

Search "boiled egg diet" and you might be shocked to learn that, yes, there is a weight-loss trend out there that circles around eating hard-boiled eggs. Since you probably have *a lot* of questions right now, we'll clear it up for ya.搜索“煮鸡蛋饮食”,你可能会惊讶地发现,是的,有一种减肥趋势围绕着吃煮熟的鸡蛋。 由于您现在可能有*很多*的问题,我们会为您解决。

To start, the boiled egg diet doesn't involve eating only eggs (whew). The boiled egg diet is based on the idea that eating at least two or three hard-boiled eggs per day can help you lose weight.首先,煮鸡蛋饮食不涉及只吃鸡蛋(哇)。 煮鸡蛋饮食的基础是每天至少吃两三个煮熟的鸡蛋可以帮助你减肥。


But are boiled eggs really the food that's going to be the X factor to weight-loss success? Spoiler: probably not. But there's a lot to this, so we chatted with experts about the boiled egg diet, the results that it brings, and how it can impact your body.但是,煮鸡蛋真的是减肥成功的X因素吗? 剧透:可能不是。 但这有很多原因,所以我们与专家讨论了煮鸡蛋饮食、它带来的结果以及它如何影响你的身体。

What is the boiled egg diet?什么是煮鸡蛋饮食?


Yes, there are boiled eggs involved. “Although there are some varieties of this plan, it typically involves eating two eggs with fruit at breakfast and eggs or another lean protein at lunch and dinner, along with only non-starchy vegetables,” explains New York City-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RDN.是的,有涉及煮鸡蛋。 “虽然这个计划有一些种类,但它通常包括早餐吃两个鸡蛋和水果,午餐和晚餐吃鸡蛋或另一种瘦肉蛋白,以及非淀粉类蔬菜,”纽约市营养师 Erin Palinski 解释道。

Though it may sound relatively healthy, the boiled egg diet is a fad diet. “This is a version of a low-calorie, low carb diet that will promote weight loss, but will not be sustainable long-term and does not provide your body with balanced nutrition,” she says. You may lose weight temporarily, but the results won't necessarily last.虽然听起来相对健康,但煮鸡蛋饮食是一种时尚饮食。 “这是一种低热量、低碳水化合物饮食,可以促进减肥,但不能长期持续,也不能为您的身体提供均衡的营养,”她说。 你可能会暂时减肥,但效果不一定持久。


