



Where there is a will, there is a way.

首字母填空题12(词数:272;题材:人物传记;建议阅读时间:8 分钟;

Jim Carrey has become one of the most famous faces in the world. It is because of his face that he has become so famous. The funny faces that he makes and his strange behavior are what people like to s1.

He was bom in Canada on January 17th, 1962. His family was poor and growing up was d2 for him. As a teenager, he had to both work and go to school. Soon he decided to leave school. He was very unhappy then b3 it helped him a great deal. He developed a wonderful sense of humour to help him live with his p4. He didn't have any friends because he said he didn't want any. Between school and work there just wasn't much time for a childhood.

At 15, however, Jim Carrey started performing in a famous comedy(喜剧) bar in Toronto(多伦多). Later he did the s5 thing in America. He became very good at it. That's the important reason why he developed into a famous comedy star many years later.

Now Jim Carrey is a big famous star and he hasn't looked back since. The future looks good for him, and he has millions of f6 who love his wild style of films. He has proved his ability to be a great star.

Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood and in fact seems to be living a s7 childhood now. Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years, and Jim Carrey is the best of the new ones.


1.behavior n.行为:举止;品行: What comments do you have about the new colleague's behavior? 你对新同事的行为有什么看法?

2.comedic adj.喜剧的: She decided to present her project in a comedic way. 她决定用喜剧的方式来呈现她的项目。


1.That's the important reason why he developed into a famous comedy star many years later. 这就是许多年后他会发展成为一名著名的喜剧明星的重要原因。

分析:此句中的“reason”是先行词,“why he developed into a famous comedy star many years later”是定语从句, 后置限定“reason”,其中“why”是关系副词,“reason”在从句中充当原因状语。


1.watches 下文提到了“We can't look at a clock for the right time”,因此,要了解时间就应该是要看表了,但需要注意此处用复数。

2.body 生物钟是在人体的内部的。

3.importance 通过上下文理解可知医生们在研究生物钟对身体的重要性。


5.illnesses 下文所举的例子是心脏病,是一种疾病,所以能推知医生所发现的是一些疾病的发作规律,因为此处用“some”限定,所以疾病“illness”要用复数。


7.attack 上文提到了心脏病(heart attacks)的发作时间,所以此处的意思是在夜间服药能预防心脏病的发作。





