

新概念英语第三册 第30课 语法课文词句 全析全解(五)

新概念英语第三册 第30课 语法课文词句 全析全解(五)

温故知新是一切学习进步的根本途径,请复习浏览Lesson 30课文第一段,第二段,并找出前面所讲的语法,语言知识点及重点词汇。


《新概念英语》第三册 Lesson 30 课文第一段,第二段

新概念英语第三册第30课 语法课文词句全析全解(五)主要精读详解Lesson 30第三段 第一、二、三句词汇句型语法解析及翻译。


《新概念英语》第三册 Lesson 30 课文第3段

1. 第三段 词汇句型语法解析及翻译 第①句

Eric had been the eldest son of the family(very much older than his two brothers).埃里克是这家长子, 年龄比他的两个弟弟大得多。



⑴eldest 是old 的最高级形式之一[用于名词之前,before noun,指某一家庭中3个或3个以上的兄弟姐妹成员里年龄最大的 being the oldest of three or more people, especially within a family.

Her eldest child is nearly 34, but he hasn't been married yet.她最大的孩子快34岁了,但是他至今还没有结婚。

⑵eldest,作名词noun [S]eldest1 the eldest,a person who is the oldest of three of more people(3个或3个以上的人中)年龄最大的人

He was the eldest of four kids.4个孩子中他是老大。

⑶ eldest n.作名词 the oldest child in a family长子;长女

My eldest is at college.我的大孩子正在上大学。


2. 第三段 词汇句型语法解析及翻译 第②句

He had been obliged to join the army during the first World War.(大儿子埃里克)年龄比他两个弟弟大很多,第一次世界大战期间被迫参军。


本句是一个简单句He had been obliged to join the army 是核心句型。

  1. Be obliged to do… = be force to do… 被迫做某事
  2. Feel obliged to do… 有义务做某事


A. oblige FORCE迫使

  1. [及物动词接复合宾语objectcomplement, T obj to infinitive] to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something责成;强迫,迫使

The law obliges companies to pay double wages to their employees.法律强制公司向其雇员支付双倍的工资。

Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer. 法律没有强制卖主必须接受最高的出价。

  1. oblige , obliges , obliging , obliged HELPCN: 幫助CNS: 帮助[I or T] to please or help someone, especially by doing something they have asked you to do (尤指按别人要求的去做以)讨好,帮助,为…效劳

We only went to the party to oblige some old friends who especially asked us to be there. 我们去参加这个聚会只是为了照顾一些老朋友的面子,他们特意要求我们到场。

We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige. 我们需要一个向导,而他很乐意帮忙。

  1. oblige sb with sth , oblige sb with sth , to help someone by giving them something 提供…帮助(某人)

Could you oblige me with a pen and a piece of paper, please?劳驾请给我一支笔和一张纸好吗?

B. obliged adjective [after verb]obliged FORCED强迫的

1. be/feel etc. obliged[ to infinitive动词不定式] 被迫做某事;必须做某事;只好做某事to be or feel, etc. forced to do something or that you must do something

Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions to prevent the COVID-19 from spreading.法律规定医生有责任采取某些预防措施阻止新冠肺炎疫情蔓延。

She feels obliged to be nice to Jack because he's her boss. 她觉得必须对杰克殷勤些,因为他是自己的老板。

2. obliged GRATEFUL 感謝的 (be) much obliged,used to thank someone and say that you are grateful非常感谢,感激不尽,不胜感激

—Here's the old pictures you requested.—Oh, (I'm) much obliged (to you).—这是您要的老照片。—哦,非常感谢。

3. be 如…将不胜感激, used to ask someone politely to do something

I'd be obliged if you would complete and return the form as soon as possible. 如能尽快填好并交回此表,鄙人将不胜感激。


3. 第三段 词汇句型语法解析及翻译 第③句

As he hated army life he decided to desert his regiment. 他讨厌军旅生活,决定逃离所在部队。

A. 句型解析

本句是一个复合句,主句是 he decided to desert his regiment; As he hated army life是原因状语从句。

as表示“因为”、“由于”,引导原因状语从句,其语气不如because强,通常为附加说明的理由,且是已知晓的原因,主句与从句没有逻辑上的因果关系。as“因为”,语气较弱,一般放在主句前,中间用逗号隔开,表示的是明显的原因。更重要的特点是从句与主句的内容并重。for example例如:

  1. As she was not well, I went there alone. 因为她身体不好,所以我独自到那里去了。
  2. As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material. 由于他是个裁缝,他知道怎样利用这块布料。
  3. As it was raining hard, we had to be indoors.


B. 核心词汇分析1.desertr 2.egiment

1. desert常见词义主要有: 沙漠,荒漠,荒原,抛弃,放弃,开小差,废弃,不毛的,沙漠的,无人的;

desert ['dezәt] 按词性归类如下

①desert v. 熟词生义: v.(军队中)开小差v. (士兵)擅离(部队);逃走;开小差;遗弃,舍弃,擅离;

② desert v.(士兵)擅离(部队);逃走;开小差;放弃,撇下不管;遗弃;舍弃,离弃(某地方);背离,使失望;(感觉、品质或技艺)离开,丧失

③ desert adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;被抛弃的

④desert n. 沙漠,荒原;沉闷乏味的境况(或地区),冷清的地方;应得的赏罚(常用复数)

  1. He wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.他想用该水来灌溉贫瘠的沙漠土地。
  2. The 25-year-old American soldier deserted from army intelligence last month. 上个月25岁的美国士兵从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。
  3. Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. 沙漠植物适于耐酷热。
  4. Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs小农场主正舍弃他们的土地,到这里来寻找工作。
  5. It is one of the rare places in the world where the desert meets the sea.那是世界上沙漠和海洋相接的少有的地方之一。
  6. No matter how dry a desert may be, it is not necessarily lifeless.不管沙漠有多干旱,它不一定没有生命。
  7. Though small, the country has abundant plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.这个国家虽然小,但植物种类丰富,从沙漠草原到热带丛林都有。
  8. Though small, the country has abundant plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.这个国家虽然小,但植物种类丰富,从沙漠草原到热带丛林都有。
  9. Spaniards are worried about German investors deserting Spain for Eastern Europe.西班牙人担心德国投资者放弃西班牙而转向东欧。
  10. Young workers are more willing to desert jobs they don't like.年轻职工对不喜欢的工作更易擅自离职。
  11. They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。


2. ❶regiment ['redʒimәnt] n.(军队)团; (军队的)团;一大群人(或事物)❷regiment v.把…编成团;使(职工,劳动者等)受组织训练;组织化;把…编成

①He prides himself on remembering the name of every man in the regiment. 他爱夸口说全团的士兵他没有一个不知道姓名的。

②The regiment is on the march.该团在行军中。源自《汉英大词典》

③The task of their regiment was to pin down the invading army.他们团的任务是牵制侵略军。选自《汉英大词典》

④He deserted from his regiment.他开小差逃离他所在的团。

He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped.他设法回到了自己的团驻扎的农家场院。

⑤The regiment commander ordered ( or gave orders for) an emergency muster.团长下令紧急集合。

⑥Our regiment is attached to the first division.我们团暂属第一师。

⑦During the week before the regiment's departure, all the young ladies in the village became extremely depressed. (源自《傲慢与偏见》兵团离开前一周,村庄里所有的年轻小姐都变得极为沮丧。



