

一、-ing 的基本用法


I. “be -ing …”构成现在、过去、将来进行时主动态。(参阅第 134 节、五~八)

  1. The liquid is flowing down the tower under the force of gravity. 液体在重力作用下正沿着塔往下流。(现在进行时主动态)

  2. When he came here, we were studying English. 当他来这里时,我们正在学习英语。(过去进行时主动态)

  3. In a few years the station will be feeding (或 supplying) power to many industrial plants. 再过几年,那座发电站将向许多工厂供电。(将来进行时主动态)

II. “have, had 或 shall (或 will) have been -ing …”构成现在、过去、将来这三种完成进行时主动态。(参阅第 134 节、九~十三)

  1. We have been studying the environment protection for a longtime. 很久以来我们一直在研究环境保护。(现在完成进行时主动态)

  2. Chemists had been studying the atmosphere for about two thousand years before its composition was discovered. 化学家们一直在研究大气,研究了约二千年,它的组成才被发现。(过去完成进行时主动态)

  3. By the end of this year they will have been studying English for a year. 到今年年底,他们学习英语有一年了。(将来完成进行时主动态,主语第一人称,则可用 shall 代 will。)

  4. I have just been thinking of my friends back home. 我刚才正想念我的那些回家的朋友。

注:下列动词极少用于进行时(包括完成进行时):know, hear, feel, appear, appreciate, believe, forget, like, look like…, notice, remember, resemble, see 等。


III. “being 过去分词”构成被动态. 这里有三种情况:

A.“is (或 was) being(现在分词) 过去分词”构成现在、过去这两种进行时被动态:

  1. This network computer is being operated by a programmer. 这台网络计算机现在正由一位程序员在操作。

  2. When I entered the workshop, the machine toll was being adjusted by a worker. 当我进入车间时,那台机床正由一位工人在调整。


B. being 前没有 is 或 was 之类动词,仅仅是动名词“being 过去分词”构成被动意义。例如:

  1. The object is at rest and resists being moved quickly. 物体静止,就阻止物体本身迅速移动。(直接宾语。意译。)

  2. Television waves pass right through the layer without being reflected. 电视波径直通过这一层(指电离层)而不被反射。(介词宾语)

  3. He went this way in order to escape being seen. 他走这条路是为了避开被人看见。(直接宾语)

  4. She hasn't been used to being spoken to like that yet. 她尚不习惯于别人那样地对她说话。(介词宾语)

C. “being(现在分词) 过去分词”作定语和在独立分词结构中以及介词后的“主谓”结构(即复合结构)中的用法

  1. We must pay attention to the problems being discussed here. 我们必须重视这里正在(被)讨论的问题。(定语)

  2. The electric current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to electrical energy. 所产生的电流是化学能转变为电能的结果。(复合结构作介词宾语。)

Ⅳ. “-ing 原动词具有的搭配关系”在句中作主语、宾语、表语、状语、介词宾语。(除其中作状语用的 -ing 为现在分词外,其余均为动名词。)


A. 作主语用:

  1. Melting and boiling take place under certain conditions. 熔融和沸腾发生在一定条件之下。

  2. In the given case warming the solid converts it to a liquid. 在给定情况下,加热这种固体能使它变成液体。

  3. There is no failing in the test. 不可能在试验中失败。

注:“There is no -ing “表示“不可能”之意。

  1. a. It’s no use asking the old woman — she doesn't understand what we say. 问这位老妇人毫无用处——她不懂得我们说的话。(本句还可用 There’s no use (in) asking…代替。)

    b. Is it any use trying to keep company with him? 力争跟他交往有用吗?

