
MIGR comes from Latin word migrare " to wander, move ", FROM PIE root *mei-"to change, go, move".



migrate ['maɪɡret] <CET4 TEM4> vi. 移动;随季节而移居;移往 vt. 使移居;使移植

[拆] migr(move) ate(v后缀) --> 移动

COLLINS: v-i if people migrate, they move from one place to another, especially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time. 迁移; v-i when birds, fish, or animals migrate, they move at a particular season from one part of the world or from one part of a country to another, usually in order to breed or to find new feeding grounds. 迁徙

拓展: migrant ['maɪɡrənt] n. (为工作)移居者;候鸟;流动季节工 adj. 有迁徙习性的 migration [maɪ'ɡreʃən] n. 迁移;移民;移动 migratory ['maɪɡrətɔri] adj. 迁移的;流浪的

emigrate ['ɛmɪɡret] <CET4 TEM4> vi. 移居;移居外国 vt. 移民

[拆] e(out) migr(move) ate(v后缀) --> 迁移出去(国) --> 移民

COLLINS: v-i if you emigrate, you leave your own country to live in another country. 移居外国

拓展: emigre ['emigrei] n. 流亡者;移居者(尤指因政治因素而移居外国者) emigrant ['ɛmɪɡrənt] n. 移民;侨民 adj. 移民的;移居的 emigration [,ɛmə'greʃən] n. 移民;移民出境;移居外国

e.g. His family emigrated from Italy to America. 他们家从意大利移居到美国.

immigrate ['ɪmɪɡret] <TEM4> vi. 移入 vt. 使移居入境

[拆] im(in) migr(move) ate(v后缀) --> 移进 --> 迁入

COLLINS: v-i if someone immigrates to a particular country, they come to live or work in that country, after leaving the country where they were born. 移居国外; 移民 [no passive]

拓展: immigrant ['ɪmɪɡrənt] adj. 移民的;迁入的 n. 移民,侨民 immigration [,ɪmɪ'ɡreʃən] n. 外来移民;移居

e.g. A lot of people immigrated to the US. 很多人移居到美国.

transmigration [,trænsmaɪ'ɡreʃən] n. 轮回;移居

[拆] trans(交换) migr(move) ation(n后缀) --> 交换迁移 --> 轮回, 移居

拓展: transmigrate [,trænsmaɪ'ɡret] v. (灵魂)转生;迁移;(使)移居

migraine ['maɪɡren] <TEM8> n. [内科] 偏头痛

[记] migraine来源于拉丁语hemicraniar --> hemi(half) cran(头颅) --> 一半头颅 --> 偏头痛

COLLINS: n-var a migraine is an extremely painful headache that makes you feel very ill. 偏头痛

e.g. Her mother suffered from migraines. 她母亲患了偏头痛



