




1. a blank face (=an expression that shows you do not know or recognize something) 一脸茫然

Judging from her blank face, I'd say she didn't know what we were talking about. 从她一脸茫然的表情看,我猜她不知道我们之前在聊些什么。

2. Poker face: A blank, emotionless expression that gives no indication of one's thoughts or intentions. An allusion to this type of expression being worn by poker players so that their opponents won't know whether they had been dealt a good or bad hand.面无表情。玩扑克的人要尽量做到面无表情才能让对方猜不出来是不是拿了好牌。

I kept looking over to see if she was impressed, but she wore a poker face throughout the performance. 我不停地回头看(自己)有没有给她留下深刻印象,但她在表演中一直面无表情。

3. keep a straight face:to not laugh or smile, even though something is funny听到笑话或看到可笑的场景时强忍不笑

It's so hard to keep a straight face on camera when you have hilarious co-stars like I do. 当你有一个非常搞笑的伙伴时,很难面对镜头强忍不笑。


4. a long face (=an unhappy expression),不开心的表情,中文也有同样的表达,拉长脸,摆臭脸pull/wear a long face

Jill had such a long face yesterday after she learned that she failed her exam. Jill昨天知道自己考试没及格后拉长着个脸。

I asked him if he wanted to come out but he pulled a long face and said no. 我问他要不要出来,他摆着个臭脸说不要。

5. a face like thunder (=a very angry expression) 怒气冲冲,黑着脸

Mr Neeson came striding towards us with a face like thunder. Neeson先生黑着脸向我们大步走来。

6. somebody's face falls (=they start to look unhappy) 脸色变得凝重(看上去不开心)

Her face fell and I thought she might burst into tears. 她脸色变得很凝重,我以为她要哭了。

7. somebody's face darkens (=they start to look angry or threatening) 黑起脸,脸色变得很难看(看上去很生气或者充满威胁)

Tom's face darkened and he turned angrily on Sam. Tom的脸色变得很难看,他开始对Sam发怒了。


8. pull/make a face (=change your expression to make people laugh or to show you are angry, disappointed etc) 做鬼脸或者使脸色

The teacher sent Jane to the principal for making a face in class. Jane被老师送到校长那儿,因为他上课做鬼脸。

I started to tell John where I was last night, but Bill made a face so I didn't.


9. something is written all over somebody's face (=something is obvious from someone's expression) (某事)完全写在某人脸上

The disappointment was written all over his face. 失望完全写在他的脸上。

10. you should have seen his/her face spoken (=used to say that someone was very angry, surprised etc) 你该看看他/她的表情

You should have seen Gary's face when I told him I was resigning. 我告诉Gary我要辞职了。你该看看他当时的表情。

11. a smile/grin/frown etc on somebody's face 面带微笑/愁容

Sally watched him with a smile on her face. Sally面带微笑地看着他。


12. get in somebody's face: if someone gets in your face, they really annoy you 某人很烦人

As we left the court, reporters kept getting in my face to ask me if I was guilty.我们离开法庭的时候,记者不停地问我是否有罪。

Some guy got in my face last night at the bar, so I socked him in the eye. 昨晚在酒吧有人不停地烦我,我就一拳打在了他眼上。

13. get out of my face: used to tell someone in an impolite way to go away because they are annoying you 礼貌地告诉别人走开,因为他们烦到你了

Get out of my face. I don't have time for this nonsense. 走开,我没时间扯这些狗屁。

If this guy doesn't get out of my face soon, I'm going to call security.如果这家伙再不赶紧滚出我的视线,我就叫保安了。

15. lose face:if you lose face, you do something which makes you seem weak, stupid etc, and which makes people respect you less 跟汉语的“丢脸”差不多

He doesn't want to back down (=accept defeat in an argument) and risk losing face.他不想冒着丢脸的风险让步。

Things will go better if you can explain to him where he was wrong without making him lose face. 如果你能给他解释他哪里错了,同时不让他丢脸,事情会变好一些。


虽然英语里也有lose face这个词,但外国人感觉到“丢脸”的时候可远比咱们中国人少。很多时候我们为了面子会不懂装懂,可是如果让对方看出来咱们是在不懂装懂,岂不是更丢脸?所以有不明白的时候,何不学学咱们孔圣人,”入太庙每事问“呢?


