



1. 结合原文和大量例句看别人是怎么用的(这个过程叫“输入”)

p.s. 例句不要只看1个,否则自己还是学不到在【不同的语境中】该词的用法,这也是我会一个单词配好几个例句的原因

2. 自己造句(这个过程叫“输出”),通过造句,你就“逼”自己不得不思考“我可以把这个词用在哪呢?”“用的时候要注意什么?”等等问题,你在【主动学习】,那以后在口语或写作中,你当然就可以自然而然地用出来了,不需要在“用词”上烦恼了,只需要focus在你口语/写作的“内容”上,这才是核心,所以,记得完成页面底部的“趁热打铁”部分,要学就学透了,要学就追求高质量!

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[读外刊 · 看世界]

Netflix may have found an answer to our 'too much to watch' age

My list of unwatched but must-see films is stressing me out. Speed-watching could help, but maybe it’s time to scale back


Things in life that could be improved by being speeded up: work meetings, telephone banking, golf, the sandwich queue at my local deli. Films? Well, it’s tempting. Some movies are three and a half hours long, and some of us like to be in bed before midnight.

This week we learned that Netflix has been testing a new feature that allows users to speed up their viewing without sacrificing the dialogue (making it different from the fast-forward button), prompting outpourings of fury from filmmakers on social media. “Don’t fuck with our timing,” frothed Judd Apatow, the director of Trainwreck and Knocked Up. “We give you nice things. Leave them as they were intended to be seen.” “Another spectacularly bad idea, and another cut to the already bleeding-out cinema experience,” raged Brad Bird, he of The Incredibles and Ratatouille.

You can see why they might feel aggrieved. It’s bad enough that Netflix has provided a “skip intro” function, because, really, who gives a toss about who did all the work? Now the expertise and graft they put into creating a visually stunning, expertly paced masterpiece can be bypassed by some idiot pressing a button and turning it into a high-definition Benny Hill Show.

While you could argue that there’s no compulsion to use the function, actors and directors would say that that’s not the point. Novelists don’t write imagining that readers will skim their latest opus; musicians don’t write songs expecting them to be played back at double speed. While filmmakers don’t get to decide when we press pause before we go to make a cup of tea, they should surely be able to count on the fact that their work will be viewed at the pace that was intended.

Defenders of this function have cited podcasts as a medium whose programmes can be sped up for time-poor listeners without adversely affecting the experience. While there’s something to be said for being able to up the pace in order to finish a show before the end of your commute or morning run, it hardly enhances the work. Studies have shown that time-compressed speech leads to a drop in comprehension for the listener, although I’m more concerned about what it does to the voices. Podcast hosts sounding like characters from Disney movies don’t always make for an engaging listen.

Nonetheless, Netflix’s new feature, currently only available to some Android users, could be seen as the logical solution to a world flooded with films and TV series that no one person could hope to watch in a lifetime. Right now, my list of unwatched but must-see films and TV series is so long that it’s stressing me out; I am forever marooned in catch-up mode. Remember when we only had a handful of channels to choose from, and when watching a film at home meant seeing The Poseidon Adventure for the 67th time, or making a trip to Blockbuster? Back then, I would sit through any old crap. This is not about reduced attention spans supposedly afflicting viewers in the internet age, it’s about a surfeit of stuff demanding our attention. Choice can be a good thing but, beyond a certain point, the impulse to skip forwards, or switch to something else, can be overwhelming.

It stands to reason that networks will do their utmost to speed up our consumption – with greater competition between streaming services intensified by the arrival of Apple TV and the forthcoming platform Disney , the fight for our eyeballs is becoming ever more brutal. More dispiriting is what this desire to speed things up says about how we, the viewers, have come to see entertainment. It used to be that it was something we did in our downtime to help lift us from the daily grind. But, increasingly, getting through the list of must-see series is a mountain to be conquered, or a job in which we are rewarded for increased productivity.

Of course, there is another solution to the fact that we are drowning in what streaming companies charmingly call “content”, and that is to reduce the output, and focus on quality not quantity. It’s hardly a revolutionary idea, but one that seems to elude the networks that see it as necessary to dump a lorryload of new shows on their platforms every week, much of it drivel. Directors could do their bit, too, by trimming their masterworks to a length less likely to give us all arse-ache.

We live in a televisual world in which bigger is seen as better, and commissioning budgets have duly skyrocketed. Three and a half hours to watch a movie? I’ve had shorter holidays than that. Perhaps it’s time to scale things back – or the problem won’t be speed-watching, it’ll be cancelled subscriptions all round.

