
“I see you’ve got a bit of water on your coat,” said the man at the petrol station. “Is it raining out there?” “No, it’s pretty nice,” I replied, 1 my sleeve. “Oh, right. A pony(马驹) 2 me earlier.”,今天小编就来聊一聊关于高考立体几何答题模板?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




“I see you’ve got a bit of water on your coat,” said the man at the petrol station. “Is it raining out there?” “No, it’s pretty nice,” I replied, 1 my sleeve. “Oh, right. A pony(马驹) 2 me earlier.”

As it happened, the bite was virtually 3 : more the kind of small bite you might get from a naughty child. The pony responsible was 4 for some ice cream in the car park near Haytor, and perhaps thought I’d 5 in ahead of him.

The reason why the ponies here are 6 is that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods, despite 7 asking them not to. By feeding the ponies, tourists increase the 8 of them getting hit by a car, and make them harder to 9 during the area’s annual pony drift(迁移).

The purpose of a pony drift is to gather them up so their 10 can be checked, the baby ones can be stopped from feeding on their mother’s milk, and those who’ve gone 11 their limited area can be returned to their correct area. Some of them are also later sold, in order to 12 the number of ponies according to the rules set by Natural England.

Three weeks ago, I 13 a small near-disaster a few miles west of here. While walking, I noticed a pony roll over on his 14 . “Hello!” I said to him, assuming he was just rolling for fun, but he was very 15 and, as I got closer, I saw him 16 his legs in the air and breathing heavily. I began to properly worry about him. Fortunately, I 17 to get in touch with a Dartmoor’s Livestock Protection officer and send her a photo. The officer immediately sent a local farmer out to check on the pony. The pony had actually been 18 between two rocks. The farmer freed him, and he began to run happily around again.

Dartmoor has 1,000 or so ponies, who play a critical role in creating the 19 of species in this area. Many people are working hard to preserve these ponies, and trying to 20 with plans to find a sustainable(可持续的) future for one of Dartmoor’s most financially-troubled elements.

1. A. rolling B. checking C. inspecting D. unfolding

2. A. bit B. kissed C. hit D. spotted

3. A. obvious B. stainless C. painful D. painless

4. A. waking up B. looking up C. queuing up D. making up

5. A. jumped B. run C. passed D. stopped

6. A. dangerous B. naughty C. lovely D. aggressive

7. A. keepers B. police C. notices D. signs

8. A. chance B. possibility C. risk D. danger

9. A. gather B. move C. leave D. return

10. A. health B. babies C. numbers D. mothers

11. A. ahead B. beyond C. against D. away

12. A. cut down B. decrease C. increase D. limit

13. A. noticed B. watched C. experienced D. witnessed

14. A. stomach B. feet C. back D. head

15. A. still B. angry C. ill D. frightened

16. A. stretching B. kicking C. reaching D. throwing

17. A. tried B. managed C. decided D. determined

18. A. covered B. seized C. caught D. trapped

19. A. variety B. majority C. diversity D. society

20. A. come out B. come about C. come together D. come up


1-5 BADCA 6-10 BDCAA 11-15 BDDCA 16-20 BBDCD


One day when I was 12, my mother gave me an order: I was to walk to the public library, and 1 at least one book for 2 . This was one more weapon for her to defeat my strange problem — inability 3 .

In the library, I 4 my way into the Children’s Room. I sat down on the floor and 5 a few books off the shelf at random. The 6 of a book with a picture of a beagle 7 my eye. I had recently had a beagle, the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, but one morning, he was 8 to someone who had the space and the money to care for him. I never forgot my beagle.

There on the book’s cover was a beagle which looked 9 to my dog. My eyes ran across the title, Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. 10 , I had read the title. Without 11 the book, I borrowed it from the library for the summer.

Under the shade of a bush, I started to read about Amos. 12 I read very slowly with difficulty, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who had been 13 from his family and who finally found his way back home. That dog was my dog, and I was the little boy in the book. At the end of the story, my 14 continued the final scene of 15 , on and on, until my own lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together.

