8个积极倾听的小方法 周二分享二学会倾听

8个积极倾听的小方法 周二分享二学会倾听(1)


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When others talk, we are listening, but we are often not listening. Many people confuse listening with listening. In fact, there is a fundamental difference between the two. Listening is only a physiological process and an unconscious behavior. As long as the ear can hear others' words, it indicates that it is listening. Although listening is also based on hearing the sound, what is more important is that listening is not only physiological listening, but also a positive, active and conscious thinking. In the process of listening, we should not only receive and understand what others say, but also receive and understand others' gestures, posture and facial expressions; We should not only get information from it, but also grasp others' thoughts and emotions.


"Nature endows humans with one mouth and two ears, that is, we need to listen more and speak less." Generally speaking, the most commonly used abilities in the process of communication are the ability to listen attentively and the ability to speak. Listening is to listen with your ears, think with your mind, and feel with your heart. It emphasizes the ability to listen. Being able to speak means being good at words and convincing people with reason in communication. It emphasizes the ability of language expression. In practice, people often pay attention to the training of language expression ability and ignore the improvement of listening ability. The result is to speak more and listen less. In fact, the biggest difficulty in communication is not how to express one's own opinions and views, but how to listen to others' voices. Compared with the ability of language expression, the ability of listening is more critical. Although effective communication depends on listening for about 75%, most people only spend 30% - 40% of their time listening to others' statements, which leads to a lot of communication errors. D


Stephen Robbins and others believe that active listening requires full attention in order to understand the whole meaning, and do not rush to judge or explain before doing something. He further pointed out the following steps for active listening: first, eye contact. Eye contact with the speaker can make you concentrate, reduce the possibility of distraction, and encourage the speaker. Second, show approachable nods and appropriate facial expressions. Effective listeners will show interest in the information they hear through nonverbal signals. Third, avoid distracting or boring actions. When listening, don't look at your watch, read files or play with your mobile phone. These actions make the speaker feel bored or uninterested. Fourth, ask questions. This behavior clarifies awareness, ensures understanding, and assures the speaker that you are listening. Fifth, retell in your own language. Retelling is an effective tool to test whether you listen carefully and whether the content you understand is correct. Sixth, avoid interrupting the speaker. Let the speaker finish his thoughts before you react. Seventh, don't talk too much. Not only be willing to express your ideas, but also be willing to listen to others. Eighth, smoothly switch the roles of listeners and speakers. Effective listeners can smoothly change from speaker to listener, and then from listener to speaker.

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