

  • above

经常用来指前面提到过,表示“如前所述,as discussed above"、“前面的方法,the above method"等。但above不确定时,用起来容易,读起来不易明白,容易造成表达不清。这时应把所指的事情明确地写出来。类似不明确的字还有former,latter,应避免使用。

  • absorption, adsorption

adsorption is to the surface, not inside.

  • access, assess

access是接近; assess是评估,估价。

  • adapt, adept, adopt

adapt是动词,适应; adept是形容词,熟练的;adopt是动词,采用。

  • affect, effect, impact

affect是动词,影响(influence)的意思。如“温度对细胞生长的影响”可表示为“Temperature affected the growth of cells"

effect是名词,是结果(result)影响的意思。有时也可以作动词,招致(bring about)的意思。科技论文中很少使用effect的动词形式。

impact当冲击,碰撞讲。如"Western popular culure has a huge impact on Asian society"自然科学不同参数的相互影响一一般不用impact来描写,用affect或influence更合适。

  • agree to, agree with

agree to是同意,giving consent,“I agree to a biopsy test"; agree with是一致, in accord, “ The results agree with our previous observation".

  • alternate, alternative

altemate是交替的,轮流的; altemative是另外的,选择的。

  • and


Pollution in the river affected the population of dfferent animals, such as fishes, birds, and turtles.


Pollution in the river affected the population of dfferent animals, such as fishes, birds and turtles.



One liter of water was added and the solution was left at 4 °C overnight.


One liter of water was added, and the solution was left at 4 °C overnight.


The assay was carried out by heating the sample in boiling water for two hours, and the volume of the assay solution was kept constant by adding water.


AIDS drugs are effective to control the replication of HIV, but they cannot cure AIDS. And a vaccine for AIDS is still clusive. Therefore, education and prevention are the most effective weapons against AIDS for now.


The sample was added to the testing solution, and allowed to react in a water bath at 37°C for 10 min.

宜改为: The sample was added to the testing solution and allowed to react in a water bath at 37°C for 10 min.


  • apparent (apparently)

apparent有“明显的,obvious, clear” 和“貌似的,seeming” 两种用法。具体是哪种用法,句子的前后内容可能会有提示。在不能确定的情况下,应避免使用,选用obvious或seeming更好。


  • appear

有“出现,to come into view"和“好像,seem” 两种讲法,一般在科技论文中,当“好像,seem"的用法要多些。

Afer cooling down to room emperature, yellowish crystals appeared,

lt appears that defomation of frogs in the Hui River is caused by pesticides.

  • as



As soon as the body emprature reached 39°C, the child has to be sent to the emergency room.

也当“在...的时候,when" 讲。

as the snow sarted to melt, the team went back into the forest to collect samples.

  • augment

to make (something already develped or well under way) greater,as in size,extent,or quantity继续增长,进步扩大。

  • average, mean, median


如2,4,8,16,32,average 和mean是12.4,median 是8。

  • because, because of

用because来表示因果关系是最明确的.Because后面写句子,because of后面用名词。

The tiger population decreased dramatically because their habitat was destroyed.

The tiger population decreased dramatically because of loss of habiat.


Since the weather is hot and humid, we decided to take a break.

  • below


  • conserved, conservative

conserved保存的,保持的: conservative 保守的,守旧的。

  • continual, continuous

continual是经常发生的: continuous是连续和不间断的。

  • correlated with, correlated to

correlate with是正确用法,correlate to是错误用法,related to是正确用法。

  • deduct, deduce

deduct是扣除,deduce 是推理。

  • design, designate

design是设计,构思; designate 是指定,指出。

  • different from, different than

事物之间不同用different from,人物之间不同用different than。具体的语境中different from不能写成different than。

  • diminish, decrease

diminish削弱,减为很少; decrease减少,并不定减为很


  • dramatically, drastically

dramatically是显著的; drastically 激烈的。

  • in contrast, on the contrary

in contrary是错误的。

  • induce, provoke

induce引发; provoke 挑拨,科技写作中很少使用。

  • preceding, proceeding

preceding前面的,proceeding 进程、事项。