注:动名词短语作真正主语很少见,不如不定式为多。它主要用在含有 no use, useless, no good, worth while, waste, dangerous, senseless(无意义的,愚蠢的),nuisance(讨厌的),foolish 等词的搭配结构中。例如:It is senseless (或 a waste of time) doing that. 做那件事是无意义的(或浪费时间的)。

B. 作宾语、介词宾语或个别形容词的宾语用:

  1. I like reading English every morning. 我喜欢每天早晨读英语。(动词宾语)

  2. Their installation method is worth trying. 他们的安装方法值得试一试。(固定要求,作形容词宾语。)

  3. The process of dissolving table salt in water is a physical change. 食盐溶解于水的过程是物理变化。(介词宾语详见下文 E。)

  4. We think it no use increasing resistance in the experiment. 我们认为在这个实验中增加电阻无用。(真正宾语。动名词短语作真正宾语很少见,只有当其宾语补语为上面注中那些词时才行。)

  5. The children need looking after (或 caring for). 这些小孩需要照顾。(动词宾语。after或 for 后缺位的宾语正好是句中主语,但不可写出。动词 need 后不可用动名词被动态结构,却可用不定式被动态结构作动词宾语。)

C. 作表语用;(下面三例不是进行时,其中 moving 转为形容词。)

  1. Our greatest happiness is serving the people. 为人民服务是我们最大的幸福。

  2. Our production task is making pagers. 我们的生产任务是制造寻呼机。

  3. This piece of news is very moving. 这条新闻很感动人。

注:与上述现在分词 moving 类似的形容词还有;exciting(令人激动的),interesting(令人感兴趣的→有趣的),surprising(令人惊讶的→惊人的)等。显然,它们都是由及物动词的现在分词转化为形容词。理解时前后加“令人……的”即可,然后用合乎汉语习惯的言词表达。这不等于说任何及物动词都可这样转化为形容词。

D. -ing(现在分词)短语作状语用,含有时间、原因、让步、方式或伴随、结果等意义,但比较含蓄,只能根据上下文仔细琢磨。


  1. Passing through a liquid or solid, sound is changed into heat. 声音通过液体或固体时,就转变为热。(时间状语)

  2. The metal was cooled in the air, having been heated to a definite temperature in the furnace. 这种金属在炉子里加热到一定温度以后,就放在空气中冷却。(时间状语)

  3. He is standing there, waiting for an assignment. 他正站在那边等待分配任务。(目的状语)

  4. Not having done it, we tried again. 由于没有做成,我们就又试了。(原因状语。not 不能位于 having 后面。否定非谓语动词时,not 均应位于非谓语动词前面。)

  5. We read the book sitting by the window. 我们坐在窗户旁边读书。(方式状语。siting 前无逗号,却不能理解为说明 book, 因此必须强调逻辑判别。)

  6. Weighing 2,210 tons,the automatic forging press is operated by one worker only. 虽然自动锻压机重 2,210 吨,但只由一个工人操作。(让步状语)

  7. We increase the length of the wire, thus (或 thereby) increasing its resistance. 我们增加导线的长度,从而增加了导线电阻。(thus 或 there by 后的 -ing 短语一般表示结果含义。)

  8. Some students came running towards us. 几个学生朝着我们方向跑来。(方式状语)

  9. Not knowing how to operate the pen computer, he asked Henry for help. 他不知如何操作这台笔控计算机,便请求亨利帮助。(原因状语)

  10. Reducing the current, we can correspondingly decrease the speed of the motor. 如果减小电流,则电动机的转速就能相应减低。(条件状语)

  11. He knew how to run the machine, having been a worker ten years. 他当了十年工人,才知道如何开动这台机器。(原因状语。现在分词短语的完成式虽在句末,其动作仍在谓语动词之前。)

  12. The doctor, having felt your pulse, pronounced you better. 医生按了脉搏以后,断定你病已好转。(时间状语)

上述例句中,完成时的 -ing 表示其动作在主句动作之前已完成(见例句 2, 4, 11, 12),其余则和主句动词的动作差不多同时发生。注意本情况下 -ing 还有以被动态出现的形式(见例句 2),这时句中主语就是行为对象。-ing 作状语时,多半有逗号隔开,但有例外(见上面第 5, 8 句),故需逻辑判别。此外,注意作状语的分词短语一般位于句首或句末,但有时位于主、谓语中间。

E. -ing (动名词)短语作介词宾语用:

  1. We use this tool for tightening bolts. 我们用这工具来旋紧螺栓。

  2. Before starting the engine you should carefully clean and oil it. 在开动发动机之前,你应该把它仔细弄干净,并且上好润滑油。(注意 starting 的逻辑主体应该和句中主语有关。)

