and the的连读发音技巧(外教讲语法soundsand)

and the的连读发音技巧(外教讲语法soundsand)(1)



1. 无字幕版

2. 中英双语版

3. 焦大婶课堂小结

Lesson:Sounds and spelling(英语发音与拼写)

Part 1: The same letter can have different pronunciations.相同的字母可以有不同的发音。

Part 2: Different letters can have the same sound.不同的字母可以有相同的发音。

Part 3: How to count letters and sounds? Very often words would have more letters than sounds.如何数字母和发音个数?通常单词里的字母数量会比发音要多。

4. 翻译文本参考(时间条→中文→英文)

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Hello, I'm Oli, welcome to Oxford online english, in this pronunciation lesson, you can learn about sounds and spelling in English.

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If you just look at a word in English,

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Do you know how to pronounce it?

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并不总是这样, 这可能很难。因为在英语中, 我们写单词的方式和我们说它的方式并不总是一样的。

Not always, it can be difficult, because in English, the way we write a word and the way we say it are not always the same.

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In this lesson, you can learn more about the differences between how we write a word and how we say a word in English.

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Part One, the same letter. Can I have different sounds?

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Look at three words.

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All of these words contained the letter o, is the letter o pronounced in the same way in each word?

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No, in phone, the letter "o" has an /əʊ/ sound.

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In clock, "o" has an /ɔ/ sound, and in for, "o" has an /ɔː/ sound.

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So here we have three different words, all with the same letter but with three different pronunciations.

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第二部分,不同的字母可以有相同的发音。让我们再看三个单词:big, England,busy。

Part Two, different letters can have the same sound. Let's look at three more words: big, England,busy.

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OK, some questions, what sounds does the "i" in "big" make?

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What sound does the "e" in "England" make? And what sound does the "u" in "busy" make?

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Listen again. big,England,busy

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These three letters all have the same sound /ɪ/.

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这里我们有三个不同的字母," i","e"和"u",但它们都发一个音/ɪ/。

So here we have three different letters, "i","e" and "u", but they all make one sound /ɪ/.

00:02:01,690 --> 00:02:07,810

好吧。在这一点上, 应该很清楚, 字母和发音在英语中不是同一件事。

OK, at this point, it should be clear that letters and sounds are not the same thing in English.

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So let's look at this in more detail.

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第三部分,如何数字母和发音? 好,再看三个单词: 快,七,红。

Part Three, how to count letters and sounds? OK, look at three more words:fast, seven, red.

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I want you to think about two questions, how many letters do these words have and how many sounds do these words have?

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OK, well, the first question is easy, "fast" has four letters, "seven" has five letters, and "red" has three letters.

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What about the second question, how many sounds do the words have?

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Well, actually "fast" has four sounds. /f/,/ɑː/,/s/,/t/

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"seven" has five sounds,/s/,/e/,/v/,/ə/,/n/

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“red”有三个音。/ r /, / e /, / d /

And "red" has three sounds. /r/,/e/,/d/

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So all of these words have the same number of letters and sounds.

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"fast" has four letters and four sounds, "seven" has five letters and five sounds, and "red" has three letters and three sounds.

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这使得这些单词很容易发音, 因为你看到一个字母等于一个音。

That makes these words easy to pronounce because you see the word one letter equals one sound.

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It's easy.

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But are all English words like this? No, most English words are not like this. This is what makes English pronunciation difficult.

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So let's look at this again. Part Four, letters and sounds are not always the same thing.

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OK, listen to three more words:coffee, teacher, shopping.

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Think about the same questions we asked before, how many letters does each word have and how many sounds does each word have?

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So "coffee" has six letters, but how many sounds? Just four.

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The two "f"s together make one /f/ sound.

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两个“e”在一起,发出一个/i/音。所以有四个音,/ k/,/ɒ/,/f/,/i/。

And the two "e"s together, make one /i/ sound. So there are four sounds, /k/,/ɒ/,/f/,/i/.

