
练习:在句子的空白处填入适当的词,使前后句意保持不变 (1)I was shy. That prevented me from speaking first. =My _____ prevented me from speaking first. (2)She does everything well. How wonderful she is! =She does everything well. What a ______ she is! (3)What is the ______ of the street?=How wide is the street? (4)His advice is of some ______ .=His advice my be helpful. (5)He is not lucky. =He is not of ______.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于英语名词形容词的变化和用法?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



练习:在句子的空白处填入适当的词,使前后句意保持不变。 (1)I was shy. That prevented me from speaking first. =My _____ prevented me from speaking first. (2)She does everything well. How wonderful she is! =She does everything well. What a ______ she is! (3)What is the ______ of the street?=How wide is the street? (4)His advice is of some ______ .=His advice my be helpful. (5)He is not lucky. =He is not of ______.

答案:(1)shyness (2)wonder (3)width (4)help (5)luck

注解:(1)I was shy. That prevented me from speaking first. =My shyness prevented me from speaking first. 我害羞,这使我不能首先发言。(shyness不能写成shiness)

(2)She does everything well. How wonderful she is! =She does everything well. What a wonder she is! 她每件事都做得很好,多么了不起呀!

(3)What is the width of the street?=How wide is the street? 这条街多宽?(width是必须记忆的词)

(4)His advice is of some help .=His advice my be helpful. 他的建议有些帮助。(“is of 抽象名词”是一个非常有用的结构)

(5)He is not lucky. =He is not of luck. 他很幸运。


