

4) 写正文



如果我们觉得没话可说了,就可以换一句话再说,让自己的文章在多一些字,也可以让读者更充分的理解我们的意思和观点。 如:一句非常简单的I love you!就可以说成:

I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you.或I am wild about you.In other words,I have fallen in love with you.


如果我们出现思维短路而不知道该怎么继续写作时,就可以用举实例加以说明的方法来弥补,而且这也是我们阐述观点或说明事理的最好方式。任何情况下,只要我们无法继续文章,不管三七二十一,就尽管举例子! 如:

I made my first part-time job pay in a restaurant as a waitress for one month after I left my senior middle school. It was a very hard and heavy job.

We should get up at 7:30 am and work for a whole day. In the morning, we swept the floor, cleaned the table and washed a lot of vegetables without time to have any conversation before lunch time. Then the dinner time came. It was the busiest time of whole day. The guests began to enter the restaurant and had their dinner. No matter how tired we felt we should give them our best service. We stood behind the guests in order to serve them, such as making tea, serving a dish, giving them some drink or paper as soon as possible. When they finished, we cleaned the table and set it again.

There was a break from 1:30 to 3:00, then we continued to do the same work until all guests left. The job was heavy and boring and the pay was very low, but I could get social experience to enrich me.



Italy and Greece

There are both similarities and differences between the tourist-attracting countries Italy and Greece. For example, both the Italians and Greeks are friendly, gregarious people. In addition, the antiquities of both countries are fascinating; Rome’s Colosseum and Athens’ Parthenon are two of the world’s great sights. What’s more, both countries offer comfortable tourist accommodations. For instance, the luxury hotels in Rome and Athens are excellent. But there are important contrasts between Italy and Greece. For example, dining in Italy can be a memorable experience, but food in Greece tends to be wholesome but plain. And the look of each country is different. The Italian countryside is green and lush. However, the Greek terrain is dry and desert-like. In contrast to the elegant Italian signor, the Greek citizen dresses and lives more simply. Despite these differences, though, a tourist can expect a delightful holiday in either country.




