




read between the lines 听懂话外音
  • You need learn to read between the lines, kid. 孩子,你要学会听话外音,明白人家的言外之意。
be out of the woods == be off the hook 脱离困境
  • Our company is not out of the woods yet. 我们公司尚还没有脱离困境。
  • I don't think the competitive company will easily let us off the hook. 我不认为竞争对手公司会轻易地让我们脱困。
keep/hold sb's cards close to sb's chest 对(计划,打算等)守口如瓶; 秘而不宣
  • I have no clue of his step —— he always keep his cards close to his chest. 我也不知道他的下一步,他总是对自己的计划守口如瓶。
stay on track == be on course == on scedule 按计划进行; 在正确的轨道上
  • Your job is to help the meeting stay on track. 你的工作是帮助会议按既定轨道进行。
  • Your job is to keep the meeting on course. 你的工作是让会议按既定计划进行。
  • Your job is to make sure that the meeting run on schedule. 你的工作是确保会议按时进行。
pick up the bill for sb's mistake 为某人的错误买单 == foot the bill for sb's stupid behavior 为某人的愚蠢行为买单
  • I won't pick up the bill for your mistake. 我不会再为你的错误买单了。
  • I won't foot the bill for your stupid behavior. 我不会再为你的愚蠢行为买单。
shoot up 陡增猛涨== take a nosedive 暴跌
  • Sales is expected to shoot up this year. 今年预期销量会暴增。
  • Last year, the company's shares took a nosedive. 去年,公司股票暴跌。
sit on sb's hands 以静制动 == take/hold a wait-and-see attitude 持观望态度== wait and see (what happens) 静观其变
  • Let's sit on our hands and see what happens next. 让我们以静制动,看一看会发生什么。
  • Let's wait and see what happens. 让我们静观其变。
  • We take a wait-and-see attitude towards company reforms. 我们对公司改革持观望态度。

