

(7) 美国家长教育自己的小孩,邻居有权干涉?

▲ 剧情原声 ▲

(LYNETTE is driving, and again, the SCAVO kids are misbehaving. Screaming, yelling, standing up, moving around. Ugh. Devil-kids.)

LYNETTE: Boys, I am not gonna tell you again, sit. I mean it, I am serious. You guys are gonna be in so much trouble if you don’t sit back in those seats.

(The three kids suddenly go quiet, whispering in each other’s ears, giggling maliciously, peering at LYNETTE, cackling. LYNETTE looks back in the mirror, seeing them mocking her.)

NARRATOR: For the first time, Lynette could see this was not the innocent play of children. She was being challenged. So she decided it was time to get creative.

(LYNETTE stops the car by the side of the road. She marches the kids out of the car.)

LYNETTE: Out. Can’t behave, you heard me, can’t ride. You, out. Move it.

(LYNETTE gets back in the car, looks at the three noisy kids on the sidewalk and drives off. The kids stand there, watching her drive off.)

SCAVO KIDS: Where she’s going? I don’t know. Where’s she going?

(LYNETTE pulls her car into a random driveway.)

LYNETTE: Okay. (to the baby) Mommy’s a genius! Five, six, alright. (spots the empty sidewalk where she left her kids) Uh. Oh! Uhh. I’ll be right back, Mommy’ll be right back.

(LYNETTE parks the car and gets out. She looks around the front garden of a house frantically searching.)

LYNETTE: Boys? Boys? Boys?? If you’re hiding, you’ve gotta stop now cause Mommy doesn’t think it’s funny!

(A LADY comes out of the front door of the house LYNETTE is searching through.)

LYNETTE: Oh! Excuse me, I’m sorry, I’m looking for my boys. Three boys with red hair, have you seen ‘em?

LADY: Yeah, I also saw you drive away and leave ‘em.

LYNETTE: I know, I was just trying to scare them into behaving. Did you see where they went?

LADY: Yeah, yeah, they’re in my kitchen.

(LYNETTE puts a hand over her heart, relieved)

LADY: Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have some anger management issues.

LYNETTE: I have 4 kids under the age of six, I absolutely have anger management issues. (tries to go into the house as the woman stops her)

LADY: Yeah, well I think you need to talk to somebody, because abandoning your children…

LYNETTE: I-I-I didn’t abandon them, I came back! (tries to go into the house again, and the woman stops her)

LADY: Yeah, I’m just saying, it’s not normal.

LYNETTE: Well, my kids aren’t normal, and now I don’t have time for this, lady, so. Boys! Get out here. (tries to go into the house a third time as the woman stops her – again.)

LADY: No, I don’t think they should go anywhere until you calm down.

LYNETTE: Oh. Get in the car.

PARKER: She’s got cookies!

LYNETTE: Well, bring ‘em, we’re leaving.

LADY: Oh, no, no, no. Stay put.

LYNETTE: Oh, I don’t think so. Oh! (tries to go towards her kids as the woman grabs onto LYNETTE’s elbow, pulling her back)

LADY: Listen, lady, you and I are gonna talk.

PARKER: Leave my mommy alone!

LYNETTE: Let go of me! What’s the matter with you? (one of the kids bites the woman’s leg as another pushes her down onto the grass) Run, boys, run!

(LYNETTE and the kids run towards the car and get in.)

PORTER: Come on!

LYNETTE: Oh, crap.

LADY: (gets back up, running towards the SCAVO’s car) You get back here!

LYNETTE: Boys, you’re gonna need to put on your…(turns around as she sees all three boys putting on their seatbelts. She turns around, adjusting her glasses smugly.)

LADY: Get back, or I’m gonna call Social Services! (watches as the SCAVO’s drive off)




















女士:听我说,呃,我看你有一些愤怒管理(anger management)的问题。



勒奈特: 我-我-我没有抛弃他们,我回来了呀!(又想进屋,女人拦住了她)




勒奈特: 上车。


勒奈特: 好吧,带上,我们走了。


勒奈特: 呃,我偏要走。呃!(当女士抓住勒奈特的胳膊肘,把她拉回来时,她试图走向她的孩子们)



勒奈特: 放开我!你这人怎么了?(一个孩子咬了女人的腿,另一个孩子把她推到草地上)勒奈特: 快跑,孩子们,快跑!



勒奈特: 哦,糟了。


勒奈特: 孩子们,你们得系上你们的……(她转过身来,看到三个男孩都系上了安全带。她转过身来,得意地调整着眼镜。)





