


Tong Zhuo, a popular singer, dropped a bombshell when he revealed in a video that went viral in May that he had once faked his identity to write the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, in 2013. Following an investigation, Tong's degree was canceled and 15 officials were punished.

Read more: 仝卓造假事件调查结果出炉丨Actor loses graduate certificate for exam fraud

The incident was again in the news on Monday night after a micro blogger posted excerpts of a book published by Law Press online citing Tong's case to educate governmental staff against engaging in malpractices.

As the case involved an entertainment star, the post soon became viral as "entertainment news", being reposted by many entertainment accounts.

However, there is more to the case than mere gossip. After all, there has been a serious violation by 15 employees holding State-sponsored positions. Also, as rightly pointed out by many on social networking sites, Tong, though a public personality, had not cultivated the image of a responsible citizen or student.

Tong wanted to apply to the Central Academy of Drama. The academy requires that all applicants be first-time gaokaotakers, but Tong had failed to clear the test in the past. That is when his stepfather contacted some government officials, who gave him a new identity, thus enabling him to sit for the exam again, but under another name.

Tong cleared gaokaothis time, but when he enrolled into CAD, he clearly deprived another deserving applicant of his chance.

That is why when he confessed to his malpractice in May, the revelation immediately made headlines on social networking sites and the authorities in Shanxi province launched an investigation. Within weeks, Tong was stripped of his degree and officials responsible penalized.

That the incident is in the news again should serve as a warning to all officials, telling them that if the violate rules, they will be punished some day.


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