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linq not in 查询

更多 时间:2015-11-4 类别:编程学习 浏览量:1394

linq not in 查询

linq not in 查询

下面以linq to sql的实例介绍 not in 查询和 in查询,linq的用法类似




    Select ProductID, ProductName, CategoryID
    From dbo.Products
    Where CategoryID in (1, 2)


    二、LINQ to SQL 实现IN

    var queryResult = from p in db.Products
    where (new int[] {1,2}).Contains(p.CategoryID)
    select p;


    三、T-SQL的NOT IN

    Select ProductID, ProductName, CategoryID
    From dbo.Products
    Where CategoryID not in (1, 2)

    四、LINQ to SQL 实现 NOT IN

    var queryResult = from p in db.Products
    where !(new int[] {1,2}).Contains(p.CategoryID)
    select p;

    五、LINQ to SQL 实现 NOT IN子查询

    from a in TableA where !(from b in TableB Where ... select b.Id).Contains(a.Id)

    六、Linq 实现方式

    //比如 Id in (1,2,3)
    int[] a={1,2,3};
