伊索寓言中的经典故事 伊索寓言中英经典小故事

驴和哈巴狗(Donkeys and haba dogs)

一个人养了一头驴和一只哈巴狗。驴子成天被关在栏子里,虽然不愁吃喝,但是每天都要干很多的活,不是到磨坊里拉磨,就是到树林里驮木材,或者运货物到集市上去,工作特别繁重。    哈巴狗的命运和驴子的则有天壤之别。它会演许多小把戏,做很多有趣的动作,特别能逗主人的欢心,主人一高兴就会赏赐给它一些好吃的,到了傍晚主人还会和它一起外出散步。  驴子在工作之余,难免心有不平,自己累死累活,还得不到自由,而哈巴狗什么都不用干却能得到宠幸。  这一天,机会终于来了,驴子扭断缰绳,跑进主人的房间,它决定学哈巴狗那样逗主人开心,说不定主人会带自己出去游逛一天呢。驴子看到主人就围着他跳舞,可是它的腿碰倒了桌子,碗碟被摔得粉碎,接着又撞翻了椅子。驴子觉得这样还不够亲热,于是它学着哈巴狗的样子,趴到主人身上,伸出舌头去舔他的脸。  主人被他吓坏了,以为驴子发疯了,也不敢反抗,只是在那里大叫。驴子以为主人喜欢自己这样,越发起劲了。大家听到喊叫急忙赶到,把驴子拽了出去。驴子等着主人给自己奖赏,没想到反倒挨了一顿痛打,接着又被关进了栏子。 寓意:人最愚蠢的行为是因为羡慕别人而否定自己,甚至丢失自我;人更糟糕的行为是刻意模仿他人,而模仿他人无异于自杀。

A man keeps a donkey and a haba dog. Donkeys are kept in the bar all day long, although not worried about eating and drinking, but every day to do a lot of work, either to the mill to pull grinding, or to the woods to pick up wood, or to transport goods to the market, the work is particularly heavy.  The fate of the haba dog is very different from that of the donkey. It will play a lot of tricks, do a lot of interesting action, especially to make the owner happy, the master will be happy to give it some delicious, in the evening the host will go out with it for a walk. Donkeys in the work, it is inevitable that the heart has a bad heart, their own tired to work, but also can not get freedom, and haba dog do not have to do anything but can get the favor. On this day, the opportunity finally came, the donkey twisted the reins, ran into the master's room, it decided to learn the haba dog so amused the owner, perhaps the owner will take himself out for a day. The donkey saw the master dancing around him, but his leg knocked down the table, the dishes were smashed, and then the chair was knocked over. The donkey felt that this was not intimate enough, so he learned the look of the haba dog, fell on his master, and stuck out his tongue to lick his face. The master was frightened by him and thought the donkey was mad and didn't dare to resist, but shouted there. The donkey thought that the master liked himself like this, and the more he started. Everyone heard the shouts and hurried to get there and dragged the donkey out. The donkey waited for the master to reward himself, did not expect to be beaten, and then was locked in the column. The moral: the most foolish behavior is to envy others to deny themselves, or even lose themselves.

伊索寓言中的经典故事 伊索寓言中英经典小故事(1)