  3. You succeeded in improving the housing conditions. 你们顺利地改善了住房条件。

  4. We change air to a liquid by cooling and compressing it. 对空气冷却和压缩,我们可以使它变为液体。

  5. After having been discussed the report was published. 这份报告在讨论完以后,就发表了。

  6. Through being left out all night in the rain the metal had rusted. 由于这种金属整宵放在外边挨雨淋,它已经生锈了。

  7. We did not speak of having seen this play. 我们没说过已看了这部戏。

  8. On breaking the magnet into still shorter pieces we still get complete magnets. 把磁铁砸成更短小的碎块时,我们得到的仍然是一些完全的磁铁。

  9. Did he feel sorry for not coming in time? 他对没有及时来感到遗憾吗?

  10. Would you consider giving her another five minutes before giving up waiting for him altogether? 你是否考虑让她再等他五分钟,然后一起离开?(意译)

注意完成时表示形式(见例句 5、7)和被动态形式(见例句 5、6)。注意动名词的否定形式(见例句 9)。一般说来,作介词宾语的 -ing 短语仍须考虑与相应主语有协调的语态关系。若将上述第 2, 5 句分别改为 being started 和 discussing, 则句中主语就应作相应调整,使前后语态有一致的相应关系。

Ⅴ. -ing及其短语作定语用

(一) 按其位置,作定语的 -ing 有在所修饰的名词之前和之后两种:

A. -ing 在所修饰的名词之前

  1. I have read a lot of interesting and exciting novels. 我读了许多有趣的和令人激动的小说。

  2. That is a good-looking computer. 那是一台外形美观的计算机。

注 1:上述两个 -ing 已变为纯粹的形容词,已没有原来动词的特征。关于这一点可以通过查阅辞典得知。

  1. We must test the device under operating conditions. 我们必须在操作条件下试验这个装置。

  2. Without air a living thing will die. 没有空气,生物就会死。

  3. The moving water and air have mechanical energy. 流动的水和空气都具有机械能。

注 2:当 -ing 的前面有冠词 a 或 the,而后面有所修饰的名词时,则 -ing 必是作定语用的(见例句 2,4,5)。但是这个规律不能逆推,如例句 1,3 中,前面什么冠词都没有,-ing 仍作定语用。

注 3:注意有动宾关系的 -ing 短语或“表示行为方式的名词 -ing”短语作前置定语。例如:a metal cutting machine 一台金属切割机,the peace-loving people 热爱和平的人民,a high-speed heating furnace 一个高速加热炉,a hand riveting machine 一台手铆机等。

注 4:作前置定语的 -ing 短语允许用相应的副词修饰后面的 -ing。例如:a freely falling body一个自由落体,fast moving molecules 快速运动的分子等。

B. -ing 或其短语在所修饰的名词的后面

  1. Matter is anything having weight and occupying space. 凡是物质,都具有重量和占有空间。

  2. This is the ratio of oxygen reacting to water formed. 这就是参加反应的氧和生成的水之间的比。

  3. The man working by the machine with the worker is a student. 在机器旁边和工人一起劳动的男人是一个学生。

  4. The house being built will be our new laboratory. 正在建筑中的这所房子将是我们的新实验室。

  5. This glass container, having a base of 80 cm2, is 15 cm high. 这只底面积为 80 厘米2的玻璃容器高 15 厘米。(分译也可)

  6. Henry and his friend, conversing earnestly together, ceased as you approached. 亨利和他的朋友在热诚地谈话,当你走过去时,他们便不谈了。

注 1. 现在分词短语作后置定语时,若短语前后有标点符号和其它成分隔开,则为非限制性定语。上面最后两句中的现在分词短语就作非限制性定语。这种定语可理解为非限制性定语从句的紧缩形式。上两句中相应展开的非限制性定语从句分别为:"which has a base of 80 cm2"和"who were conversing earnestly together"。这时前后逗号仍保留。

注 2:有时它不是作非限制性定语,而是作状语。这要靠上下文进行逻辑判别。只要不影响理解,这方面的差别不必过分注意。

(二) 根据被 -ing 所修饰的名词(指人、物)能否产生 -ing 所表示的动作来分,作定语的 -ing 有下列两种情况:

