

3) 写开头


(1) 开头万能公式一:名人名言


A proberb says, “ ...” (适用于已记住的名言)

It goes without saying that….

或As everyone knows, No one can deny that… (适用于自编的名言)

(2) 开头万能公式二:数字统计


According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of …

A recent statistics shows that more than 85% young people…


(3) 开头万能公式三:主题句或主题段



Working in the neighborhood grocery store as a checker was one of the worst jobs I’ve ever had. In the first place, I had to wear an ugly, scratchy uniform cut at least three inches too short. My schedule of working hours was another inconvenience because my hours changed each week, thus it was impossible to make plans in advance, and getting a day off was out of the question. In addition, the lack of working space bothered me. Except for a half-hour lunch break, I was restricted to three feet of room behind the counter and consequently felt as if I were no more than a cog in the cash register.


Americans relaxing at home may put on kimonos, which is a Japanese word. Americans who live in a warm climate may take an afternoon siesta on an outdoor patio without even realizing that these are Spanish words. In their gardens, they may enjoy the fragrance of jasmine flowers, a word that came into English from Persian. They may even relax on a chalse longue while sipping a drink with vodka, words of French and Russian origin, respectively. So we can see there are many foreign words and phrases in American everyday language.


In September, Jack fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion. A month later he sprained his ankle, after a bad landing off the balance beam. Jack really shouldn’t have taken the gymnastics course. In January this year, he broke his thumb when he caught it on the bar of the pommel horse. He also broke the support beam in the basement of his parents’ home, showing them his skills when he was home for the December holidays. The result of his bad luck was that he failed to graduate in May.

为了让读者明白我们将要说些什么事或表达什么样的观点,我们就要借助主题段将文章主题介绍给读者。主题段一般不需要很长,只要能将我们的主要意图说清楚就行了。有时候,一个短小的主题段只有一个句子,此时,这个主题段也就是一个主题句。如:一篇标题为The Process of Sorting Letters的主题段(主题句)为:

Sorting letters is not a complicated process although there are eight steps of doing the job.

再如:一篇题为School Leaving Age的主题段可为:

Recently the school leaving age is raised to 13 years. Is it really the right way to benefit out society? I think all young people should at least stay at school until they are 18 years old, not 13.




