英语单词一天必背 英语单词扩展词汇

今天下午:this afternoon

昨天下午:yesterday afternoon

明天下午:tomorrow afternoon

周六下午:Saturday afternoon

正午:high noon

上午:forenoon, morning, ante meridiem(a.m.)

下午:afternoon, post meridiem(p.m.)

中午:noon, midday, noonday

早晨:early morning

傍晚:evening, toward evening, at night fall, at dusk

夜晚:night, nighttime

上半夜:before midnight, the first half of the night

下半夜:the time after midnight; the latter half of the night, the small hour


黎明:dawn, daybreak



夜半:midnight, dead of night, the noon of night

黄昏:dusk, gloaming

半夜:midnight, in the middle of the night, half of a night

午前:forenoon, before noon, morning

午后:afternoon, post meridiem(p.m.)

午时:the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

少年:early youth, juvenile, teenage

青年:youth, young people, a green youth

壮年:the prime of life, post adolescence

童年:tender age, boyhood

中年:middle age, mid-life

老年:old age, sunset,

晚年:old age, one’s latter years, twilight years

成年:adult age, full age

高寿,高龄:advanced age, agedness

征兵年龄:conscription age

应征年龄:draft age

合格年龄:eligible age

白发苍苍的老年:hoary age

法定年龄:lawful age

选举年龄:voting age

入学年龄:school age, the age of admittance

成熟年龄:the age of maturity

英语单词一天必背 英语单词扩展词汇(1)


