
《新概念英语》教材一共4册,在学习完第一册英语初阶(First Things First)之后,就可以进入第二册的实践与进步(Practice & Progress )学习了。



当然,除了“英语听说”之外,英语的基本技能还有阅读与写作,这些同样需要我们Practice, Only practice more, can we make more progress (只有经过大量的训练,我们才有可能取得进步)。


Lesson 7, Book 2, New Concept English


Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard.

Nothing should be read before it has been spoken.

Nothing should be written before it has been read.

这就道出了学习英语的顺序:,听 说 读 写

1、英语听说 (听录音,跟读课文)

Too late 为时已晚

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the others and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!


● The detectives were at the airport to meet a plane.

● The detectives didn’t prevent the robbery.

● Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手,将遇良才。

● He is hand-working , while his brother is lazy.

● His wife was cooking when he arrived home.

● His wife was cooking while he was watching TV.

While we were having a party, the lights went out.

● While two detectives were keeping guard at the two, two others opened the parcel.

When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.

● I was having breakfast when the telephone rang.

● He kicked the snow off before getting in.

● She took the painting off the wall .

As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.

● Someone knocked at the door just as I was getting into the bath.

● The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.


● Where were the detectives waiting ? At the airport.

● What were they expecting ? A valuable parcel of diamonds.

● Someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. This happen

ed before the airplane arrived.

● The detectives went into the building, and waited inside.

● Two men took the parcel off the plane. They took it off.

● I was learning English when you phone me.

● As my father was leaving the house, the postman arrived.

● Tom was working in the garden, while I was sitting in the sun.

● As I was walking down the street, I met him.

● While he was reading the letter, he was hearing a knock at the door.

● While mother was preparing lunch, Janet was setting the table.

● She dropped the tray when I was speaking to her.


Speaking and listening should be given top -priority


The detectives were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds.

● The parcel was valuable. It was precious .

● The thieves wanted to steal the diamonds.

● The detectives waited inside the main building. This was the most important building.

● Some had filled the parcel with stones and land. It was full of stones and land.

● Diamond : Diamond cuts diamond. 棋逢对手

● Detective

用作名词 (n.)

The detective laid great stress on details. 侦探特别强调细节。

The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.这个侦探试图查明都


The detective thought the stick was relative to the murder case.侦探认为这根木棒和谋


The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped. 这个侦探反复琢磨想弄明白那个窃贼是怎样逃跑的。

The company hired a detective to investigate the accident. 公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。

The detective posed as a mourner at the victim's funeral. 那侦探佯装成吊唁者参加了受害人的葬礼。

用作形容词 (adj.)

She read detective stories as an escape. 她看侦探小说解闷。

The detective film is very interesting. 这部侦探电影非常有趣。

● expect

This is what we expect to happen. 这就是我们所预期将会发生的。

He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他进入决赛。

At last they got the telegram they had been expecting. 最后他们收到了他们盼望的电报。

● steal

用作动词 (v.)

He was sent into prison for stealing. 他由于偷窃被送入监狱。

He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.他偷偷地看了一眼桌子对面那个漂


Despite fine acting by several well-known stars, it was a young newcomer who stole th

e show.尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。

用作名词 (n.)

The number of book steal from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多。

Ladies and gentlemen, it's a steal at only $50.'`女士们、 先生们,这个只卖50美元,


Steal Vs Rob

rob指公开地“抢”、“夺”(通常使用暴力);而 steal 则指在人们不防备或不在场的情况下悄悄

地“偷”。rob sb/sw sth steal sth from sb/sw

Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too. 他们不仅抢夺你的财物,还要把


The robber in arms wanted to rob the bank. 这个持械的强盗想抢劫银行。

A mob stoned and robbed the shops.一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。


The plane was late, and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning for a parcel full of diamonds from South Africa. Two men took off the parcel from the airplane after the arrival of it. Two men opened the parcel, but to their surprise, the parcel was full of stones and sand!



How to learn English quickly and effectively ?

6、补充资料(Beggar 绝活表演)

The beggar Percy Button in the text is a lovely person, who has the stunt , standing on his head, and singing songs. In the West countries, you often have the chances to hear the beggars saying, “Spare me some changes!”.

Another popular saying about beggars are : Beggars can"t be choosers!

本篇课文中的乞丐Percy Button 是一个可爱的人,他有个绝活:倒立唱歌!在西方,你会经常听到乞丐们会说:给一些零钱吧!



Believe it or not? 信不信由你!反正我是相信了,而且早已经做到了!It is your turn to learn English in a unique way, NOT the traditional method to learn it as "knowledge".

谨记:英语是一种用来交流的语言工具,需要反复训练已达到脱口而出的目的, 而非是一种深奥的“知识”。衡量是否掌握一门语言,最终要看他运用如何,而不是他懂了多少“知识”!

正如《新概念英语》第二册教学目的:Practice & Progress (实践与进步)。只有通过不断的实践训练,才有可能学习进步,灵活运用这门语言!

I am Andy Wei, a guy who has been teaching myself for nearly 4 decades, and please subscribe at @安地乒旅英语, so that let us learn English together, and make a remarkable progress in the near future.


