


hesitance 英 /ˈhezɪtəns/ n. 踌躇;犹豫

考点1: n.犹豫,不情愿: the quality or state of being hesitant, reluctance

e.g. sales figures for the month were up, as consumers began to overcome their hesitance about purchasing big-ticket items 月销售额有所上涨,因为消费者对于大件商品的购买由观望转向消费

: faltering, indecision, irresolution, vacillation, wavering, wobbling

: alacrity, impetuosity, inclination, willingness 冲动,乐意

elastic 英 /ɪˈlæstɪk/ 美 /ɪˈlæstɪk/ adj. 有弹性的;灵活的;易伸缩的 n. 松紧带;橡皮圈

考点1: adj.有弹性的: easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded

e.g. elastic rubber band 弹性橡胶圈

: bouncy, flexible, malleable, resilient, stretchable, supple

: rigid, stiff僵化的

考点2: adj.能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的: capable of recovering quickly especially from depression or disappointment

e.g. owe her success to an elastic optimistic nature 将她的成功归因于能迅速走出悲伤的乐观品质

: adaptable, adjustable, buoyant, pliable, volatile

: established, fixed, immutable 不变的

: inelastic adj无弹性的,非弹性的

overwhelm 英 /ˌəʊvəˈwelm/ 美 /ˌoʊvərˈwelm/ vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮

考点1: vt.淹没: to cover with or as if with a flood

e.g. That spring the massive runoff from melting snows overwhelmed the valley. 那个春天,整个村庄被融雪形成的洪流吞没了。

: deluge, drown, engulf, inundate, overflow, submerge, submerse, swamp

: drain抽干

考点2: vt.(感情上、精神上)使无所适从,使难以承受: to subject to incapacitating emotional or mental stress

e.g. Just the thought of how much work there is to do overwhelms me. 仅仅是想想还有多少工作没完成就几乎让我喘不过气了。

: devastate, oppress, overcome, overmaster, overpower, prostrate, whelm

: relieve 使舒缓

: overwhelming adj.势不可挡的,无法抗拒的

magnificent 英 /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ 美 /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的

考点1: adj.壮丽的: strikingly beautiful or impressive

e.g. a magnificent cathedral宏伟壮观的大教堂

: august, epic, glorious, grand, imperial, imposing, massive, monumental, noble, regal, splendid

: humble, unimpressive 平凡的

: magnificence n.壮丽,壮观

immutable 英 /ɪˈmjuːtəbl/ 美 /ɪˈmjuːtəbl/ adj. 不变的;不可变的;不能变的

考点1: adj.不可变的: not capable of changing or being changed

e.g. One of the immutable laws of television is that low ratings inevitably lead to cancellation. 电视行业中一个不变的原则就是: 低收视率的节目必然会被撤掉

: constant, fixed, inalterable, inflexible, invariable, unalterable, unchangeable

: alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, mutable, variable 可变的

: immutability n. 不变性


