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The Great Guitar Debate


When most people are asked to name their favorite flavor of ice cream, the decision often comes down to chocolate or vanilla. In the world of rock and roll, the question is as equally basic for guitar players choosing an electric instrument: Gibson Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster?

The debate over which guitar is superior has raged since the very beginnings of rock and roll. Famous guitarists who have chosen the Les Paul, or "Paul" for short, include legendary rock star, Wu Bai, as well as the guitarist for Linkin Park. Those who prefer the Stratocaster, or "Strat," include Sting and the late Jimi Hendrix. Even teenagers practicing alone in their bedrooms are prepared to argue in favor of the Strat or the Paul, regardless of whether they can afford to buy either instrument.

The Les Paul is the instrument of choice for guitarists who prefer a sound that's thick, heavy, or fat. The Strat, on the other hand, appeals to players who want a sound that's bluesy or "spacey." When the first Strat was produced in 1954, it became an instant classic. The earliest Strats now command up to US$25,000 when placed on the market. Vintage Pauls are even more collectable, occasionally fetching up to a quarter of a million dollars.





Fine Philly


Most schedules for a trip to the United States include glamorous cities like New York, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. But for travelers who are interested in history and are open to discovering a city with lovely architecture, stimulating nightlife, and a unique local culture, America offers no better travel destination than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It was in the "City of Brotherly Love," as Philadelphia is sometimes called, that the United States was born. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were produced here. One of the signers of those documents was Philadelphia's most famous citizen, Benjamin Franklin. Travelers to Philadelphia can visit a museum on the site of Franklin's home and tour the building where the Constitution was signed.

Not everything in Philadelphia is historically significant. A busy entertainment district, where trendy new restaurants and nightclubs seem to open every week, surrounds the historical area. As many young artists have moved south from New York in search of a more relaxed lifestyle and a lower cost of living, Philadelphia has become a hot place to live.

Anyone visiting Philly should take the time to explore the neighborhoods that lie outside the city's center. An area of note is the bustling Italian Market. As the largest working outdoor market in the US, it is home to a wealth of specialty stores. Though the shops are predominately Italian, other nationalities have made their way into the market. After you've fed on the delectable delights of the city, a stop for a photo at the top of the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art will help burn off some of those calories. After all, the stairs did the trick for Sylvester Stallone in Rocky.