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"teacher" has seven letters. How many sounds?

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four again.

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So the two letters "ea" make one /iː/ sound.

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The two letters "ch" make one /tʃ/ sound, and the two letters "er" make one /ə(r)/ sound.

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So there are four sounds in the word /t/,/iː/,/tʃ/,/ə(r)/.

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"shopping" has eight letters. How many sounds? Five.

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Letters "sh" together, make one /ʃ/ sound.

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两个“p”加在一起是one /p/发音,字母“ing”是one /ɪŋ/发音。

The two "p"s together make one /p/ sound, and the letters "ing" make one /ɪŋ/ sound.

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So that leaves five sounds.

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/ʃ/,/ɒ/,/ p /, /ɪ/,/ŋ/


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Often a word has more letters than sounds, because two or more letters together can make one sound.

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Sometimes three or four letters together can make one sound. For example, look at the word "four", f-o-u-r.

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In this word, the three letters, "o-u-r" make one sound /ɔː(r)/.

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Let's look at three more words: one, use, Europe. Same questions, how many letters? how many sounds?

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Well, let's look at "one".

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"one" has three letters and three that's easy, right?

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But what are the three sounds?

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/ w /, /ʌ/,/ n /。


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Where does that /w/ sound come from?

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What about the other words? Well, "use" has three sounds again.

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Again, you can see a /j/ sound which is pronounced, but which isn't obviously in the written word.

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“Europe”有五个音,/ j/,/ʊə/,/r/,/ə/,/p/。

"Europe" has five sounds, /j/,/ʊə/,/r/,/ə/,/p/.

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Once again, you can see there's a /j/ sound in the pronunciation, which isn't written clearly in the word.

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So to review, very often words would have more letters than sounds, because very often two or more letters together can produce one sound.

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Sometimes there are extra sounds which are not obviously written, but which are pronounced when you say the word.

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好的 让我们一起做一些练习 我给你五个单词

OK, let's do some practice together. I'm going to give you five words.

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apple, because, student, keep, Wednesday.

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想想同样的问题 这些单词有多少个字母 有多少个发音

Think about the same questions, how many letters do these words have and how many sounds do these words have?

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如果你愿意 可以暂停视频 思考一下你的答案 等你准备好了 我们可以再开始 一起看答案

If you want, pause the video and think about your answer, we can start again when you're ready and look at the answers together.

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好的 准备好了 让我们检查

OK, ready. Let's check.

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"apple" has five letters and three sounds.

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/æ/,/ p /, / l /


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"because" has seven letters and five sounds.

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/ b /, /ɪ/,/ k /, /ɒ/,/ z /


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"student" has seven letters and eight sounds.

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How's this possible? Let's look, sir.

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在/uː/之前有一个额外的a /j/,从拼写上看也不明显,但在发音上是这样的。

There's an extra a /j/ before the /uː/, which again is not obvious from the spelling, but it's in the pronunciation.

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"keep"有五个字母和三个发音,/ k/,/iː/,/p/。

"keep" has five letters and three sounds, /k/,/iː/,/p/.

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"Wednesday" night letters, six sounds.

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好了,这节课就到这里。非常感谢您的收看,您可以在我们的网站oxford Online English com上看到更多关于我们免费课程的信息。

OK, that's the end of the lesson. Thank you very much for watching, you can see more about our free lessons on our website, oxford Online English com.

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在视频描述中 你可以看到这节课的完整版本的链接

In the video description, you can see a link to the full version of this lesson.

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完整版本包括一个小测验和全文 所以你可以复习和练习这个话题

The full version includes a quiz and the full text, so you can review and practice this topic some more.

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以上就是本期节目的全部内容 再次感谢您的收看 下次再见 再见

But that's all, thanks again for watching, I'll see you next time. Bye bye.

4. 备注





and the的连读发音技巧(外教讲语法soundsand)(2)


