




年末的母鸡咯咯叫 —



闻者哈哈大笑,均称之中西结合之“杰作”,细想起来还真有点那意思:“年末”指的就是每年始于 12 月 25 日的圣诞节,而“咯咯叫”则为母鸡生蛋后那“痛后之悦”声。这一(谐音)双关触发了笔者时有插科打诨之“恶习”,通过些许时间对相关资料的收集和粗略整理,希望在该节来临之际,献给“有‘疑’说‘译’”的朋友们,以此衷心感谢各位数月之不离不弃和无限关照。关于“蛋”趣,笔者发现如下几则故事颇有味道,且与生活常识密切关联,此言是否属实,不妨读看看:

(1) Eggs-actly

Two colleagues and I stopped for breakfast at a roadside coffeeshop. We each ordered soft-boiled eggs, but Herb rather curtly(唐突草率地) added that his eggs were to be cooked for precisely three minutes, not one second longer.

When the eggs arrived, ours were cooked to perfection, but Herb’s were definitely undercooked. He complained to our waitress. She listened politely and then smiled. “I know exactly what you mean, sir. You wanted a three-minute egg, boiled for five minutes.”

(2) Eggs-actly Wrong

Our city-bred homeroom teacher brought some eggs into class in our country school and told us we’d soon witness the hatching of our own chicks. We watched in anticipation after they were settled in their nest of straw under lamps, but by the weekend they still hadn’t hatched. We arrived back on Monday morning full of curiosity, hoping we had chicks. We didn’t, and they were now overdue.

Later that day we overheard our teacher discussing the situation with his colleague, who suggested they might be dead. “I don’t understand how,” our teacher said. “I even took them home on the weekend and kept them in the fridge so they wouldn’t spoil.”

(3) We know eggsactly how to sell eggs.

(4) Slight Eggs-agerations

American: Our winters are so cold we have to put heaters under our cows so that they won’t give ice cream.

Filipino: That’s nothing. Our summers are so hot we have to fan our chickens so that they won’t lay hard boiled eggs.

简析:以上eggs(-)例证皆为exactly和exaggeration的变体形式,充分展现作者于幽默中见智之“笑”果。此“蛋”与彼“诞”看似没什么瓜葛,也不是毫无关系,只可惜现今英文明信片已成稀罕之物,回想多年前,将Christmas写成Xmas的大有人在,而且还被词典记录在案,即Xmas = Christmas!如此“别字”,依英文的构词能力来看,似可再继续“别”下去。为此,我们仿例“自创”如下,请读者指教或“一笑”置之:

Late-December hens cackle — Merry Eggsmas!



