







Prince Harry appeared 'tense' with the Duchess of Cornwall during public appearances in the years before Megxit, a body language expert claimed earlier this year. Princess Diana's biographer Tina Brown has said the Duke of Sussex, 37, who is currently living in his $14 million mansion in California, 'can't stand' Camilla and might deepen his rift with the royal family by 'going after' her and Prince Charles in his upcoming memoirs.

一位肢体语言专家在今年早些时候声称,在Megxit(梅根脱英)之前的几年里,哈里王子在公开露面时与康沃尔公爵夫人(卡米拉封号)显得很 "紧张"。戴安娜王妃的传记作者蒂娜-布朗说,37岁的苏塞克斯公爵(哈里王子封号)目前住在他位于加州的1400万美元的豪宅中,他 "无法忍受 "卡米拉,并可能通过在他即将出版的回忆录中 "攻击 "她和查尔斯王子而加深他与王室的裂痕。


Speaking to the Telegraph Magazine earlier this year to promote her new book The Palace Papers, Brown, 68, said the Duke of Sussex never made his peace with Prince Charles and Camilla's relationship, and does not want Camilla to become Queen. Speaking to FEMAIL, body language expert Judi James revealed how there appeared to be 'friction' between the pair during engagements over the last few years.

今年早些时候,68岁的布朗在接受 the Telegraph Magazine 采访,宣传她的新书The Palace Papers时说,苏塞克斯公爵从未与查尔斯王子和卡米拉的关系达成和解,并且不希望卡米拉成为王后。肢体语言专家朱迪-詹姆斯在接受《FEMAIL》采访时透露,在过去几年的活动中,这两人之间似乎有 "摩擦"。



She noted that at key public appearances involving Prince Harry and the Duchess, there was clear 'friction' between the two, with the Duke appearing 'tense' .

她指出,在涉及哈里王子和公爵夫人的关键公开场合,两人之间有明显的 "摩擦",公爵显得很 "紧张"。


Judi explained how the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla in 2005 was 'tense', with Harry 'distancing' himself from the group in portraits.' She said: 'This was a tense affair all round, with the Queen’s body language probably topping the list when it came to stoicism and teeth-gritting.

朱迪解释了2005年查尔斯王子和卡米拉的婚礼是如何 "紧张 "的,哈里在画像中与大家 "保持距离"。她说:"这是一个全面紧张的事件,当谈到坚忍不拔和咬牙切齿时,女王的肢体语言可能位居榜首。


By the time the couple attended the centenary of the Royal Air Force in 2018, tensions appeared to be more obvious between the Duke and Duchess. Judi revealed: 'At this point the signals of alienation are much more marked, along with Harry’s signals of distress. This is now a man seen looking worried or haunted.



The two couples also attended a rare public engagement to mark The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday patronage celebration (pictured). Judi said tensions appeared to be bubbling under the surface at the event. She explained: 'The signals of simmering unhappiness and even resentment or anxiety are appearing obvious in Harry’s body language... here, though, he seems to be glowering in the direction of his father and Camilla. He performs a tight mouth clamp that suggests anger, as well as a frown. His bounce has gone and his hands are clasped behind his back.'



Meanwhile according to Judi, while Harry appeared relaxed and happy at his son's christening in 2019, Camilla showed signs of 'inner tension.' She explained: 'Harry has Camilla sitting at his side, which should suggest some closeness or warmth but which might have been down to protocol. If she had stood at the back with Doria she would have appeared to be taking the place of grandmother to baby Archie. Like Harry, Camilla looks relaxed and happy apart from her tell-tale thumb-steepling that is often a sign of inner tension or anxiety.'

同时根据朱迪的说法,虽然哈里在2019年儿子的洗礼仪式上显得轻松愉快,但卡米拉却表现出 "内心紧张 "的迹象。她解释说:"哈里让卡米拉坐在他的身边,这应该意味着一些亲近或温暖,但这可能是出于礼仪。如果她和多莉娅站在后面,就会显得她取代了小阿奇的祖母的位置。与哈里一样,卡米拉看起来很放松,也很开心,但她的大拇指看上去在颤抖,这通常是内心紧张或焦虑的表现。


Brown said Prince Charles' estranged son is likely to voice his frustration in his memoirs, which are set to be published later this year. Brown, who penned the Diana Chronicles in 2006, said: 'William was disgusted about Meghan’s attack on Kate. But that’s nothing compared to how furious he’s going to be when this book comes out. Because Harry’s not going to go after the Queen, she’s sacrosanct. And he probably won’t go after Kate, whom he’s very fond of. But he will go after Charles and Camilla and maybe William. ”



Brown, said that Harry never warmed up to Camilla. In her upcoming book, the author has quoted an unnamed courtier who told her than when Harry was eventually talked into being in the same room as Camilla, he would remain silent and shoot her angry looks.



She said that Prince William has grown to accept his father's relationship with Camilla, but added the Duke of Sussex is 'very angry' that the Duchess of Cornwall will become Queen Consort when Prince Charles ascends to the throne. Pictured: Charles and Camilla in 2020.

她说,威廉王子已经逐渐接受了他父亲与卡米拉的关系,但苏塞克斯公爵对查尔斯王子登基后康沃尔公爵夫人将成为王后感到 "非常生气"。


William and Harry's relationship first came under strain in the lead up to Megxit and has slowly worsened in the months since, with the Duke of Cambridge reportedly furious about his brother's repeated attacks on the Royal Family. He was particularly incensed by the way his wife the Duchess of Cambridge was targeted.



The Royal Family has been left deeply concerned by Harry's decision to secretly collaborate with Pulitzer-winning ghostwriter JR Moehringer on what his publishers described as 'the definitive account of the experiences, adventures, losses, and life lessons that have helped shape him'.

哈里决定与普利策奖的鬼才作家JR Moehringer秘密合作,撰写被他的出版商描述为 "帮助塑造他的经历、冒险、损失和生活教训的权威记录",这让皇室深感担忧。


rift:分裂; 裂缝; 断裂; 分歧; 严重不和; 裂口;

friction:摩擦; 摩擦力; 争执; 分歧; 不和

stoicism:对痛苦的默默承受或泰然处之; 坚忍;


simmer:充满(难以控制的感情,尤指愤怒); 即将爆发; 酝酿;

glower:怒视; 虎视眈眈; 咄咄逼人地盯着;

protocol:协议; 议定书; 礼仪; 外交礼节; 条约草案

go after:追逐; 追求; 追击

sacrosanct:神圣的; 神圣不容更改(或置疑)的