A. -ing 和它所修饰的名词有逻辑上的“主谓”关系,并以此表示所修饰名词的特征。这时 -ing 为现在分词。例如:

the working people 劳动人民

running water 流水

boiling water 沸水(正在开着的水)

freely falling body 自由落体

B. -ing 和所修饰的名词没有逻辑上的“主谓”关系。这时 -ing 为动名词,一般表示用途或表示与所修饰的名词有关的动作。例如:

drinking water 饮用水

a reading-room 阅览室

the boiling temperature 沸腾温度,沸点

the operating conditions 操作条件

a packing method 包装法

a writing desk 写字桌

Ⅵ. “the -ing of 原动词的宾语”,这种结构中的 -ing 和名词一样,在句中可作各种成分用,后面还可以搭配原动词要求的介词短语。

  1. The melting of iron requires a very high temperature. 铁的熔融需要一个很高的温度。

  2. Oxidation means the combining of any material with oxygen. 氧化指的是任何物质和氧的化合。

  3. The sudden heating of the air by lightning flashes causes thunder. 闪电对空气的突然加热,就引起了雷鸣。(这里用 by 引出 -ing 的行为发出者。)

从上述例句中不难看出,原动词的其它支配关系仍然可以保留(见例句 2,3 中的 with 和 by 短语)。但是修饰动词原来用的是副词,在本情况下改用形容词。

Ⅶ. “主语 感觉动词或 have(致使)等 宾语 -ing”,句中 -ing(现在分词)作宾语补语用,即 -ing 起着宾语的“谓语”作用。

  1. we saw the train coming towards the station.(当时)我们看见火车正朝着车站开过来。

  2. Those conditions can't have you doing the experiment. 那些条件不能使你做这个实验。

Ⅶ. 注意“主语 动词 宾语 as -ing”结构,这里 -ing 作宾语补语用:

  1. We showed these compounds as having different structures. 我们证明了这些化合物具有不同的结构。

  2. They regard these experiments as being too simple for them. 他们以为这些实验对他们说来是太简单了。

  3. We think of AB as being a straight line. 我们认为 AB 是一条直线。

注:上述第 2,3 句中 being 也可以省略。

Ⅸ. “主语 被动态谓语 -ing”,这里 -ing 作主语补语。

  1. This step of work is called testing a hypothesis. 这个工作步骤叫做对假说的验证。

  2. He was seen taking pictures with a mini camera. 有人看见他用一架小型照相机在拍照。

Ⅹ. “主语 被动态谓语 as -ing”,这里 -ing 作主语补语。

  1. Water can be shown as containing admixtures. 可以证明水含有杂质。

  2. This automatic control instrument has been known as controlling the Production process. 大家都已知道,这个自动控制仪是控制生产过程的。

必须指出,当上述句型结构中 -ing 是 being 时,being 常可以省略。例如:

  1. This may be taken as (being) a result of over heating. 这可以(被)当做是过热的结果。

  2. More than one type of mistake may be thought of as (being) present. 可以认为存在着一种类型以上的错误。


  1. Only those substances which can be considered as being mixtures have a depressed melting point. 那些物质可以认为是混合物,只有它们才具有较低的熔点。

  2. This method previously mentioned as affording good results, is widely used. 前面提到的能产生良好效果的这种方法,目前广泛采用。(由作定语的 mentioned 引出补语)

Ⅺ. -ing(动名词)出现前用形式主语或形式宾语 it 的两种情况:


  1. It is no use only learning theories without practice. 只学理论而不实践是没有用的。

  2. We think it necessary improving the production process. 我们认为改进生产过程是必要的。(形式宾语)

注:详见“It 用法和判别” 第 57 节。

Ⅻ. “when, while 等 -ing(现在分词)”是个省略句形式,省略了与主句相同的主语和其相应的 be。例如:

  1. While working in the plant, we learned a lot from the workers. 我们在工厂劳动期间,向工人学到了许多东西。

  2. When being cooled from the red heat temperature, the steel reduced its capacity to dissolve carbon. 当钢从赤热温度冷却下来时,便降低了它的碳的溶解度。(意译)

  3. The melting ice keeps the same temperature while melting. 融解的冰在融解时,温度保持不变。

Ⅷ. “名词 -ing(动名词)”整个地作前置定语用:(注意下面 XIV、A 和 XV 区别开)


