i have no more to lose(Nomoreinterruption.带着各自的骄傲)


i have no more to lose(Nomoreinterruption.带着各自的骄傲)(1)

访客里出现久违的名字 说不出惊喜还是心痛 好久不见 别来无恙

A long lost name in the visitor says no surprise or heartache for a long time.

i have no more to lose(Nomoreinterruption.带着各自的骄傲)(2)

从相遇的那天起 我的风景就一直是你

From the day I met, my scenery has always been you.

总是先动心的人先走 后动心的人最痛

Those who are always tempted to leave first are the most painful.

i have no more to lose(Nomoreinterruption.带着各自的骄傲)(3)

我的征途可不是星辰大海 是我喜欢的人

My journey is not the stars, but the sea is my favorite.

i have no more to lose(Nomoreinterruption.带着各自的骄傲)(4)

每个嘴上说不想谈恋爱的人 大概心里都装着一个不可能的人吧

People who say that they don't want to be in love on their lips probably have an impossible person in their hearts.


