1972, for example Dutch bigraphs "oe", "dj", "tj", "j" became Indonesian letters "u", "j", "c", and "y". You can still see some of the old spellings in old place names, building names, or even people's names.

印度尼西亚语起源于在苏门答腊中东北部广泛使用的马来语,这种语言因7至14世纪的斯里维再也帝国而闻名,之后作为贸易的工作语言(“pasar Malay”,流行于港口边的市场)。由于印尼语与马来语同源,印度尼西亚语与马来语共享大部分词汇,但当近代的马来和印度尼西亚被不同的欧洲列强殖民时,两种语言的轨迹开始出现分歧。 印度尼西亚、马来西亚和文莱独立后,这三个国家的语言委员会(Majlis Bahasa Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia,即MABBIM)试图标准化他们的语言,这导致受荷兰语影响的印度尼西亚语和英语影响的1972年问世的标准印度尼西亚语直接有些词汇拼写相同却相差甚远,例如荷兰语双写字母“oe”、“dj”、“tj”、“j”对应印度尼西亚字母“u”、“j”、“c”和“y”。不过,旧式拼写在今天的印尼依然见诸于旧地名、建筑物名称甚至一些人名。

Loan words from Dutch/English are absorbed differently in standard Indonesian and standard Malay, where Indonesian mostly opt for transliteration or spelling the words with Indonesian pronounciations, and Malay mostly opt on equivalent words or phonetic transliteration, for example "televisi, polisi, universitas, gubernur, telepon, pulpen" (Indonesian) - "televisyen, polis, universiti, gabenor, telefon, pen founten" (Malaysian) - "televisie, politie, universiteit, gouverneur, telefoon, vulpen" (Dutch) - "television, police, university, governor, telephone, fountain pen" (English). The letters "f" and "v" in Indonesian language and regional languages (such as in the Western part of Java) are sometimes substituted with "p", for example "telepon, pulpen, paham, napas, propinsi, Pebruari, Nopember, aktip" (the first four are considered correct, loaned from telefoon, vulpen in Dutch, and faham, nafas in Arabic, while the last four are incorrect, in English: province, February, November, active).

荷兰语/英语的外来词在标准印尼语和标准马来语中的吸收不同,其中印尼语大多选择音译或用印尼语发音拼写单词,而马来语大多选择等价词或音标音译,例如“televisi、polisi、universitas、 gubernur、telepon、pulpen”(印度尼西亚语)-“televisyen、polis、universiti、gabenor、telefon、pen founten”(马来西亚语)-“televisie、politie、universiteit、gouverneur、telefoon、vulpen”(荷兰语)-“电视、警察、 大学、州长、电话、钢笔”(中文)。 印度尼西亚语和区域语言(如爪哇西部)中的字母“f”和“v”有时会被“p”代替,例如“telepon、plumen、paham、napas、propinsi、Pebruari、Nopember、 aktip”(前四个通常不被认为是错误的,借自荷兰语中的telefoon、vulpen,以及阿拉伯语中的 faham、nafas(拉丁化),而后四个是不正确的,在汉语中就是:省,二月,十一月,活跃)。(译者著:此段中的“汉语”原文为英语)

There is also some variation between local dialects of Indonesian, mostly due to the combination of Indonesian with local mother tongues (regional languages). These local words are mostly used as a slang language (informal conversations), but the Jakartan dialect (influenced by Betawi language) is heavily used on national mass media and thus spoken by children and teenagers consuming those contents. But that being said, all Indonesians can easily switch to the standard language, especially when talking with a foreigner. In written text, school, university, formal emails, speech, conversation between a young person and an old person, conversations between new acquaintances (especially from different ethnicities) standard Indonesian is expected, while in texting, conversation between friends, and other informal context, casual Indonesian is expected.

印度尼西亚的地域性方言之间也存在一些差异,主要是由于印度尼西亚与当地母语(区域语言,regional languages)的结合。 这些当地词汇大多用作俚语(slang language)(非正式对话),但该国的大众媒体大量使用雅加达方言(受 Betawi 语言影响),儿童和青少年等主要受众深受其影响。 但话虽如此,所有印度尼西亚人,尤其是在与不同语种族群交谈时,都可以轻松在方言与标准印尼语直接切换。 在书面文本、学校、正式电子邮件、演讲、青老两辈之间的对话、新认识的人之间的对话(尤其是来自不同语言族群的人)之间的对话需要标准的印尼语,而在SNS、朋友之间的对话和其他非正式环境中,较为懒散的混装印尼语则比较受欢迎。