  1. a pipe bending machine 弯管机

  2. a gas welding machine 气焊机

  3. a steam cooling system 蒸汽冷却系统

  4. a self priming centrifugal pump 自吸离心泵

上述词组内,不可把 -ing 和后面的名词理解为现在分词短语来修饰 -ing 前的名词,而应把 -ing 理解为动名词,-ing 前的名词乃是 -ing 行为的对象(如1,3)或行为方式方法(如2,4)。同时必须注意与下面的 XN 用法区别开。

XIV. “名词或代词 -ing”构成一种特殊的“主谓”关系,称为复合结构。这里一般有三种情况:

A. 带有 -ing 的独立分词结构

  1. It being now pretty late, we took our candles and retired to our room. 天很晚了,我们就拿起蜡烛退回到房间。(表示原因)

  2. There are many kinds of steel, each having its special uses in industry. 钢有多种,每种在工业上都有其特定用途。(表示伴随)

  3. The group president coming in time, they will set out for Beijing at six o’clock. 如果集团总裁按时到来,他们就六点出发去北京。(表示条件)

  4. Night falling, the children hurried home. 夜色降临,孩子们急忙回家。(表示原因)

  5. Circumstances permitting, we shall begin to work tomorrow. 情况允许,我们明天就开始工作。(表示条件)

  6. The question being settled, we all left the room. 问题解决之后,我们都离开了房间。(being 还可省略。)(表示时间)

  7. He watched the soldiers pass, his eyes (being) bright and eager. 他双眼发亮,满怀激情,望着战士通过。(表示方式)

  8. I stood out of doors, my hand (being) on his shoulder. 我站在室外,一只手搭在他的肩膀上。(表示伴随动作)

  9. So the synthetic plastics industry was born, other chemists starting to synthesize many other useful plastics of a similar type. 于是合成塑料工业诞生,而其他化学家就开始合成相似类型的许多其它有用的塑料。(表示结果)

B. 复合结构作主语、宾语、介词宾语(含“物主代词 -ing”作复合结构)


  1. Some companies working together developed some new-type building materials. 几家公司协作,研制出一些新型的建筑材料。(复合结构作主语。)

  2. Your going there won't help much. 你们去那边,不一定会有多少帮助。(主语)

  3. We regretted him (或 his) misunderstanding us. 我们由于他误解了我们而感到遗憾。(复合结构或宾语)

  4. Please excuse me (或 my) interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰您。(同上)

  5. We heard about our teacher going (或 having gone) to Beijing. 我们听说我们的老师要去(或已经去)北京。(复合结构作介词宾语。)

  6. a. You can count on her helping you. 你可以指望她来帮助你。(同上)

    b. He insits on going there. 他坚持要去那里。(介词宾语。由于主语已经是 He,故不要在 going 前加 his。)

  7. His expression was like that of a cat eyeing a cup of milk. 当时他的表情像一只猫盯着一杯牛奶那样。(同上。意译。句中 that 是代表前面的名词 expression。)

  8. A steam engine gives us an example of heat being turned into work. 蒸汽机给了我们一个由热转变为功的例子。(介词宾语)

  9. The explanation lies in the product (being) more stable. 这种解释在于这个产物是较为稳定的。(同上)

  10. Coal was made by rocks pressing on trees and plants which died millions of years ago. 煤是岩石紧压千百万年以前死去的树木植物而形成的。(介词宾语)

  11. Do you object to our helping him with his lessons. 你反对我们帮助他做功课吗?(介词宾语)

  12. Do you mind me (或 my) closing the window? 你在乎我把窗户关上吗?(宾语)

  13. Gases and liquids are perfectly elastic, after their being compressed they return to their original volume as soon as the applied force is removed. 气体和液体是很有弹性的。在它们受压缩以后,当施加的力一移走,它们就马上恢复原来的体积。(介词宾语)

  14. His speech was very eloquent, to say nothing of its having been significant. 他的演讲很动听,而意味深长更不用说了。(介词宾语,但不定式短语 to say nothing of… 为插入语。)

