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Exhibitions have recently become popular in Zhengzhou, a modern city alive with an artistic atmosphere. As New Year's Day 2022 approaches, a good way to learn about this charming city is through these exhibitions.


Considering the pandemic, please wear masks when enjoying exhibitions to ensure safety!


Sino-Russian Culture and Art Exhibition for New Year's Day 2022


The year 2021 marks the 72ndanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia and the 20thanniversary of the signing of theSino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. On this occasion, the Sino-Russian Culture and Art Exhibition for New Year's Day 2022 was held to promote Sino-Western cultural exchanges in Zhengzhou's Lvcheng Academy on December 27th, 2021. It exhibited a total of 100 works, including oil paintings from the Russian Repin Academy of Fine Arts, and traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy by famous artists of Henan. This exhibition shows the harmony, cultural exchanges and friendship between both countries, demonstrating the intimate relationship and solidarity between the two peoples in fighting against the pandemic.

恰逢中俄建交72周年、《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年之际,“推进中西文化交流 展示家国情怀——迎2022新年中俄文化艺术交流展”于 2021年12月27日在郑州绿城书院展览馆开幕。中俄文化艺术交流展展览共展出俄罗斯列宾美术学院提供的油画及河南省、郑州市著名书画家的书法、国画作品共计100幅。展出作品用独特的艺术语言,突出反映和谐多彩、中西融同、团结友好、深度发展的鲜明主题,全方位展现了两国人民友好交往、共同抗击疫情的美好情谊。

Address: Zhengzhou Lvcheng Academy

Time: December 27th, 2021 to January 1st, 2022



Brilliant Match of Gold and Jade -

Exhibition of Treasures of Gold and Jade Produced with Unique Techniques from the Nine Provinces along the Yellow River


The Exhibition is being held at the Henan Museum, and displays nearly 300 gold and jade artifacts from 23 cultural relics protection sites and museums from the nine provinces along the Yellow River. The exhibits are all significant finds with a history stretching back nearly 4,000 years, including the Golden Mask on Bronze Head of the Sanxingdui Museum, the Turquoise-embossed Bronze Medallion of the Erlitou Site Museum of the Xia Capital, the Iron Sword with Jade Handle of the Henan Museum, the Ox-shaped Zun of the Qi Heritage Museum, and the Gilded Bronze Dragon of the Shaanxi History Museum.


Address: East Exhibition Hall, Henan Museum

Time: December 21st, 2021 to February 20th, 2022

Note: visitors can make real-name reservations online for free. It is advised to stagger the visits.


展览时间:正在展出中 2022年2月20日结束


Photography Exhibition for the 40thAnniversary ofthe Establishment of the Zhengzhou Photographers Association


To celebrate the 40thanniversary of the establishment of the Zhengzhou Photographers Association, this Exhibition will be held at the Shengda Art Gallery starting from December 31st, 2021. It will display more than 120 photographic masterpieces, showing the significant changes that have happened in Zhengzhou over the past 40 years and telling the history of the city's industries.


Address: Shengda Art Gallery

Time: December 31st, 2021 to January 6th, 2022



From Generation to Generation:

Jun Kiln-Liu Jianjun Jun Porcelain Inheritance Exhibition


As an example of Henan's traditional culture, Jun Porcelain is also culturally significant in the world's ceramic industry. The firing techniques of Jun porcelain, which has been recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage, have formed a special cultural system over its thousands of years in development. To show the charm of Jun Porcelain, the Exhibition will display more than 100 Jun porcelain works made by Liu Jianjun, a representative inheritor of Henan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage, an expert of Arts and Crafts in Henan, a master designer of Chinese porcelain, and his disciples.


Address: Exhibition Hall, Henan Art Museum

Time: December 30th, 2021 to January 7th, 2022




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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Cui Ying

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu



中文来源丨郑州日报 郑州晚报


