







省略掉从句中重复或空洞的元素就能让句子更加简洁,又不失清楚 ,这就是从句的简化。

从句简化后留下的就是动状词(非谓语动词 ),故而我们把从句简化后的句子叫高级句型—英语句子的修辞 。











不论是名词类、形容词类还是副词类的从属从句,简化的共同原则是省略主语与 be 动词,只保留补语部分。


不过,“省略主语与 be 动词,只留补语”,可以视为所有从属从句简化的共通原则。


如果从属从句的主语是空洞的字眼(one、everybody, people 等),或者从属从句主语在主要从句中重复出现,从修辞的角度来看皆有违精简的原则,如果能省略会更简洁。例如:

1 It is common courtesy that one should wear black while one attends a funeral.



这个句子的主要从句是 It is common courtesy,至于由连接词 that 引导的名词从句 that one should wear black 及连接词 while 引导的副词从句 while one attends a funeral 这两个从属从句的主语都是 one,代表 anyone (任何人),所以是空洞的字眼,可以省略掉,成为:

It is common courtesy to wear black while attending a funeral.



2 Whether it is insured or not, your house, which is a wooden building, needs a fire alarm.



这个句子的主句是 Your house needs a fire alarm.,至于由 whether 引导的副词从句 whether it is insured or not 与由 which 引导的形容词从句which is a wooden building 这两句的主语(it 与 which) 指的都是主句中的主语 your house,虽然用了代名词 it 与关系代名词 Which 来避免重复,但是仍嫌累赘,所以不如省略,成为:

Whether insured or not, your house, a wooden building, needs a fire alarm.


当然,从属从句的简化不能只省略主语,否则会造成句型的错误。上面两个例子中除了主语省略,连动词也经过改变。动词的改变一律可视为 be 动词的省略,包括1中的 one should wear black 变成 to wear black,与 one attends a funeral 变成 attending a funeral 都算是省略 be动词。

为何省略 be 动词?

一个句子可分成主语部分(Subject)与动词引导的部分 (Predicate)。在简单句的五种基本句型中,有四种都是由动词来作最重要的叙述——告诉别人这个主语在做什么。例如:

Birds fly.(鸟儿飞。)


Birds eat worms.(鸟儿吃虫。)

S V. O

Birds give us songs.(鸟为我们歌唱。)

S V O1 O2

Birds make the morning beautiful.(鸟儿令清晨无比美妙。)


这四个不同句型的句子,同样都靠动词告诉别人,鸟做了什么事:“飞、吃虫、为我们歌唱、让清晨美丽”。只有另一种句型—— S V C——不然,它的动词没有意义(尤其是 be 动词),不能告诉别人鸟在做什么,反而要靠补语来做全部的叙述,告诉别人“鸟怎么样”。be 动词只扮演串连主语与补语的角色(所以叫做Linking Verb 连系动词)。例如:

Birds are lovely.(鸟很可爱。)


这句中,be 动词完全不需翻译,因为它完全没有意义,只用来串连“鸟”和“很可爱”,是由补语来负责表达对于主语的叙述。

如果 Birds are lovely.是主句,那么 be 动词不可缺乏;可是如果这个句子是从句,依附在主句上,再加上主语 birds 如果与主句重复出现,那么这个从属从句中需要保留的就只有 lovely—个词而已!重复的主语与无意义的 be 动词都是多余的。这个从属从句去掉了主语与动词两个部分,已经不是完整的句子,所以不再需要连接词。剩下的补语部分,如果词类


所以,为什么省略 be 动词?我们的答复是:因为 be 动词没有意义,省略不会影响原句的意思。

没有 be 动词怎么办?

如果从属从句中没有 be 动词可省略,那么可分为两种情形来处理。

a. 有助动词时,变成不定词

这是因为所有的语气助动词都可以改写成 be 动词加不定词,例如:

You must go at once.

→ You are to go at once.(你必须马上离开。)

The train will leave in 10 minutes.

→ The train is to leave in 10 minutes.(火车 10 分钟后开动。)

He should do as I say.

→ He is to do as I say.(他该按我说的去做。)

You may call me "Sir."

