

heatwave 热浪 天气下不得已这样降温


In 2022, unprecedented heatwave has swept the world, affecting millions of people's lives in Asia, Europe and North America.


1) The ongoing heatwave will last for several weeks. Local records for the highest temperatures have been broken in many countries.

持续的热浪将持续数周。 许多国家的当地最高气温记录已被打破。

2) A record-breaking heatwave has affected many parts of China and forced authorities to issue alerts. They recently warned the heat is creeping from northern China to central and eastern parts of the country.

破纪录的热浪影响了中国的许多地区,并迫使当局发布高温预警。 他们最近警告说,高温正从中国北方蔓延到该国中部和东部地区。

3) Recently, Over 1,700 people have died in Spain and Portugal from heat-related causes.

近期,西班牙和葡萄牙有超过 1,700 人死于高温。

4) In 2022, the heatwave is already peaking in western Europe and is moving eastward, but temperatures will still be much above normal.


5) More than 85 million Americans from the central U.S. to the Northeast are under heat warnings or advisories on July 23, as officials across the country urge people to take precautions when outdoors.

7月23号,从美国中部到东北部的超过 8500 万美国人受到高温警告,美国各地的官员都敦促人们在户外采取预防措施。

6) Heat stroke is the most severe heatwave illness. Heat stroke is most likely to affect infirm, homeless people, children, the elderly, athletes and outdoor workers. In order to prevent heat stroke, it is helpful to wear loose-fitting clothes, drink more water and avoid strenuous activities in hot weather.