C. 在 with without 后用“主谓”结构,表示伴随情况等,作状语。

  1. Before 1949, the workers could hardly work with that noise going on. 1949 年前工人们在那种闹声持续下几乎不能工作。

  2. With the side reaction preceding the reaction, the yields were very low. 反应前发生副反应,故产率很低。

  3. With all the children being at home during the holidays, their mother has a great deal of work to do. 由于所有的小孩假期都呆在家里,母亲就有许多事要做。

  4. One body never exerts a force on another without the second reacting against the first. 一个物体对另一个物体施加力,从来不会不受到后者的反作用力。

注:有时 with without 后用的 being, having been 还可省略。例如:With the experiments(having been) carried out, we started new investigations. 这些实验完成了,我们就开始了新的研究。

XV. 注意“名词或其词组 -ing”用作报刊或一幅画等的标题:


  1. Clinton visiting China. 克林顿正在中国访问

  2. Premier Zhu talking with on old scientist. 朱总理和一位老科学家谈话

XⅥ. -ing 的名词化(上文 Ⅵ 中的 -ing 也可视为名词化)

  1. Multiply the centigrade reading by 1.8 because 1℃ equals 1.8F. 将摄氏读数乘以1.8,因为 1℃ 等于 1.8T。

  2. This is the meaning of Newton’s Third Law:there is always an equal reaction to every action. 这是牛顿第三定律的意义:对于每一个作用力总是有其大小相等的反作用力。

  3. Calculate the unknowns in the following. …计算下面的未知数:……

  4. We gave the classroom a good cleaning. 我们把教室好好地打扫了一下。

  5. Synthesis is the putting together of chemical elements to form a compound. 合成是把化学元素放在一起以生成化合物。(putting 虽已名词化,但原动词的搭配关系,如 together 和 to form a compound 仍保留下来。关于这一点必须给予一定注意。)

XVII. 某些 -ing 作插入语用。这时,-ing 所表示的行为在句中没有逻辑的主语,可按固定的惯用语来记。

  1. Generally speaking, this book is not difficult. 总的说来,这本书并不难。

  2. Judging from what you say, he could have done this work still better. 从你说的话看来,他满可以把工作做得更好一些。

从上面两句可看出,speaking(说)和 judging(判断)的行为发生者不是句中主语。这是和 -ing 作状语不同的。此外,插入语前后一般都有逗号隔开。

  1. Putting it mildly, she looked over your carelessness. 说婉转一些,她宽容了你的粗枝大叶。

  2. Talking of this exam, will you be up with him? 至于这项考试,你会跟他不相上下吗?

XVIII. 某些 -ing 作介词用:

  1. Inform us regarding (或 of) this matter. 将有关这件事的消息通知我们。

  2. Very little is known concerning (或 about) these problems. 关于这些问题人们知道得很少。

  3. Considering his age, he has done very well. 就他的年龄而论,他已做得非常好。

  4. He has done very well, considering (that) he has no experience. 像他这样没有经验,算是做得不错了。(意译。介词 considering 接一个介词宾语从句。)

注:参阅第 139 节 Ⅷ。

XIX. 某些 -ing 转化为从句的连词

  1. Supposing (that) I see him, what shall I tell him? 假如我见到他,我将告诉他什么呢?(条件从句)

  2. Seeing (that) you have come, we will settle this problem together with you now. 由于你来了,我们现在就和你一起解决这个问题。(原因从句)

  3. Not with standing (that) it was raining, we went for a mall-walk. 尽管下雨,我们还是去商场游逛了。(让步从句)

  4. Granting that this is true (或 Granting that to be true)’ how does it answer your argument? 就算那是事实,又怎样解释你的论据呢?(让步从句)

XX. -ing 短语作同位语:

  1. Now compare the work done lifting the cart with the work done pulling it up the inclined plane. 现将提升车子所作的功和沿着斜面拉车上来所作的功进行比较。(句中 done 为 work 的后置定语,两个动名词短语作同位语。)

  2. This substance is splitting up, or decomposing, into many useful products. 这种物质正在分裂,即正在分解为许多有用的产物。(句中现在分词 decomposing 作 splitting up 的同位语。)

