


not on speaking terms 冷战(因生气互不理睬);不相往来

英文释义:When you are not on speaking terms with another person, you are very angry with them and won’t talk to them.

He and his wife are not on speaking terms. 他们夫妻俩在冷战。

speaks for itself 有目共睹;不言而喻

英文释义:If something speaks for itself, it is clearly so good and needs no more explanation

The school's excellent record speaks for itself. 这所学校的良好的成绩有目共睹。

none…to speak of 不值一提

英文释义:This is used for saying that something is not important.

She has no experience to speak of. 她的经验不值一提。

speak volumes 不言自明;意味深长

英文释义:If something speaks volumes it provides a lot of information.

His silence on the issue speaks volumes. 他对此事的沉默能说明很多问题。


broadly speaking / generally speaking 总得来说

英文释义:This expression is used when you talk about something in general.

Generally speaking, people are nice when you are nice to them. 总的来说,如果你对人友好,他人对你也不会很差。

speak for yourself 你说的仅代表你自己,我不那么想;那是你自己的看法,我不是那么想的

英文释义:Use this expression to suggest that your opinion is different from that of others.

——No one wants to go to the theater tonight. 今晚没有人想去剧院。

——Speak for yourself! I do. 那只是你自己的想法,我想去。

speaking of 谈起,说起

英文释义:This expression is used to introduce something new.

Speaking of money, have you paid the hotel bill? 说到钱,你把宾馆的钱付了没有?

speak your mind 说出心里话;坦言直说

英文释义:To speak your mind is to say what you think even if it hurts or offends others.

She was a strong-willed woman who always spoke her mind.她是个很要强的女人,总是直言直语。