词 汇 卡 片

1. scale back/down

to make something smaller than it was or smaller than it was planned to be


- A shortage of money has forced them to scale down the project.


- Trump's plan abandons the previous administration's goal of scaling back US reliance on coal.


- We're scaling back already.



从例句中我们可以看出,我们可以将scale back/down整体的看作及物动词或不及物动词

2. deli [ˈdel.i] CN

a small shop that sells high-quality foods, such as types of cheese and cold cooked meat, often from other countries




3. outpouring [ˈaʊtˌpɔː.rɪŋ] CN

an expression of strong feeling that is difficult to control


- His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.




从例句中我们知道occasion an outpouring of...,从原文中我们知道prompt an outpouring of...

4. froth[frɒθ]与本段后面的rage[reɪdʒ]同义,都表示大发雷霆,其中rage是C2级别的单词

- He raged at (= spoke angrily to) us for forgetting to order a replacement.


- He frothed (at the mouth) (= was very angry) when I asked for more money.


5. 本文中的cut相当于blow(打击),原文中的Another spectacularly bad idea, and another cut to the already bleeding-out cinema experience.理解为“这太不像人做的了,观影体验本来就不好,这无疑是雪上加霜。”[Fred译]


6. not give a toss [tɒs] about...

[very informal] to not be worried at all by something


- I don't give a toss about what he thinks.


7. high definition UN

a system for showing very clear pictures on a television or computer screen or for producing very clear sound


- The "Planet Earth" series, which is shot in high definition, captures the beauty of nature.



1. 该词的简称为HD/high def [你买电视的时候会在电视标签上看到]

2. 本文的high-definition就是形容词高清晰度的

8. up vt.

to increase something such as a price


- We won't be able to make a profit on the deal without upping the sale price.


- It looks like tax rates are going to be upped again.


9. 说播客主持人“吸引听众”时,原文是怎么说的?

make for an engaging listen

10. marooned [məˈruːnd] adj.

left in a place from which you cannot escape


- What would you miss most if you found yourself marooned on a desert island?


- The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.


11. crap [kræp] UN

something that is not worth anything, not useful, nonsense, or of bad quality


- I can't believe she's trying to pass off this crap as art!


- I've only read one novel by him and it was a load of crap.


12. surfeit [ˈsɜː.fɪt] CN

an amount that is too large, or is more than is needed


- The country has a surfeit of cheap labour.


- a surfeit of food and drink




13. it stands to reason that 句子

said when something is obvious or clear from the facts不言而喻,显而易见

- If 20 percent of the earth's population has 80 percent of its resources, then it stands to reason that 80 percent of the population has only 20 percent of the resources.


14. “使我们摆脱日常琐事”怎么说?

lift us from the daily grind [ɡraɪnd]


在用英语聊天时,如果你跟朋友聊到“下班后的娱乐方式”,你可能会说"After work, I often party with my friends to lift myself from the daily grind"


15. elude [iˈluːd] vt.

If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it.


- The gold medal continues to elude her.


- They had minor breakthroughs but real success eluded them.



该词还有一个常用意:使记不起来(If a piece of information eludes you, you cannot remember it.)

- I know who you mean but her name eludes me.


16. drivel [ˈdrɪv.əl] UN

nonsense or boring and unnecessary information


- You don't believe the drivel you read on the internet, do you?


- You're talking drivel as usual!


17. arse-ache ['ɑːseik] UN



文中的give us all arse-ache用得那是一个形象啊:Directors could do their bit, too, by trimming their masterworks to a length less likely to give us all arse-ache.这句大概的意思就是说“导演可以将他们的作品时长缩短,不至于让我们坐得太久屁股疼”

18. duly [ˈdʒuː.li] adv.

in the correct way or at the correct time; as expected


- He knew he had been wrong, and duly apologized.


- She asked for his autograph and he duly obliged by signing her programme.



Nonetheless, Netflix’s new feature, currently only available to some Android users, could be seen as the logical solution to a world flooded with films and TV series that no one person could hope to watch in a lifetime.


1. 整句话的主干是什么?

2. 加粗的成分是什么?


Nonetheless, Netflix’s new feature could be seen as the logical solution to a world


1. currently only available to...相当于非限制性定语从句:, which is currently only available to...,将which和is一起省去

2. flooded with...是过去分词作后置定语修饰a world,相当于限制性定语从句:that/which is flooded with...,将that/which和is一起省去

3. that...是定语从句修饰TV series,that指代TV series,在从句中作及物动词watch的宾

趁 热 打 铁


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