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拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法。让英语学习变得更有趣更简单




[难度系数】 **

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When you enjoy a meal with your friends, how do you pay the bill? Does one person pay for everything? Or do you prefer to split the bill evenly instead? With mobile payments, many young people prefer the latter. Surprisingly, this can cause problems sometimes. Let’s say the bill for your lunch is 63 yuan. You and two friends decide to pay it evenly three ways – this means each person should pay 21 yuan. One of your friends says he’ll pay the full bill first. You and your other friend can give him what you owe (欠). It’s easy to pay the bill this way. You send your friend a WeChat red packet (微信红包) with the exact amount. Your other friend just gives him 20 yuan because he doesn’t have enough money in his account. Your friend who pays the bill might say there is no need to give him the rest, and so the other doesn’t.Guess what? The friend who paid for lunch probably thinks more highly of you than your other friend. Why is this? It’s because you agreed to split the bill evenly. Everyone should pay the same amount. Your friend who didn’t pay enough didn’t stick to your agreement (约定). This might make his credit (信用) drop, if only just a little bit. Actually, it is not money, but credit and face (面子) that matter sometimes.

Treasure Box

Word work

  1. instead adv. 替代
  2. cause v. 引起
  3. exact adj. 确切的
  4. stick to 坚持;坚守
  5. drop v. 下降,降低

Difficult sentences:

With mobile payments, many young people prefer the latter.

释义:有了移动支付,许多年轻人更喜欢后者。点拨:prefer v. 更喜欢。有三种常见的用法:(1) prefer A to B 比起 B 来更喜欢 A。I’d prefer a cold drink to hot tea. 比起热茶,我更喜欢喝冰饮料。(2) prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事。I prefer to live in big cities. 我更喜欢生活在大城市里。(3) prefer doing A to doing B 比起做 B 来更喜欢做 A。 He prefers reading books to watching TV. 比起看电视,他更喜欢读书。

Your friend who pays the bill might say there is no need to give him the rest, and so the other doesn’t.

释义:那位付了账的朋友可能会说没必要给他其余的钱,所以另一个朋友就没有给。点拨:need 作名词,意为“需要;必要”。There is no need to do sth. 没有必要去做某事。There is no need to cry over spilled milk. 没有必要为打翻了的牛奶哭泣。need 还可作动词,有两种用法:(1) 作实义动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。当主语是人时,后可接名词和动词不定式,即 need sth/ need to do sth。He needs some help.I need to go to the bathroom.(2) 作情态动词,后接动词原形。用 must 提问的句子,否定回答常用 needn’t。– Must I go to work this weekend? 这周末我必须上班吗?– No, you needn’t. 不,你不必。

Comprehension test

Choose the answer:1. What does the phrase “split the bill evenly” mean in Chinese? A. 全额支付 B. 分期付款C. 平均分摊 D. 信用消费

2. How much did the friend who paid the bill actually spend?A. 63 yuan. B. 20 yuan.C. 21 yuan. D. 22 yuan.

3. What did your other friend do wrong?A. He wanted to save some money.B. He didn’t follow the agreement. C. He didn’t have a good reason for not paying the right amount.D. He knew his friends wouldn’t care if he paid less.

4. What does the story teach us? A. Credit is important. B. Face comes last. C. Money is a small matter in most cases. D. Mobile payments are useful.

Vocabulary in use

Choose the answer:5. Miss Brown prefers _____ at home to _____ outside. A. read, walk B. reading, walk C. reading, walking D. read, walking6. She doesn’t want to draw the picture. She wants to ask someone else to do it _____. A. yet B. instead C. too D. either


1-4 CDBA 5-6 CB

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