My mother’s call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized 16 : I had read a book, and I had loved reading that book. Everyone knew I could not read. But I had read it. Books could be incredibly 17 and I was going to read them.

I never told my mother about my experience that summer, but she saw a slow but remarkable 18 in my classroom 19 during the next year. And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, was 20 a PhD in literature, and authored his own books, articles, poetry and fiction.

1. A. buy B. read C. borrow D. lend

2. A. the summer B. the vacation C. the semester D. holiday

3. A. to write B. to concentrate C. to learn D. to read

4. A. lost B. made C. found D. stepped

5. A. pulled B. put C. took D. pushed

6. A. cover B. name C. title D. subject

7. A. pleased B. caught C. reached D. delighted

8. A. sold out B. taken away C. adopted D. given away

9. A. familiar B. close C. identical D. forward

10. A. Interestingly B. Luckily C. Unknowingly D. Simply

11. A. opening B. checking in C. signing up D. checking out

12. A. However B. Though C. Since D. Besides

13. A. sent B. divided C. lost D. separated

14. A. memory B. heart C. mind D. illusion

15. A. comedy B. tragedy C. returning D. reunion

16. A. everything B. something C. it D. that

17. A. powerful B. wonderful C. interesting D. helpful

18. A. progress B. improvement C. achievement D. perfection

19. A. performance B. teaching C. attending D. learning

20. A. rewarded B. admitted C. given D. awarded


1-5 CADCA 6-10 ABDCC 11-15 ABDCD 16-20 BBBAD


Last year, I was assigned to work at an office near my mother’s house, so I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped out with 1 and 2 to the groceries.

After less than a week, I started 3 that the groceries were 4 pretty quickly — we were always suddenly out of something. Wondering how my mum could 5 them so quickly, I began observing her daily 6 for two weeks. To my surprise, I found that she would 7 a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine. Eventually, I decided to 8 her and what happened truly 9 me. She was taking the food to the refugee camp, in which she 10 it to children.

I asked 11 and found out that my mum was very well known in the area. The 12 were very friendly with her and even 13 to her as if she were their own mother. Then it 14 me —why would she not want to tell me about what she had done? Was she worried about how I would 15 or that I would stop buying the groceries if I found out?

When she got home, I told her about my 16 . 17 she could react, I gave her a big hug and told her she didn’t need to 18 it a secret from me. She told me that some of the children lived with an older lady in a shelter while others slept on the streets. For years, my mum has been helping out by giving them whatever food she could 19 . I was so impressed by how 20 she was.

1. A. the cooking B. the laundry C. the homework D. the homework

2. A. contributed B. added C. devoted D. referred

3. A. finding B. realizing C. noticing D. spotting

4. A. holding out B. giving out C. running out D. filling out

5. A. use B. consume C. eat D. apply

6. A. life B. work C. routine D. scheduled

7. A. include B. hide C. fetch D. pack

8. A. follow B. trap C. catch D. expose

9. A. shocked B. surprised C. amazed D. confused

10. A. divided B. sorted C. distributed D. gave

11. A. her B. why C. for D. around

12. A. kids B. refugee C. people D. villagers

13. A. looked at B. looked up C. looked down D. looked forward

14. A. impacted B. hit C. astonished D. comforted

15. A. complain B. react C. support D. forgive

16. A. feeling B. thought C. discovery D. opinion

17. A. When B. After C. While D. Before

18. A. remain B. leave C. stay D. keep

19. A. afford B. save C. buy D. spare

20. A. kindness B. ambitious C. selfness D. considerate


1-5 DACCB 6-10 CDACC 11-15DABBB 16-20 CDDDC


Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in southern Italy. After climbing up a hill for a panoramic(全景的) view of the blue sea, I paused to catch my 1 and then 2 myself to take the best photo of this panorama.

Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman 3 from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view. Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and 4 the view.

