
短语go to town的英语意思和口语训练



Go to town有两曾意思:literal meaning(字面意思)和figurative meaning(修辞意思)。

Literally, Go to town means Travel into town or a city.

I have to go to town today.今天得进趟城。

1) 我们把所有能查到的英英字典都查了一通:I got you.I know what Go to town means now:

我们要做的第一步,就是你见到go to town,你能想到的是什么英语,或者多少英语,而不是想到的是什么中文意思。

Go to town:informal and idiomatic English

1. To work hard or very effectively.

2. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.

3.To proceed with great enthusiasm,or vigor.

4. To go all out (on something)

5. To reserve nothing in doing something

6. To act with great energy

7. To do something to excess or in an uninhibited manner.

8.Do something efficiently and energetically.



For example,we can say:

  1. Okay, I got you. To go to town is informal English and idiomatic English.

  2. Well,if we say we go to town (on doing something),we can also say we go all out for something.

    3.If you say that someone goes to town on something, you mean that they deal with it

    with a lot of enthusiasm or intensity.

    4. Just look at all those ants working. They are really going to town.

    5. Come on, you guys. Let's go to town. We have to finish this job before noon.

    6. She really went to town with the party preparations.

    7. We had only planned to paint one room over the weekend, but we went to town and

    wound up painting the whole upstairs instead!

    3) 如果今后你再见到go to town,要问它的修辞意思时,首先想到的是“咦,中文意思是什么了?”,而不是能想到它的英语“同义词”表达,可以说,你的英语学习之路是痛苦的,进步甚微的一件事情。




