
1. arm arms army disarm alarm navy air force troop weapon,我来为大家科普一下关于高考英语词汇速记二维码?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



1. arm arms army disarm alarm navy air force troop weapon


1.armn.手臂The mother took the baby in her arms.母亲怀抱着她的宝贝。

2.armsn.手臂为强有力的地方,arms,强有力的东西,武器。Power comes from arms.枪杆子里面出政权

3.armyn.强有力的单位,军队We need a strong army to defend the country.我们需要一只强大的军队来保卫祖国。

4.dis-为否定前缀,disarmvt.解除武装No one is willing to disarm himself when some threat exists.当威胁没有消除时,谁也不愿解除自己的武装。

5.al,全,alarmn.全副武装,警惕,警报Hearing the fire alarm, get out of the house quickly but in a certain order.听到火警时,迅速而有序地离开房子。

6.na-,航行,navyn.海军A modern navy will defend our seas.一只现代化的海军会保卫我们的领海。

7.forcen.&vt.力量,武力;air force,空中武力,空军The former Iraqi government had no qualified air forces so that it had no control in the air when the war broke out.前伊拉克政权没有合格的空军,战争一开始它就失去了制空权。

8.troop tr-oop tr-,拖拉;oop表示一个接一个地到了最后,troop,n.一大群人,部队Look! A troop of ants are moving in a line!看!一大群蚂蚁正排队迁移。

9.weapon w.武,n.武器The more nuclear weapons there are, the more dangerous the world will be.核武器越多,世界越危险。


Every arm is full of arms in any American army, navy and air force while it demands other countries to disarm their army. It may attack anyone without alarm.

2. arrive (at/in) arrival get (to) reach destination


1. arrivevi.到达I will arrive in Chengdu tomorrow.我明天到达成都。arrive in到达(大地方)arrive at到达(小地方,单位)

2.加名词后缀-al, arrivaln.到达。On my arrival, I will call you.我一到就给你打电话。

3. reachn.延伸,范围, v.到达,达到,伸出,影响He reached Chengdu two days before me.他比我早两天到成都。out of reach够不着reach for伸手去拿

4. destination de-s-tin-ation音“的确是盯着”的地方,n.目的地When you get to your destination, please inform me.你到达目的地时请通知我一声。

5. destiny人生的最终地方,n.命运,定数Can we decide our destiny?我们能决定我们自己的命运吗?


On his arrival he reached the apple, which he soon found was out of his reach. He got to the sitting room and waited until his mother arrived. Maybe it’s his destiny to depend on his mother.

3. attention attend attentive intend intention extend extensive pretend absent-minded notice


1.词根tend表示“倾向,伸张”,attendvt.走过去出席,参加,照顾I will attend an important meeting tomorrow.我明天要出席一个重要的会议。

2.加名词后缀-ion, attentionn.心思在那里,注意,注意力You need to pay attention to your pronunciation.你需要注意你的发音。

3.加形容词后缀-ive, attentiveadj.专心的We should be attentive in class.课堂上我们要专心一点。

4.in表示在里面,intendvt.心思向里面伸张,即有此打算,想要He intended to set up a company of his own.他打算建立一家自己的公司。

5.加名词后缀-ion, intentionn.打算,意图His intention is obvious.他的意图很明显。

6.前缀ex-表示“向外”,extend向外伸张,v.扩充,延伸,伸展,扩大With economy growing, the country plans to extend.随着经济的发展,这个国家想要扩展。

7.加形容词后缀-ive, extensiveadj.扩展的,延伸的We need to do some extensive reading.我们需要一些泛读练习。

8.加前缀pre-事先,pretendvi.假装How could you pretend that you had never met me before ?你怎能假装以前没见过我?

9.absent-mindedadj.心不在焉的As you were absent-minded, it’s no wonder that you know nothing about the speech.你心不在焉的,难怪你对讲演一无所知。

10.noticevt.&n.注意到(强调结果),通知(书面)He took no notice of the notice on the blackboard.他没有注意到黑板上的通知。


The teacher noticed Tom absent-minded in class, and intended to call his attention, “ Tom, please pay attention to what I will do.” Tom had no intention to follow his teacher, but he had to pretend to be attentive in class.

4. aunt auntie uncle father mother brother sister husband wife housewife son daughter niece nephew cousin


1.aunt a,阿,aunt,n.阿姨


3.uncle知道The Cabin Of Uncle Tom一书的人就知道unclen.叔叔

4.husband hus-band音“胡子伴”,有胡子的伴侣,n.丈夫









How could such a baby know father’s mother is not grandpa but grandma and that mother’s sister is not uncle but aunt and aunt’s son is not nephew but cousin?

5, autumn automobile automation fall spring summer winter


1, autu为auto的变体,自动的,mn为两个开口向下的字母,表示下落,autumn树叶自动落下的时节为秋天(英)Leaves fall in autumn.秋天叶落。

2, mobile移动的,automobile,自动移动的,汽车(不用马拉)Automobiles make the world much smaller.汽车使这世界变小了。

3. automationn.自动控制,自动操作. Computers help the development of automation.电脑推动了自动化的发展。

4, automaticadj.自动的,无意识的Modern factories are equipped with automatic systems.现代化的工厂装备有自动化系统。

5, autonomousadj.自治的Tibet is an autonomous region.西藏是个自治区。

6, fall落下,树叶自动落下的时节为秋天(美)

7, spring春是万物破土复苏的时节,spring, S,是,p,破土,ring,铃响(提醒万物该复苏了)Every thing begins to grow in spring.春天里万物开始生长。

8, sun太阳,夏天太阳炎热,summer,夏Summer is the hottest season of a year.夏天是一年中最热的季节。

9, win,胜了,是在秋后算账时,winter秋后的时节,冬天When winter comes, will spring be far away?冬天来的时候,春天还远吗?


Farmers are busy People. They sow seeds in spring which grows well in summer. In autumn, farmers begin to harvest the rice that is carried to the cities with automobiles. Even in winter, farmers have to make preparations for the next year.

6. bake bakery baking freezing bread loaf


1.bake音似“焙烤”,v.烘焙,烤Bread is baked in this way.面包是这样烤的。

2.加名词后缀-er, bakern.面包师,面包工人, <美>(便携式)烘炉It’s a baker’s job to bake good bread.烤出好面包是面包师的工作。

3.加名词后缀-ry, bakeryn.面包店The bakery can offer you fresh bread.面包房提供有新鲜面包。

4.加形容词后缀-ing, bakingadj.灼热的In baking summer even a paper fan can help a lot.在酷热的夏天一把纸扇也很有作用。

5.对比:freeze结冰,freezingadj.冰冷的The metal pipe is freezing cold in winter.冬天里金属管道冰冷彻骨。


7.loafn.一块面包He can eat up five loaves of bread at a time.他一次能吃五块面包。


They bake thousands of loaves of bread in their bakery every day whether it is a baking hot or freezing cold day.


“If the headmaster doesn’t take back what he said to me this morning,I am going to leave the school.”

“What did he say?”

“He told me to leave the school.”


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