5 as I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would eventually take, I grew 6 . Was it too much to ask her 7 so I could take just one picture of the landscape? Sure, I could have asked her, but 8 prevented me from doing so. She seemed so content in her observation. I didn’t want to 9 with that. Another 15 minutes passed and I grew bored. The woman was still there. I decided to take the photo 10 . And now when I look at it, I think her 11 in the photo is what makes the image interesting. The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow comes to 12 and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.

This photo, with the unique beauty that 13 before me and that woman who “ 14 “ it, now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her 15 is captured and frozen on some stranger’s bedroom wall? A bedroom, 16 , is a very private space, in which some woman I don’t even know has been immortalized (永存). 17 , she lives in my house.

Perhaps this is what photos are for: to 18 us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a common 19 for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.

That photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken 20 between two women, separated only by a thin square of glass.

1. A. breath B. eye C. cab D. train

2. A. adjusted B. threw C. positioned D. appointed

3. A. approached B. arose C. appeared D. arrived

4. A. entertain B. appreciate C. respect D. cover

5. A. Angry B. Impatient C. Patient D. Sad

6. A. bored B. annoyed C. eager D. frustrated

7. A. to leave B. to help C. to move D. to remove

8. A. somebody B. something C. a tourist D. a guide

9. A. mess B. ruin C. disturb D. excuse

10. A. anymore B. anyway C. that way D. this way

11. A. appearance B. arrival C. absence D. presence

12. A. me B. life C. an end D. a stranger

13. A. unfolded B. exposed C. shone D. swam

14. A. spoiled B. damaged C. ruined D. occupied

15. A. face B. name C. back D. figure

16. A. above all B. after all C. in all D. at all

17. A. By the way B. In some ways C. In this way D. On the way

18. A. remind B. suggest C. indicate D. infer

19. A. interest B. desire C. dream D. benefit

20. A. pain B. connection C. conversation D. secret


1-5 ACABC 6-10 DCBAB 11-15 DBACD 16-20 BBABC


I’m a 34-year-old man, married, lived in a nice house, and have a successful career as an educational consultant. But my 1 was not always so great. I had a learning disability from an early age. I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra 2 . Still, I 3 the rest of my school days in 4 schools.

My life 5 remarkably when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance to 6 myself without words. I went to a 7 and gradually got good at making things with clay(黏土). Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in 8 , I could still be smart and well express myself with clay. And my 9 came along.

I got my next lesson from rock climbing. It was a fun thing but I was 10 from the start. I soon noticed it wasn’t a talent thing; it was 11 . So I did it more. After about five years of climbing, I 12 myself in Yosemite Valley on a big wall. I learned that if you 13 love with something and do it all 14 , you will get better at it.

Later I decided to 15 my previous experience to learning how to read and write. Every day I practiced reading and writing, which I used to 16 as much as possible. After two hard years, I was 17 .

Having gone through the long 18 with art, rock climbing, and reading and writing, now I’ve got to a 19 in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally 20 , hard, but interesting.

1. A. study B. school C. life D. childhood

2. A. treatment B. help C. care D. attendance

3. A. suffered B. wasted C. loved D. spent

4. A. private B. primary C. high D. public

5. A. promoted B. changed C. improved D. relaxed

6. A. remind B. speak C. learn D. express

7. A. workshop B. lecture C. library D. museum

8. A. ability B. language C. mentality D. intelligence

9. A. faith B. success C. confidence D. courage

10. A. scared B. frightened C. afraid D. bored

11. A. confidence B. bravery C. caution D. practice

12. A. lost B. found C. made D. trained

13. A. fall off B. fall down C. fall in D. fall into

14. A. the way B. the same C. the time D. the more

15. A. apply B. devote C. adjust D. prefer

16. A. avoid B. do C. oppose D. disagree

17. A. addicted B. literate C. experienced D. perfect

18. A. way B. time C. run D. process

19. A. situation B. period C. point D. stage

20. A. different B. foreign C. strange D. unknown


1-5 CBADC 6-10 DABCA 11-15 DBCCA 16-20 ABDCD