→ You are to call me "Sir." (你可以叫我“先生”。)

Children can't watch this movie.

→ Children are not to watch this movie. (这部电影儿童不能看。)

当然,助动词改写成 be 加不定词,表达的意思不如原来的精确。这是为求简洁所作的牺牲。不过也可以用 going to、willing to、able to、likely to、in order to、so as to、free to、bound to 等等来补充,况且依附于主要从句中又可以靠上下文来暗示,所以不会偏离原意。


He studied hard so that he could get a scholarship.



从属连接词 so that 所引导的副词从句中,主语 he 与主要从句的主语重复,可以省略。动词 could get 可以改写为 was (able) to get,如此可省去 be 动词,留下补语部分的 to get a scholarship,连接词也不再需要,就成为:

He studied hard to get a scholarship.

如果怕 so that he could 省略后意思不清楚,也可如此补充:

He studied hard so as to get a scholarship.

He studied hard in order to get a scholarship.


b. 没有助动词时,变成 Ving

从属从句中若无 be 动词,也无助动词,可以如此思考:

先加个 be 动词进去,原来的动词就加上-ing,使它成为进行式的形态。如此一来就有了 be 动词,Ving之后的部分则视为补语而保留下来。然后同样把主语和 be 动词这两个没有意义的部分省略,就完成了简化的动作。例如:

John remembers that he saw the lady before.

S V 连接词 O


从属连接词 that 所引导的宾语从句 that he saw the lady before 中,主语he 就是主句的主语 John,可省略。可是动词 saw 不是 be 动词,又没有助动词,所以无法省略。

但是简化从句中不能留下这种动词,否则句型错误(John remembers saw the lady before 是错的,因为有两个动词)。这时候只要先把he saw the lady before 改成 he was seeing the lady before,就有 be 动词了。


并不恰当,可是只要把 he was 省略就可避免这个问题:

John remembers seeing the lady before.


原来的 that he saw the lady before 是名词从句,作为主句中 remembers的宾语。现在变成 seeing the lady before,可以当动名词看待,仍是名词类,同样作宾语使用,符合词类要求又完整保留原意,这就是成功的简化从句。

所以,从属从句简化时,如果没有 be 动词可省略,也没有助动词可改成不定词,一律加上-ing, 使动词成为 Ving 的形态留下来即可。


从属从句简化,是了解复杂句型的关键,也是进入高级句型的阶梯。从属从句简化的通则是把主语与 be 动词省略,留下补语。这是简化从句最重要的观念。


So it's for us to get (get) together on some important festivals.

John and I often go there to play (play) football.

Sometimes, just we two practice passing (pass) the ball.

There is a supermarket called (call) “Good Neighbor” in my neighborhood.

The price of the things in the supermarket is so low that people living (live) there like to shop there.

Sometimes I ask her to buy (buy) my favorite food for me.

Jerry feels likes going (go) somewhere wonderful.

Last night I seemed to see (see) two strangers go into her room. It seemed dangerous.

My brother had nothing to do (do) but watch TV last Sunday.

Boys and girls! It's your time to make a decision to study (study) hard now.

In China,more and more school students are tired because their sleep time is getting (get) shorter and shorter.

Most students can only sleep less than eight hours every night,because they have too much homework to do (do).

Some students spend too much time watching (watch) TV or playing computer games.

Some students get up early every weekday to get (get) to school on time by bus or by bicycle.

Three of the topics for them are exercise, use of the internet and improving (improve) their speaking skills.

They think the best way to study English better is by writing (write) as often as possible.

They are still practicing being (be) parents and need help you can give them.

Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel (feel) better.

So if you come here in winter, you can enjoy many beautiful things made (make) of ice and snow in excitement.

Gogol Street is a good place to go (go) shopping.

Children's Park is the most creative park. Do you look forward to visiting (visit) them?

There are a lot of clerks working (work) in the shop, so we have the shortest waiting (wait) time.

We couldn't stop laughing (laugh) because the clown kept dropping (drop) the ball.

It may be difficult for you to decide (decide).

When Lang was 2 years old, he saw Tom play (play) the piano.

