
读书三义Three Aims in Reading,今天小编就来聊一聊关于多读书的重要性英文?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




Three Aims in Reading


Beyond a Person's Own Reality


A book can give a person the experiences of reading and thinking. And what's more, a book can also give a person who reads it philosophy on life, abilities of language, and knowledge on specialized fields.


A person's daily activities cover the three areas of work, personal life, and rest. He or she can get knowledge on all these three areas from his or her family, friends, and colleagues. If this person gives away all other Information sources, including books, radio and television, and internet etc., then his or her philosophy on life would all come from the people around him or her. His or her life experience would not go beyond the range of the space that he or she has walked through. If this person is completely independent in the society, the source of his or her outlooks might be just about several dozens of people. His or her life experience might be limited to a dozen of social circumstances.


In modern society, radio, television and the internet fully satisfy people's demand on information. At the same time, the content in them becomes a source of people's outlooks and life experience. These information products that serve the public would exert huge influence on people's thought and language in a time.


Compared with the information products above, books are more fundamental and profound medium of information. Books have deeper influence on people's thought and language because reading needs a person to mobilize more cognitive resources and thus to have larger spontaneity.


There are two aspects in the function of language: thinking and expression. In thinking, language forms are taken as symbols of concept for actualizing the abstract processing and representation of the thinking process. Here is one simple example. In arithmetic calculation, people use symbols of numbers rather than counting their own fingers. Expression also has two aspects. First, people record their thoughts with language for testing and reasoning. Second, people use language to communicate in a society, namely to pass information between two persons or among a group of people according to certain customs and rules.


Reading can be used as the basics for training writing and public speaking. Language competence acquired through reading is more complex. And it can be used to think and express deeper and more complex content. All of these cannot be obtained through simple daily linguistic activities. For example, a person with rich social experience who is good at talking and telling stories might not be an excellent writer or public speaker.


Examined from both history and reality, knowledge on a specialized field is dispensible for a person in life. The two categories of human knowledge, the humanities and social science and natural science, as well as arts, sports and other professional activities, all needs books on these areas to record and spread knowledge and train professionals. The majority of the human knowledge currently available is about these specialized fields. Correspondingly, most of the books and literature are about the knowledge on these fields. Therefore, for an individual, most of the books are not necessary to read.


Reading is something that consumes a person's energy and time. In history, after intellectuals or scholars become a social class, the pursuit of knowledge often limited their life experience so that they encountered greater problems in life. So reading must be guided with clear and specific objectives and it must not affect a person's regular life. In the eyes of ancient Chinese Confucians, reading ten thousand volumes of books and travelling ten thousand miles were two goals equally vital.


As ability and resource, knowledge or language can have its practical values only when its possessor returns into social activities. So reading can enrich a person's life experience, improve his or her abilities in thinking and expression, and cultivate his or her professional abilities and skills. In the end, it helps him or her to achieve higher efficiency, better effects and greater values in daily activities.

#翻译 #教育 #英语 #读书 #写作 #知识 #语言 #人生经验


