
Mr. Miller dines (进餐)at a restaurant.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于金乌蒙特利尔西餐厅菜单?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Mr. Miller dines (进餐)at a restaurant.

The à la carte(照菜单点菜)

Waiter: May I take your order, sir?(点好菜了吗)Mr. Miller: I haven’t seen a menu yet. May I have one, please?Waiter: I’m sorry. I thought that the hostess(女招待) who seated (安排就座)you had given you a menu. Here is one, sir.Mr. Miller: There are so many dishes listed that it is hard to decide.Waiter: The à la carte (法语:照菜单点菜)dishes are on the left. The regular dinners(套餐) are on the right-hand page.Mr. Miller: I’ll have the regular dinner. I’m pretty hungry. With the regular dinner, I get appetizer, (开胃品)soup and so forth (等等). Isn’t that the idea?Waiter: Yes, sir. The regular dinner includes appetizer, soup, salad, choice of dessert(甜点), tea or coffee.Mr. Miller: Is there any particular dish(特色菜) you would recommend?Waiter: The roast beef(烤牛肉) is very good tonight. We also have several good chicken dishes if you like chicken.,