Lang’s father gave up his job to look after him while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make (make) money.

I made up my mind not to watch (not watch) TV too much, or it would get in the way of my study.

I looked back, half expecting to see (see) someone following me.

Thanks for planning (plan) such a wonderful party for us that we would never forget in our whole life.

He is really interested in writing ( write) letters in English to his pen friend.

It's our duty to help parents do some cleaning ( clean) at home.

No one yells(喊叫) and asks him to stop riding ( ride) the bike. That's because this free ride is just fine with the city.

My mother asks me to remember to turn (turn) off the light when I go out.

Then I taught him how to use ( use) the Internet and how to play chess online.

The tourists who have visited Mount Song say it is hard to describe ( describe) its beauty in words.

He wants to be a writer because he is good at writing (writer) stories.

Our teacher always tells us not to run (not run) in the hallways.

I spend two hours everyday helping (help) my mom do housework.

To protect animals, please do not buy things made (make) of their fur and bone.

I don’t like raining (rain) days because I can not go out to play.

-What would you like to watch (watch) on TV this evening?

-How about sitcoms? I think they are interesting.

Mr. Green Makes a living by teaching (teach)

In our culture, the ability to make (make) one’s own decisions is important.

Another ancient celebration still practiced (practice) today is about Tai Hao temple fair that lasts until the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar.

If you don’t know what you want, you might end up getting (get) something you don’t want.

Our headmaster warns us not to break (break) the school rules, or we may be punished.

Chang’e refused to give (give) it to him and drank it all.

After this, people started the tradition of admiring (admire) the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.

She used to rush to have (have) a lunch when she was in high school.

The boss suggested trying (try) the new method.

It has been popular with people since ancient times; even in royal families (皇室), ladies were also judged (评定) by the ability to make (make) paper cuts.

Dogs specially trained to discover (discover) COVID-19 have started sniffing passengers at Finland's Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

The roof requires repairing (repair).

The guard required the crowd to wait (wait) outside the door.

Last year, 662,100 Chinese went abroad to study (study), an increase of 8.83 percent from 2019, according to the Ministry of Education.

Attracted (attract) by the culture there, she decided to stay and study in the country.

We have a difficulty breathing (breathe) because we all have stomachache.

His new job means working (work) all day and all night.

John was busy putting up (张贴) the signs on the board just now, so he didn’t notice a boy fall (fall) off the bike on the street.

A boy rushed into the

classroom in excitement, carrying (carry) a basketball in his hand.

Diana used to drive (drive) to work, but now she is used to walking (walk) because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.

Sharing (share) housework can help us truly understand the meaning of responsibility.

Students keep the attention on learning (learn)rather than clothes.

They are encouraged to go (go) to school because they no longer feel bad about their dresses.

The new competitor has to work hard to improve himself, compared (compare) with my brother.

It's hard for me to fall sleep with the strong wind blowing (blow) outside. I’d like to sleep in a silence environment.

The AI Smart Room will undoubtedly be extremely attractive to guests, creating (create) the way for a new level of modernization and consumers’ satisfaction.

Soldiers and doctors quickly arrived in the area, saving (save) people and rebuilding homes.

Although we can't prevent(阻止) an earthquake from happening, we can use some methods

to reduce (reduce) harm.

Facing (face) with such a difficult situation, the little boy was confused, didn’t know what to do.

We will travel to Iceland. Remember to pack (pack) all the things you will need, hats and gloves included (include).

I'm interested in the novel written (write) by Dickens.

They find it difficult to understand (understand) the grammar.

Later, rich family even used silk to paint (paint) beautiful pictures.

I want to take (take) some photos with them and I will give some gifts to my teachers as well.

She remembered hearing (hear) somewhere about Christmas Cards that were made (make) by hand over a hundred years ago.

And today I would like to introduce (introduce) some simple but useful ways that we can follow easily in our daily life.

Thirdly, try best to use (use) things like books, paper, magazines and so on.

It’s believed to stop the epidemic from spreading (spread).

You can solve this problem by making (make) use of your old backpacks to store all kinds of tools.



