

There are many countries worldwide where students are able to study abroad for free or for a very affordable amount.世界各地有很多国家,可以免费留学或者仅需支付一小笔不高的费用。

Interest in studying abroad in Germany just seems to keep on growing. This is largely due to the fact that there are no undergraduate tuition fees at public universities in Germany.想去德国留学的兴趣看涨。这多半因为德国公立大学本科不收学费。

International students may be surprised to hear that they can also study in France for free, regardless of their nationality.国际生也许会感到惊讶,他们在法国也可以免费学习,不管是什么国籍。

In Norway, university study is available free of charge to all students, regardless of study level or nationality.在挪威,大学学习对所有学生都是免费,不限其学习程度与国籍。

In Iceland, there are no tuition fees charged at the country’s four public universities, with only a registration fee of around €400 a year.在冰岛,四大公立大学不收学费,注册费用仅每年400欧元。

Another country where students can study in Europe for free (or at a very low cost) is Austria.还有一个欧洲国家,学生可以免费或者低成本学习的就是奥地利。

Fees are very affordable for international students in Belgium, ranging from €890 to a maximum of €4,175 per year.对于国际生而言,学费绝对负担得起,约每年890欧元到4175欧元最多。

Students who speak Czech are able to study abroad for free in the Czech Republic at any public university.会说捷克语的学生可以在捷克共和国免费学习。

Living costs in Italy are also not as high as you might expect, at around €12,000-18,000 per year.意大利的生活费用也没有你想得那么高,约每年12000到18000欧元。

While Argentinian students all enjoy access to free universities, international students should expect to pay a small, nominal fee to enroll at public universities in the country.阿根廷学生都可以免费上大学,国际生预计要付一小笔公立大学注册费用。



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