
Discharge xinchi外语discharge英 [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] 美 [dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ] ,现在小编就来说说关于雇佣和解雇的英语整理,英语discharge释放允许?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



Discharge xinchi外语

discharge英 [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] 美 [dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ]

v. 释放,允许……离开;解雇;使退伍;(使)流出,(使)排出;开火,发射;放(电);履行(职责),清偿(债务);(法官,法庭)撤销(法院命令);卸(货),让……下车

n. 允许出院,释放;任务的执行,债务的偿还;解雇;退伍;(法庭命令的)撤销;放电;排出物,分泌物;(物质的)放出,排出;射击,开火;(仪器、雷暴等释放出来的)电

[ 复数 discharges 第三人称单数 discharges 现在分词 discharging 过去式 discharged 过去分词 discharged ]discharge [ dis'tʃɑ:dʒ, 'distʃɑ:dʒ, dis'tʃ- ]

n.the sudden giving off of energy

the act of venting同义词: venting

a substance that is emitted or released同义词: emission

any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body"the discharge of pus"

同义词: emission expelling

electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field同义词: spark arc electric arc electric discharge

the pouring forth of a fluid同义词: outpouring run

the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)同义词: dismissal dismission firing liberation release sack sacking

a formal written statement of relinquishment同义词: release waiver

the act of discharging a gun同义词: firing firing off

v.complete or carry out"discharge one's duties"

同义词: dispatch complete

pour forth or release"discharge liquids"

eliminate (substances) from the body同义词: expel eject release

free from obligations or duties同义词: free

remove the charge from

go off or discharge同义词: fire go off

pronounce not guilty of criminal charges同义词: acquit assoil clear exonerate exculpate

leave or unload, especially of passengers or cargo同义词: drop drop off set down put down unload

cause to go off同义词: fire

release from military service同义词: muster out

become empty or void of its content同义词: empty

以上来源于: WordNet


discharge CET4 TEM4 ( discharging, discharged, discharges )


1. V-T When someone is discharged from a hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave. 批准离开; 命令离开

例:He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.


2. N-VAR Discharge is also a noun. 释放

例:He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay Miss Smith $500 compensation.


3. V-T If someone discharges their duties or responsibilities, they do everything that needs to be done in order to complete them. 履行 (职责或义务) [正式]

例:...the quiet competence with which he discharged his many duties.


4. V-T If something is discharged from inside a place, it comes out. 排出 [正式]

例:The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.


5. N-VAR When there is a discharge of a substance, the substance comes out from inside somewhere. 排出 [正式]

例:They develop a fever and a watery discharge from their eyes.



discharge of v. 卸下

discharge standard 排放标准

partial discharge 局部放电;部分放电;部份履行

electrical discharge machining 电火花加工;[电]放电机械制作

pollutant discharge 污染物排放


vt. [劳经]解雇;卸下;放出;免除issue , forgive

vi. [环境]排放;卸货;[流]流出issue , shed

n. [环境]排放;卸货;[劳经]解雇firing , dismissal

词根: discharge

adj.discharged 放电的;泻出的

v.discharged 排出(discharge的过去分词);卸货


He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay Miss Smith $500 compensation.


There was a watery discharge from her ear.


He received an honourable discharge from the army.


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