





  • à la carte 按菜单点菜
  • à la mode 时尚的(fashionable; in the latest fashion


We’ll get Papa to buy you something a little more à la mode.

  • aide‐de‐camp 军士长(an officer in the army or navy who helps a more senior officer
  • blasé 习以为常(not impressed, excited or worried about something, because you have seen or experienced it many times before

例句:Kids have become blasé about violence on television.

  • bon voyage一路顺风(said to somebody who is leaving on a journey, to wish them a good journey
  • camouflage 迷彩隐藏(a way of hiding soldiers and military equipment, using paint, leaves or nets, so that they look like part of what is around or near them
  • carte blanche 行动自由(the complete freedom or authority to do whatever you like
  • chaise longue一种沙发(a long low seat with a back and one arm, on which the person sitting can stretch out their legs
  • chef d'oeuvre杰作(a very good piece of work, especially the best work by a particular artist, writer, etc.)
  • chic 时尚(the quality of being fashionable and attractive
  • coup d'état 军事政变(a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent
  • déjà vu 似曾相识 (the feeling that you have previously experienced something that is happening to you now
  • esprit de corps 团队精神(feelings of respect, care and support for each other, etc. that are shared by the members of a group
  • faux pas 失礼,过错(an action or a remark that causes somebody to feel embarrassed because it is not socially correct
  • fiancé未婚夫(the man that somebody is engaged to
  • gourmet 美食 ((of food, drink, etc.) of high quality and often expensive; connected with food or drink of this type
  • R.S.V.P.请回复( please reply
  • tête à tête 私人谈话(a private conversation between two people
  • vis‐à‐vis相对于,与某对比(in relation to,in comparison with

