


1. 形容词状语, (用不定式)A.表语形容词状语: 与主语主动关系时:用不定式主动式:to do


①与主语只能有被动关系的动词.用不定式主动式 to do

②与主语可能有主动关系的动词.用 to do 表示主动;用 to be done 表示与主语被动关系

f.g: The firefighters found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the people who were trapped.(与主语主动关系)

* They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave.

* They are too nice to use just at present.

* The boy is 3 years old. He is too young to be taught.

B.宾补形容词状语 (与宾语有主动或被动关系,用法同上)

f.g: Do you think him easy to work with?

* We found the problem difficult to solve.

2. 目的状语: 用不定式,可用 so as to, in order to 加强语气(与主语主动关系)

f.g: She bent down to cut the grass.

* He turned again in front of the mirror, in order to make the others think he was looking at his new clothes.

* He had to sell some parts of his set so as to have money to get some food.

注: 不定式做目的状语表示在谓语动词之后发生的动作。so as to 引起的目的状语一般不放在句首。

3. 结果状语: 不定式: 一次,某次,将来(在谓语动词之后) 与主语主动关系.(可用so...as to)

现在分词: 持久,伴随谓语进行。

(可用 only 修饰,说明出呼主语或说话人预料的结果)

f.g: The Arab woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent.

* I went to see him only to find him out.

* The fish can eat a man in a few minutes, leaving only the bones.

4. 伴随状语: 用现在分词: 与主语主动关系有时用来补充说明整句


f.g: Holding the note in his hand, he stood there dumbfounded.

5. 原因状语, 时间状语, 条件状语:



说明: ①.可用对应的状语从句表示。

②.如分词与主语无逻辑关系,不能用作状语, 应该用从句或独立结构:

f.g: They had never seen one, for, being blind, how could they?

* Greatly inspired by the teacher's words, I decided to work hard.

* Picking an apple from a tree overhead, he turned to a soldier.

* After taking careful aims, let the arrow fly.

* When heated, ice will be changed into water.

* If playing all day you will waste your valuable time.

* Considered from this point of view, the question is great important.


