






Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend?

You should say:

What gift you would like to buy?

Who you would like to give it to?

Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her?

And explain why you choose that gift?


get on well with 相处得好

engagement party 订婚

housewarming party乔迁

decorative bedside lamp装饰性床头灯

play station 游戏机

game console 游戏机

PSP(play station portable)便携游戏机


1.What gift you would like to buy

第一小问是你想买什么礼物。买的东西五花八门(你对什么熟悉就说什么),像一些常规的万能款,可以是一本notebook 笔记本,一个decorative bedside lamp装饰性床头灯,一支lipstick口红,壕一点的话可以是一块watch 手表,一个PVC figure手办,一台iPhone 13 Pro Max,再壕一点的话...算了,家境贫寒不敢往下想了。


The gift I would like to buy is a smart speaker developed by Baidu, a Chinese tech giant, specializing in the search engine. This device connects to the voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service, "xiaodu", which responds to the name "xiaodu, xiaodu".

2.Who you would like to give it to



My best friend, whom I’ve known for over 10 years now, is an avid history lover. She loves reading about history and it’s always mind-opening whenever I talk with her. She is so insightful in many things, especially current affairs. She seems to have a way of understanding today’s world through the lens of history and she can always draw an analogy between today and the past, which is just fascinating.

3.Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her

第三小问是为什么想给他买礼物。首先可以想到的是在送礼物的场合,比如the birthday of the friend 生日, graduation day 毕业, engagement party 订婚, wedding reception 婚宴,housewarming party乔迁等等,都是很适合送礼物的时机。或者是对为长期的付出的感谢,比如父亲母亲,兄弟姐妹等。


I want to buy her a gift because her birthday is coming and she has invited me to her birthday party. And l haven't seen her for a long time, ever since we graduated from university and moved to different cities for further study.I miss her and can't wait to tell her about my recent life.

4.And explain why you choose that gift



I want to choose this perfume because she tried it once when we were shopping. She liked the scent but didn't buy it because it was a little pricey.I want her to have it because she's a nice girl with decent taste who pays attention to minor details. And 'm always hoping for the best for her. I can imagine how happy she will be when she opens the box and find this gift.




The gift I would like to buy is a smart speaker developed by Baidu, a Chinese tech giant, specializing in the search engine.This device connects to the voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service,"xiaodu”, which responds to the name"xiaodu, xiaodu” .

I want to give it to my best friend, Xiaoming, who attended the same primary school and secondary school as me.He just had a small surgery on his eyes and according to the doctor, the wound needs approximately a month to recover, which means he cannot play video games, watch TV programs, or read books. This article is from Laokaoya website. In other words,he is blind temporarily. Staying at home, unable to go anywhere, he is bored to death.So I want to buy something that he can use to kill time.

But it is easier said than done.Most of the products on the market are designed for ordinary people and are unsuitable for those who are blind.

I browsed the online shopping website, hoping to find something useful, and after two days' restless digging, I accidentally found the smart speaker.

It is perfect for his condition. You do not need to see or touch anything.Talk is enough.Through voice interaction, it can play music, make a to-do list, set alarms, stream podcasts, play audio books and do a lot of other things. With this device, I believe my friend will successfully make it through the recovery period.






Part 3 追加问题

(1)When do people normally send gifts to others?

(2)Do people give gifts or red packets at traditional festivals?

(3)Is it hard to choose a gift?

(4)Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?


