








Apart from the extrinsic honors, how can a place be judged as "good"? There must be different answers in everyone's mind, but the consensus should be "where we want to live". Is this place Otaru in Japan, Hallstadtt in Austria, a lakeside residence, or an ordinary small city in China, or a bustling metropolis?

In January, we went to Yi'an, an urban district of Tongling in the south central Anhui to the south of the Yangtze. The district borders Fanchang and Nanling in the east, Qingyang and Guichi in the south, and Zongyang and Wuwei in the northwest across the Yangtze.

Located in the middle of the 800-li section of the Yangtze in Anhui, the district is known as the north entrance to the world-class scenic resort featuring "two mountains and one lake" and an important crossroads of Anhui in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze.

It is easily accessible as two high-speed rails (Beijing-Fuzhou, Nanjing-Anqing), two railways (Shanghai-Tongling, Tongling-Jiujiang) and three expressways (Beijing-Taipei, Shanghai-Chongqing, and Tongling-Xuancheng) pass through it. The district also boasts 60km of the golden waterway of the Yangtze.

Living by the water and with well-developed traffic system, people can really enjoy the life there. Li Bai visited Tongling three times in his life. At that time, Tongling was a town called Tongguan, where Mt. Wusong was in. Now the place has been developed into a forest park called Tianjinghu. In the previous article about Tongling, we introduced a line in an ancient poem saying people love to live in Tongling, the following line reads "I would like to dance over the mountain".

Mt. Wusong in Tongling, Xietiao Pavilion in Xuancheng, and Caishiji Point in Dangtu in a circle were the favorite places of Li Bai when he lived a wandering life in southern Anhui. In fact, the frustrated poet spent his final journey of life in the three places. Mt. Wusong acclaimed by Li Bai in his poem as a wonderland was the most beautiful consolation in his heart.












The consolation of nature to people always exists. When people are tired of monotonous reality, only nature can comfort them. The trees and flowers of the past days still flourish nowadays. In Yi'an, we visited in winter Wutong Flower Valley and Yongquan Farmstead.

With well-protected eco-system, the valley has developed several featured gardens and a flower sea of nearly 1,000 mu for paeonia ostii. Red plums, tulips, hesperis matronalis, peach blossom, roses, lupinus micranthus guss, azaleas, peonies, lilies, zinnia elegans, sims azalea, and chrysanthemum bloom there in turn in four seasons all year around.In addition, the valley has eco-agriculture and family tourism. By integrating modernagriculture, study tour, regimen culture, and sightseeing together, the valley has evolved into a comprehensive agro-park. Such a business format has attracted more and more tourists from surrounding areas, and it became a resort in Yi'an District.

Yongquan Farmstead, the best destination in Tongling for holiday-makers, is a 4A-rated tourist attraction forged in 15 years with an investment of 600 million yuan raised by farmer entrepreneurs. Located at the foot of Mt. Yeshan by a river, it is known for the 12 sceneries that attract tourists all year round -- up along the Orchid Valley, you will see Lord Jin Lecture Room dating back to the Northern Song Dynasty, the Meditation Cave used by a monk in the Tang Dynasty, the Seven-Star Stronghold built by the remaining troops of the Hunan Army and the Taiping Army, the glacial wonders formed under the sea 300 million years ago, remaining watchtowers, ancient paths, and dilapidated walls from wars, as well as the unique rock resembling Guanyin, a Bodhisattva who gives children to longing couples, and the pavilion from where you can look over the Yangtze.




The beautiful scenery serves as a gathering place for talented people. The district has produced a number of figures famous in history including Chen Zhu, Hu Shunyuan and Sheng Du. Other literati like Li Bai, Su Shi, and Huang Tingjian also left calligraphy works here. The pavilion called “Cuifu” in Tianjinghu Park is built on the site where Su and Huang once made poems.

People are familiar with Li Bai's poems about Tongling. Su Shi and Huang Tingjian also wrote Mt. Wusong in their poems.When Su Shi visited Tongling about 1,000 years ago he toured Chengong Garden with Huang Tingjian and wrote three poems about the garden, as well as a poem about the “Double Ponds” in the garden, according to the ancient Tongling annals composed in the Qing Dynasty.

Chengong Garden is in the county seat of Tongling, far away but facing Mt. Tongguan. At that time, Su Shi was in the same mood as Li Bai and that was why he answered the verse of Li Bai "I would like to dance over the mountain" with "to make the exiled master poet dance, the green Mt. Wusong is the right place".

It is said that literati usually disparage each other, but what people see more from the three is compassion to each other. While they were in the same frustrated mood, only the scenery of Mt. Wusong can comfort them.



漫园古风―― 西联乡犁桥村



《龙舞盛世》―― 当地丰富的民俗文化


It is such poems that nourish the people here. Three villages in Yi'an District have been listed as national beautiful and livable villages, three more are in the list of traditional Chinese villages, and Liqiao Village in Xilian Town and Qunxin Village in Xuba Township have been honored for their best practices in human settlements improvement in China.

Yi’an is also a treasured land of bronze culture and one of the birthplaces of Chinese bronze civilization. The name of the district appeared as early as in 888 and the practical mining and metallurgy there has lasted for over 3,000 years. An ancient mining site and an ancient metallurgy site have been listed under the national protection. The district is abundant in mineral resources. As of now, more than 30 kinds of metals, nonmetals and associated rare metals have been proved, of which the reserves of gold, silver, pyrite, limestone and other proved reserves account for 70 percent respectively in Anhui. Such famous, special and quality agriculture products as paeonia ostii and white ginger have been included into the list of the national geographical indications protection products and white ginger has even been selected into the list of the nationally important agricultural heritage.

Sowing, planting, collecting, day after day, year after year, people here love this land,enjoying flowers in spring, and harvest in autumn.




