


Amazon employees in four countries have gone on strike amid the company’s biggest discount shopping holiday of the year to protest their working conditions and benefits and to demand better pay.亚马逊年度最大力度的促销活动之际,该公司在四个国家的员工举行了罢工,抗议他们的工作条件和福利,并要求提高工资。More than 100 workers in the U.S. in Minnesota, and thousands of workers in Germany, organized by the labor union Verdi, and across Europe in Spain and Poland are striking on Prime Day, Amazon’s annual sale, with the slogan “No more discount on our incomes.” 美国明尼苏达州100多名工人,德国威尔第工会组织的数千名工人,以及横跨欧洲的西班牙和波兰工人,在亚马逊的年度促销日Prime Day举行罢工,口号是“别再给我们的收入打折”。

▲ Amazon workers strike to protest working conditions on Prime Day — labor union says ‘human beings are not robots’(via Market Watch)


亚马逊德国2000名员工罢工(图 via EPA)

据Market Watch报道,亚马逊全球员工数超过60万。今年,亚马逊会员日的折扣活动由原来的一天延长至两天,并且承诺了很多商品“一天送达”,这成了此次全球大罢工的导火索。员工中的维权人士说,要满足这个要求会给员工带来更大的身体上的压力。


William Stolz, a picker at a warehouse in the Shakopee warehouse in Minnesota, told the BBC that workers wanted "safe, reliable jobs" from Amazon.明尼苏达州沙科皮仓库的工人威廉·斯托尔兹告诉BBC,工人们想从亚马逊获得“安全可靠的工作”。He says he has to pick an item about every eight seconds, or 332 per hour, for a 10 hour day.他说,每天10个小时,他必须大约每8秒拣选一件物品,也就是每小时332件。"The speeds that we have to work are very physically and mentally exhausting, in some cases leading to injuries," he said. 他说:“我们的工作节奏让我们的身体和精神都非常疲惫,有时甚至会导致受伤。”"Basically we just want them to treat us with respect as human beings and not treat us like machines," he said.“基本上,我们只是希望他们把我们当作人来尊重,而不是把我们当成机器,”他说。

▲ Amazon workers launch protests on Prime Day (via BBC)


亚马逊仓库(图 via Reuters)

因此,零售、批发和百货公司工会(Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union)主席斯图尔特·阿贝尔鲍姆(Stuart Appelbaum)指出,亚马逊需要明白,人类不是机器人。

“Testing hundreds of thousands of workers physical limits as though they were trained triathletes is the wrong approach. Operating at these speeds for this duration means Amazon needs to hire more workers, under more sustainable speeds that don’t put worker’s lives in jeopardy. Amazon needs to underStand that human beings are not robots.”“测试成千上万的工人的身体极限,就好像他们是训练有素的铁人三项运动员一样,是错误的做法。在这段时间内,以这样的速度运营,意味着亚马逊需要雇佣更多的工人,来维持不危及工人生命的可持续的速度。亚马逊需要明白,人类不是机器人。”

▲ Amazon workers strike to protest working conditions on Prime Day — labor union says ‘human beings are not robots’(via Market Watch)


7月15日,明尼苏达州沙科皮亚马逊工人罢工标语(图 via CNBC)



Boycott Amazon today and tomorrow! Don't cross the picket lines. Help demand better working conditions for *all* jobs at companies like Amazon.今明两天抵制亚马逊!不要越过警戒线。帮助工人们向所有诸如亚马逊这样的公司,要求更好的工作环境。I've been meaning to cancel my Prime membership for a while. I just cancelled it right now, to send an even strong message that I don't want to do business with companies that treat warehouse & delivery workers the way Amazon does. Bubye Amazon Prime!我想取消我的Prime会员资格已经有一段时间了。我刚刚取消了它,来发出更强烈的信息,我不想与那些,像亚马逊那样对待仓库工人和配送工人的公司做生意。再见,亚马逊会员 !


Should have done this ages ago. #PrimeDay when Amazon workers are going on strike to protest appalling working conditions seems as good a time as any to cancel @amazon Prime.早该这么做了。会员日是亚马逊员工罢工抗议恶劣工作条件的黄金日,似乎也是取消亚马逊Prime会员的最佳时机。


Y’all cancel y’all amazon prime memberships yet? For those of us who can afford to do it, please do. @amazon is a scourge on workers all over the world.你们都取消亚马逊的prime会员资格了吗?对于我们当中有能力做这件事的人,请这样做吧。亚马逊是全世界工人苦难的根源。



@wired are scabs. Support the workers not Amazon.《连线》杂志,支持工人,别支持亚马逊。


Shame on @BuzzFeed for notifying it's users about Amazon Prime Day. Stand with workers, stand with people, and don't cross the picket line!BuzzFeed把亚马逊Prime会员日的消息告诉了用户,真是太丢人了。与工人站在一起,与人民站在一起,不要越过警戒线!


Many publishers, including Insider Inc., The New York Times, and Polygon's parent company, Vox Media, receive commissions from affiliate partners, such as Amazon, when readers make purchases through links to products. 许多出版商,包括Insider Inc.、《纽约时报》和电子游戏网站Polygon的母公司Vox Media,在读者通过产品链接进行购买时,会从亚马逊等合作伙伴那里收取佣金。 "Insider, Inc. receives a commission from our affiliate partners when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective," Business Insider's Insider Picks says at the top of its articles involving affiliate relationships.“当你通过我们的链接购物时,Insider, Inc.会从我们的合作伙伴那里获得佣金,但我们的报告和推荐总是独立和客观的,”《商业内幕》的Insider精选在其涉及合作伙伴关系的文章顶部写道。

▲ People are slamming publications for pushing Amazon Prime Day deals while workers are protesting (via Business Insider)


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:Market Watch, BBC, Business Insider, Twitter

图:EPA, Reuters, CNBC, Twitter