二、-ing 用法的判别

I. -ing 语法功用的初步综合比较:(以 cutting metal 为例)

  1. Cutting metal is no simple operation. 金属切削并非简单的操作。(主语)

  2. We are cutting metal. 我们正在切削金属。(组成谓语部分,和 are 构成现在进行时。)

  3. One of the important uses of this machine tool is cutting metal. 这种机床的重要用途之一是切削金属。(表语)

  4. The worker stopped cutting metal. 那个工人停止了金属切削。(宾语)

  5. We saw many workers cutting metal. 我们看见许多工人在切削金属。(宾语补语)

  6. They were found cutting metal in the workshop. 有人发现他们在车间切削金属。(主语补语)

  7. This lathe is used for cutting metal. 这台机床是供切削金属用的。(介词 for 的宾语)

  8. Before cutting metal you should carefully clean the machine. 切削金属前,你必须仔细地把机器清理干净。(介词 before 的宾语)

  9. The student cutting metal in the workshop works very hard. 在车间切削金属的那位学生工作很努力。(后置定语)

  10. Cutting metal, the workers are very careful. 切削金属时,工人们是非常谨慎的。(时间状语)

  11. While cutting metal, the workers don't talk with each other. 工人们在切削金属时不相互交谈。(cutting 前省略“ the workers are”,故 cutting 是谓语组成部分。)

  12. There are lots of metal cutting machines in our plant. 我们厂里有许多金属切割机床。(定语)

上述 12 句中 cutting metal 总是作“金属切削”或“切削金属”讲,但在不同上下文和搭配关系中就起着不同的语法作用。它在第 1,3,4,7,8,12 句中顶作名词用,故为动名词;它在其余句中作现在分词。这里关键在于 -ing 短语处于何种位置和与哪些词搭配。

II. 对于 -ing 作状语、独立分词结构和插入语的判别

-ing 在句中作状语,其动作发生者和句中主语是一致的,或也是一种主谓关系(见本节、一、Ⅳ-D 各例句)。但在独立分词结构中必有 -ing 的行为发生者,并位于 -ing 前面(见本节、一、ⅪV-A)。只有当 there is 结构改成独立分词结构时,主语才在 -ing 后面:

  1. The car stopped, there being no fuel in the tank. 因为油箱内没有燃料,车子停了。

  2. The rain having stopped, we resumed the game. 雨停了,我们就恢复比赛。

插入语与上述两种结构的差别在于插入语的 -ing 行为发生者在句中找不到。它一般用来表示作者对句中所表达意思的态度。插入语前后一般有逗号隔开(见本节、一、 XVI)。

III. 现在分词短语作时间状语时,如果其动作一发生,谓语动作立即随之发生,则该现在分词可用其一般式作状语,并常置于句首。例如:

  1. Arriving at the station, he found the train had left. 他到达车站就发现火车已开走。

  2. All preparations made, we started the experiment. 一切准备就绪,我们就开始做实验。(可以理解为 made 前省略 having been。但当动作紧凑时,常省略 having been。)

Ⅳ. 句末“(thus 或 there by) -ing”结构常作结果状语。例如:

They did not have the courage to admit the limited aspect of their own advantages, thus(或there by) suppressing another aspect of the truth. 他们没有勇气承认自己长处的有限性,因而抹杀了真理的另一方面。

Ⅴ. 注意由 -ing 带来的一系列复杂关系


A. 由 -ing 引出从句

  1. We stand by the lathe watching how it is operated. 我们站在车床旁边,看着车床是如何操作的。(作状语的现在分词 watching 引出宾语从句。)

  2. We use insulators to prevent electrical charges from going where they are not wanted. 我们用绝缘体来防止电荷流到不需要电荷的地方去。(动名词 going 作介词 from 的宾语,本身又引出地点状语从句。)

  3. Because mixtures vary in composition, there must be a way of telling how much solute is present in a solution. 由于混合物的组成可以变化,所以一定要有一个能说明溶液中有多少溶质存在的鉴别法。(动名词 telling 引出宾语从句。)

  4. A simplified reaction showing what happens in the process is given below. 简化反应式表明过程中发生什么,可见下式所示。(现在分词 showing 作后置定语,本身又引出宾语从句。)

  5. A current of 1 ampere flowing when the potential difference is 1 volt is 1 watt of power. 当电位差为 1 伏时流过 1 安培电流,其功率为 1 瓦。(状语从句,说明现在分词 flowing,而 flowing 本身为后置定语。)

  6. Holding a load while you are standing still is not work. 当你站着不动时拿着一个负载,这不是作功。(状语从句,说明动名词 holding。)

  7. One of the ways is by distillation, which involves heating the solution until the pure water evaporates. 其中一种方法是采用蒸馏。蒸馏是将溶液加热,直到纯水蒸发出来。(状语从句,说明动名词短语 heating the solution。)

  8. These changes are quite important in understanding why gases are turned into liquids. 这些变化对于理解气体为何变成液体是很重要的。(动名词引出宾语从句。)

B. -ing 前面的名词不是行为发出者,而是行为的对象或行为的方式方法

  1. an oil feeding system 给油系统(行为对象)

  2. the peace-loving people 热爱和平的人民(行为对象)

  3. a hand milling machine 手铣机(行为方法)

  4. a high speed milling machine 高速铣床(行为方式)

  5. In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam maybe hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化(火力)发电厂内,蒸汽也许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。(行为对象)

上述 -ing 均为动名词或现在分词,而对它的行为对象和行为方式方法的判别,只能根据逻辑意义来判别。

Ⅵ. -ing(动名词)和动词不定式用于类似句子中时的重要区别


A. 跟动词不定式相比,-ing 所表示的含义是一般的和抽象的。例如:

  1. a. I like reading newspapers. 我喜欢看报。(宾语表示爱好和习惯动作。)

    b. I’d like to read our netnews today. 今天我愿意读我们的网络新闻。(宾语。某一时间的一次动作。)

  2. a. As a rule, he prefers walking in the evening. 他通常宁肯晚上散步。(动名词短语作宾语,表示习惯性动作。)

    b. She prefers to go this evening. 她宁肯今晚走。(宾语。一次动作)

由于 -ing 所表示的动作是一般的和抽象的,所以有时甚至可以变为泛指,不限于指句中某人或物所发出的行为。例如:Our teachers always pay attention to combining theory with practice. 我们的教师经常注意理论结合实际。(介词 to 的宾语)上句表明:除了他们本人在讲课中经常注意理论结合实际以外,同时也注意学生理论结合实际情况。

B. 在 forget (忘记),remember (记得),stop (停止)等词后面的动词不定式和 -ing 动名词所表示的意义不同:

  1. a. He forgot writing (或 having written) the letter. 他忘记了写过那封信。(宾语。事实上他过去已写了那封信。)

    b. He forgot to write the letter. 他忘记了(去)写那封信。(宾语。事实上他还没写信呢!)

  2. a. The object stops moving. 该物体停止运动。(宾语)

    b. He stopped to look at his watch. 他停下来看一下表。(目的状语)

  3. a. He tried raising rabbits in the countryside. 他当时在乡下试验养兔子。

    b. She tried to raise rabbits, but never put it into practice. 那时她试图养兔,但没有付诸实施。

  4. a. I regretted telling you the truth. 我后悔告诉了你真相。

    b. She regretted to tell you the truth. 那时她遗憾地要告诉你真相。

  5. a. Please go on reading the text. 请接着继续念课文。

    b. Then I went on to write a letter. 后来我接着改为去写信。

  6. a. I remember going there two years ago. 我记得两年前到那边去了。

    b. He must remember to send the video mail. 他必须记住把这个语音邮件发出去。

注:对于 endure, bear 等少数动词而言,用 -ing 或不定式短语时意思差不多。

1)She didn't endure seeing(或 to see)such animals cruelly treated. 那时她不忍去看这样一些动物受到残酷对待。

2)I can't bear being (或 to be) laughed at. 我不能忍受被别人取笑。

C. 动词 go 后的动作若为表示运动游戏的非谓语动词,则一般用现在分词,而不用不定式。


  1. He went dancing(或 swimming, playing basketball). 他去跳舞(或游泳、打篮球)了。

  2. They want to go fishing (或 shopping). 他们想去钓鱼(或买东西)。

D. begin 和 start 用于进行时态时,后面所接的非谓语动词只能用不定式

  1. It is starting to snow. 要开始下雪。

  2. The water in the kettle was beginning to boil. 那时水壶里的水正开始沸腾(或煮开)。


